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LarrySellerz 08-09-23 11:06 PM

8 miles, but crashed halfway through. Continued on because it was easier to get to a “base” of work than home. Think I have a couple bruised/broken ribs, in pretty bad shape. Was totally my fault, and funnily enough I was telling people yesterday that I was going to crash today because my bike was having issues. My crash was unrelated to the bike issues, but yeah weird timing.

there’s this girl at work who I’ve had a soft spot for a year or so now, but I think it’s just that I don’t really talk to girls/have no life so my mind is playing tricks on me. She has a long term boyfriend anyways. I messaged her to send healing vibes my way, I feel like women have a healing nature if they care about the person they are trying to heal. Like some long distance Reiki stuff. Don’t think her bf likes me very much, but whatever I won’t do anything. House manager gave me some opioids so I’m kind of out of it. It’s a bizarre sober living house, why does he even have opioids to give me? Hey at least he cares and is babying me so it’s working out nicely. I “need” stitches on my finger but that’s not happening.

crash happened in an intersection, I was taking a weird aggressive line and had to swerve back into the bike lane, but there was another cyclist I had just passed and I had the sudden thought that if he realized what I was doing and accelerated to run it with me, I could potentially cut him off when swerving back into the bike lane. My indecisiveness caused me to clip the back of a truck and took me out. The other cyclist was being a dick, I was like “**** that was a bad decision” and he’s just like “yeah that was dumb” or something he was being pretty condescending and didn’t unclip to pull my bike out of the road. Definitely didn’t realize his role in the crash, just thought I was giving cyclists a bad name. Like dude I instantly took fault I don’t need you to give me any grief. Asks “do you have broken bones” saying how messed up my hand looks, like dude get off your bicycle and help me don’t just say “wow you’re covered in blood, are you good, that was dumb.” So yeah I’m super salty and shouldn’t be taking it out on the rando cyclist.

cool thing about being a cyclist is the other vehicle has no recourse against you. The car I hit just drove off. What’s he gonna do, ask for my insurance? Get mad at the dude who is covered in blood? Not likely. If I was in a car that rear ended him it would have been this whole ordeal with cops and stuff.

So I get to work and the front gate is like “wow do you need medical assistance” and I’m like “no I’m just going to find my boss and tell him I can’t work the rest of the week.” So I ride around trying to find my partner, dude has no cell phone, and I can’t find his truck at the first couple buildings I check and eventually I get accosted by good samaritans who insisted that they call medical. Like 3 front gate people came and cleaned me up a bit, brought me to the doctor on site who said he couldn’t stitch me up because it didn’t happen at work. Was kind of embarrassing tbh I don’t like creating work for other people. I’m about to get a full time position, hopefully nobody in HR notices and cares about this occupational health visit.

sry for the blog post, feeling off because I have no tolerance to opioids so I’m a little out of it.

LarrySellerz 08-09-23 11:29 PM

Originally Posted by Sierra_rider (Post 22979449)
but lost it again on Tuesday. I'm battling with a local kid over supremacy on a short, not very popular climb lol.

That sounds really fun. Best use of Strava

tomato coupe 08-09-23 11:54 PM

Originally Posted by LarrySellerz (Post 22979807)
Was totally my fault ...

Originally Posted by LarrySellerz
Definitely didn’t realize his role in the crash ...

By your own description of the event, it seems did nothing to cause the crash.

Originally Posted by LarrySellerz
The other cyclist was being a dick, I was like “**** that was a bad decision” and he’s just like “yeah that was dumb” ...

So, you're upset because you did something dumb and he agreed with you?

LarrySellerz 08-10-23 02:58 AM

Originally Posted by tomato coupe (Post 22979819)
By your own description of the event, it seems did nothing to cause the crash.

So, you're upset because you did something dumb and he agreed with you?

I was upset with his attitude and that he didn't immediately jump to my aid, but no hard feelings

Cdubs 08-10-23 06:00 AM

Not far :twitchy:. Got about 3km into my ride and got a flat. Realized I left my repair kit on the counter at home while I was getting my bag ready. So I had a nice 3km walk back with the bike since it was too early in the morning to call anyone to pick me up. I really cannot think of any time I have left for a bike ride without my tool/repair kit but the day I leave it behind is the day I get a flat.

