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Troul 03-06-21 10:01 AM

chased the window & walls for 21 miles.

ultrarider7 03-06-21 05:33 PM
A little over 40 miles today

one4smoke 03-06-21 08:22 PM

27.2 on a pretty chilly Saturday morning.

joesch 03-06-21 08:28 PM

50 on a nice 60 degree Sat. Was first ride over 40 in over a month. Replaced the Mavic wheels with older school campy 8 spd and saddle to Rolls. Steel Serotta rode like a dream.

NoWhammies 03-07-21 01:30 PM

73k with Mrs. NoWhammies as she is getting used to the new bike. Wasn't fast, but was nice to be out riding.

Troul 03-07-21 02:24 PM

80 miles on the trainer & will be this season's final, long, in-door, & looking through a pane of glass while on the trainer miles.

jaxgtr 03-07-21 08:03 PM

:(.... 0 for Saturday, and 0 for Sunday......woke up on Saturday with a major lower back issue and they carried through to today. Between a tens unit and some Lidocaine patches, seems to be getting better.

rsbob 03-07-21 10:25 PM

0 today. Yesterday, 29.45 M. Got rained on a couple of times.

Danhedonia 03-08-21 12:40 AM


ultrarider7 03-08-21 04:02 PM
40 miles

rsbob 03-08-21 08:32 PM

22 miles at 51*. No jacket or leggings but a long sleeve jersey with a t-shirt underneath. A bit chilly so it made me push to stay warm.

NoWhammies 03-08-21 09:39 PM

60k just before sunset.

jaxgtr 03-09-21 11:10 PM

had back issues all last weekend, but did 12 yesterday and 20 today. Back feels much better.

NoWhammies 03-10-21 08:56 AM

65k. Made it home just as dusk was settling in. Felt like I was racing the setting sun the whole way.

Troul 03-10-21 10:58 AM

indoor miles of 19 yesterday, 18 today.

Troul 03-11-21 05:41 AM

20.x miles with a 19 mph headwind that seemed to never go away. Outside.

Troul 03-12-21 07:31 AM

28 aggressive indoor miles.

NoWhammies 03-12-21 08:48 AM

60k just before dusk hit.

jaxgtr 03-13-21 01:34 PM

Been a very crappy March for riding for me. Between a back injury, work project and then a very bad cold this past week and heavy allergy issues ......miles have been far and few , but I did get out today and suffered through the pine pollen collecting on every surface. I got 30 miles in.

diphthong 03-13-21 03:35 PM

16-spot. first ride since tuesday’s c-note. still windy.

Litespud 03-13-21 03:57 PM

Originally Posted by one4smoke (Post 19077952)
(The way it's said in the south by us old guys. :p)

32 miles for me...

115 mi @ 18.2 mph av, ~6200 ft vertical

Troul 03-13-21 04:49 PM

31 miles on the trainer.

ofajen 03-13-21 11:07 PM

Originally Posted by Troul (Post 21965889)
31 miles on the trainer.

Hmmm. I did a tad under 32 miles today in 50F, cloudy, damp and strong headwinds all the way back home after I did a hard pace to get to midway. Fairly brutal in the wind on a single speed. Still beats the heck out of the best indoor ride, IMO. :)



jaxgtr 03-14-21 12:20 AM

One funny thing on my ride today, I rode on one of the MUPs and I mentally make note of what's up ahead of me in the distance, as there are sections where the trail curves and you lose sight of them. At one point, I saw some tail lights initially well ahead of me, as I was cruising along around 18-19 mph, I figured I would come up on them at some point, As I got closer to them, I realized they were some type of more upright bikes, but I was not making any real progress on getting closer, and I was like damn, those people are motoring on those things. When I finally caught them and as I was passing them, I realized, that yes, they were really motoring on them, as they were e-bikes. They were not as tired as I was when they got to the trail head. They happened to be parked next to me and they said that the bikes can reach 25 mph on full power mode.

rsbob 03-14-21 12:39 AM

47 miles at 17.3 MPH, 1200’. Ended up with an extremely blurry left eye when done so had an emergency visit with a retinal specialist.

diphthong 03-14-21 03:12 AM

Originally Posted by Litespud (Post 21965811)
115 mi @ 18.2 mph av, ~6200 ft vertical

woof. particulars and glittering generalities can be offloaded/posted here:

ultrarider7 03-14-21 07:11 AM
First 50 miler of 2021

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