Sierra_rider 08-10-23 09:07 AM

Originally Posted by rsbob (Post 22979792)
I have the same in 60s and regret going so deep. When the wind is gusty I will swap out my front for a 30 and that helps. Wish they offered single wheels rather than sets. If I had it to do over again, probably would have gone with 45s, but on calm days I can really feel the 60 difference.

It’s cool about your friendly rivalry. I have met some good people on Strava and ride with them occasionally Smack talk is great fun. As an older guy, I am trying to get as many fastest segment times for the 65-70 group. Luckily I have a couple of years before I age-out.

Your climbs are epic. Keep it up.

I used to run 45s on one of my rim-brake bikes, that seemed to be the happy medium on wheel depth. That bike(Ridley Helium) eventually suffered a cracked chainstay, so that's why I'm on the Canyon nowadays. It's been a few years since the crack, but I'm debating on sending the frame down to Calfee for a repair. I love the Canyon, but have been thinking about building that Ridley back up as a "climbing specific" bike. Basically light weight and I'd run the 11-40 rear cassette on it. I ran that cassette on the Canyon for the Death Ride, it was a game changer for a long day in the mountains, but I wouldn't want that gearing on my normal rides.

My Strava "group" is the 180lb+ group...I'll never be lightweight enough to battle for the top of leaderboard on the long climbs, but I'm happy to be near the front in the 180-200lb group. Talking "aging" out of groups reminds me of an older friend I know from riding/racing dirt bikes. He's in his 80s now(still rides)...but he jokes about how every time he would "age" into a new racing class, he'd think that he'd dominate that class. However, the older guys that would be beating him a few years prior were beating him again in his new class.

tomato coupe 08-10-23 10:30 AM

Originally Posted by LarrySellerz (Post 22979858)
I was upset with his attitude and that he didn't immediately jump to my aid ...

And yet, you declined help from other people that offered.

SJX426 08-10-23 10:50 AM

Only have done 11 rides this year! 3 this month and 7 last month
Today did 28 miles and 30 last Sunday.
I am surprised how quickley its coming back. Planning on a ride on Saturday. with a target of 30 again.1200ft total with part being 9.9 % max on a 1 mile hill. (208ft elevation).

My ride: on Flickr

LarrySellerz 08-10-23 01:16 PM

Originally Posted by tomato coupe (Post 22980226)
And yet, you declined help from other people that offered.

I'm not gonna post more about it here, but its a pet peeve of mine when another cyclist doesn't stop to help or acts inconvenienced by a crash. There is a difference between me declining aid 15 minutes after the indecent and being put in the position to decline aid 15 seconds after a brutal crash. Ive helped enough people and seen enough crashes for it to be a no brainer to get off the bike and make sure they are good before proceeding, and I expect the same from strangers. Its not asking too much. But yeah minor gripe

WhyFi 08-10-23 03:11 PM

Originally Posted by LarrySellerz (Post 22980444)
I'm not gonna post more about it here, but its a pet peeve of mine when another cyclist doesn't stop to help or acts inconvenienced by a crash. There is a difference between me declining aid 15 minutes after the indecent and being put in the position to decline aid 15 seconds after a brutal crash. Ive helped enough people and seen enough crashes for it to be a no brainer to get off the bike and make sure they are good before proceeding, and I expect the same from strangers. Its not asking too much. But yeah minor gripe

By your own account, you pulled a dick move, endangering both yourself and him. I can see that leading to a less sympathetic disposition

shelbyfv 08-10-23 06:02 PM

Originally Posted by LarrySellerz (Post 22980444)
but its a pet peeve of mine when another cyclist doesn't stop to help

To be fair, he may not have been aware that you were a fellow cyclist.

jaxgtr 08-10-23 07:04 PM

Originally Posted by rsbob (Post 22979792)
I have the same in 60s and regret going so deep. When the wind is gusty I will swap out my front for a 30 and that helps. Wish they offered single wheels rather than sets. If I had it to do over again, probably would have gone with 45s, but on calm days I can really feel the 60 difference.

It’s cool about your friendly rivalry. I have met some good people on Strava and ride with them occasionally Smack talk is great fun. As an older guy, I am trying to get as many fastest segment times for the 65-70 group. Luckily I have a couple of years before I age-out.

Your climbs are epic. Keep it up.

I've been real happy with my Bontrager Aeolus Pro 51's (disc) and Pro 5's (rim). Never had an issue with the wind on the front, and they roll really nice and the rear hubs are not stupid loud like some wheels are.

jaxgtr 08-10-23 07:11 PM

Got in 21 with 1k of climbing. Had a touch of heat stress yesterday doing the yard work, it was painfully hot and humid. My legs were really heavy today and it took a lot of time for them to warm up, like 15 miles. They started to feel good as the route started downhill, :lol:

rsbob 08-10-23 10:29 PM

50 with 2500’ A couple of PRs and a 5th fastest overall which was a surprise.
Snoqualmie River

jadmt 08-10-23 11:33 PM

111 miles my phone battery died when strava was around 106. My bike computer showed 110.8 miles and always shows less than strava does so at least 111 miles.

Troul 08-11-23 01:24 PM

43 miles

jadmt 08-11-23 02:59 PM

50.66 miles

rsbob 08-11-23 07:13 PM

Originally Posted by Troul (Post 22981444)
43 miles

No pics, it didn’t happen. :D

Troul 08-11-23 07:23 PM

Originally Posted by rsbob (Post 22981808)
No pics, it didn’t happen. :D

my area lacks good scenery... unless potholes, orange barrels, beggars, & rundown neighborhoods are considered good.

Sierra_rider 08-11-23 08:34 PM

I got roughly 45 miles and 5800' gain in today of "gravel." I use that term loosely, I was really under-biked in more than a few spots...2x GRX gearing isn't quite low enough on 15% grades at 8k' up, time to throw the mtb cassette on. No reprieve on the downhills either, I kept looking at the mileage thinking, "why do I feel so crappy at only xx miles?" Barely missed the thunderstorms too, even got a few sprinkles on me. Anyway, I can't complain, riding up here in the mountains is my "church":

jaxgtr 08-11-23 08:44 PM

Originally Posted by Troul (Post 22981824)
my area lacks good scenery... unless potholes, orange barrels, beggars, & rundown neighborhoods are considered good.

Sounds like my area, although the city started cracking down on the people begging at every traffic signal in town. It really got out of hand as someone got hit as they were running across the road from the center divider. Not to mention all the garbage and crap they left behind. Now if they see them, they pick them up and take them to a shelter. The ones I hated were the ones that were using their kids as bait. There was a younger guy that had 3 small boys, and for a while would hang near a light at a home depot. A few people approached him that owned businesses and said they could offer him a job and help with housing if he needed it, to get the kids off the road and in school. He refused it and told the people to go away. They estimated he was making 6 figures a yr doing this as they discovered where he lived was a very nice 3500 ft house. People started calling Dept of Children and Families and he would just move his routine elsewhere before they could show up. I think they finally arrested him for child endangerment or something like that. They then discovered the wife was doing the same scam with a daughter elsewhere in the city.

I got in 28 tonight, took my Emonda out to give my new seat post a shakedown ride. Those Bontrager RSL 27.2 seat post are really nice and make quick work of setting up the saddle position and also pretty dang light at 195 grams.

jadmt 08-11-23 08:50 PM

Originally Posted by Troul (Post 22981824)
my area lacks good scenery... unless potholes, orange barrels, beggars, & rundown neighborhoods are considered good.

sounds like my kind of place...

jadmt 08-11-23 08:54 PM

Originally Posted by jaxgtr (Post 22981891)
Sounds like my area, although the city started cracking down on the people begging at every traffic signal in town. It really got out of hand as someone got hit as they were running across the road from the center divider. Not to mention all the garbage and crap they left behind. Now if they see them, they pick them up and take them to a shelter. The ones I hated were the ones that were using their kids as bait. There was a younger guy that had 3 small boys, and for a while would hang near a light at a home depot. A few people approached him that owned businesses and said they could offer him a job and help with housing if he needed it, to get the kids off the road and in school. He refused it and told the people to go away. They estimated he was making 6 figures a yr doing this as they discovered where he lived was a very nice 3500 ft house. People started calling Dept of Children and Families and he would just move his routine elsewhere before they could show up. I think they finally arrested him for child endangerment or something like that. They then discovered the wife was doing the same scam with a daughter elsewhere in the city.

I got in 28 tonight, took my Emonda out to give my new seat post a shakedown ride. Those Bontrager RSL 27.2 seat post are really nice and make quick work of setting up the saddle position and also pretty dang light at 195 grams.

I had a young gal come up to me and ask if I could spare $20 for baby formula. I asked where her baby was and she said in her car. I said go get the baby and I will go with you into the store and I will get you some formula. She said **** you and went and asked someone else. My buddy who lives in Oregon said he has seen homeless people take there vouchers into Winco and buy cases of water and then empty the water out and go right to the recycle machine to get cash.

jaxgtr 08-11-23 09:23 PM

Originally Posted by jadmt (Post 22981901)
I had a young gal come up to me and ask if I could spare $20 for baby formula. I asked where her baby was and she said in her car. I said go get the baby and I will go with you into the store and I will get you some formula. She said **** you and went and asked someone else. My buddy who lives in Oregon said he has seen homeless people take there vouchers into Winco and buy cases of water and then empty the water out and go right to the recycle machine to get cash.

Yea I will not give cash to anyone, but every so often, you get surprised. There was a young guy soliciting in a grocery store parking lot when my neighbor, minister at a local church; and I ran up there to pick up a large order he placed with the deli for a church function later that day. As we were walking into the store, this dude hit us up for some cash so he could get some food. Neighbor told him he would get him some food and something to drink, but he would not get him cash, and we were both shocked when he took him up on it. Found out this guy had a really horrendous home situation, but he worked with some organizations here in town to help this kid get some housing and some work training. He is now going to the local college and wants to be a dentist. He is such a nice guy, I really hope he is able to make it through school.

The Chemist 08-12-23 07:58 AM

Wasn't quite today as I was away camping, but here's my most recent - best ever distance and climbing totals!

Troul 08-12-23 10:43 AM

45 miles before the rain, 47 after the rain & storms blew over.

jaxgtr 08-12-23 12:15 PM

Got in 49 today, it was brutal hot today. Started with a heat index at 100 at 8 am, ended at 117 by the time I got home at 10:40. I stopped at the bike shop to get some more water and to take advantage of the AC for 20 mins. I will be so happy when this dome of high pressure moves out so we can get some relief from this stuff. I did a couple of bridge loops today, that was a mistake, should have just ridden by it and been on my way. My wife took the dog to the groomer this morning and was not happy with me when she came home and I was gone. She wanted me to ride inside today due to the heat, she said I am too old to ride in that heat. Pishposh woman.... I have to go man up.... :lol:. After 40 years, you'd think she would know me better.

Troul 08-12-23 12:50 PM

Originally Posted by jaxgtr (Post 22982295)
Got in 49 today, it was brutal hot today. Started with a heat index at 100 at 8 am, ended at 117 by the time I got home at 10:40. I stopped at the bike shop to get some more water and to take advantage of the AC for 20 mins. I will be so happy when this dome of high pressure moves out so we can get some relief from this stuff. I did a couple of bridge loops today, that was a mistake, should have just ridden by it and been on my way. My wife took the dog to the groomer this morning and was not happy with me when she came home and I was gone. She wanted me to ride inside today due to the heat, she said I am too old to ride in that heat. Pishposh woman.... I have to go man up.... :lol:. After 40 years, you'd think she would know me better.

lol she'll never come around on that one.
The humidity has been high. As soon as I stop, im drenched & the mosquitoes start to feast.

jaxgtr 08-12-23 01:15 PM

Originally Posted by Troul (Post 22982328)
lol she'll never come around on that one.
The humidity has been high. As soon as I stop, im drenched & the mosquitoes start to feast.

Yea I guess it means she really does cares about me... LOL. My jersey was about 3x's it dry weight when I got home... I guess if there is a benefit to the lack of daily rain lately is the lack of flying insects attacking me

biker128pedal 08-12-23 07:21 PM

Took a warm 66 mile ride on the Capital Trail from Charles City County Courthouse to Richmond. Took a look at the capital. Never seen it in person but years ago visited the Maison Carrée in Nîmes France.

Headed back. Not enough time to make 80 miles. And warm. Stopped for BBQ on the way back. Then ran out of water 10 miles from my end point.

Oh new Terry Fly Ti seat. No more but ache from the Aeolus seat.

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