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Eric F 08-31-21 09:08 PM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 22209811)
It’s not even pumpkin spice season.

I'm fine if it's NEVER pumpkin spice season. Un-spicy pumpkins are just fine.

Velo Vol 08-31-21 09:21 PM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 22209846)
Internet sleuthing reveals he lived at the very end of Long Vista Lane. Right on top of the hill.

No Streetview on the Mount (boondocks) but apparently this is the start of the climb:

LesterOfPuppets 08-31-21 09:23 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22209897)
No Streetview on the Mount (boondocks) but apparently this is the start of the climb:

I'd bring my triple for sure.

Velo Vol 08-31-21 09:24 PM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 22209868)
This is how they do it in Washington state.

How did they get to the top of the hill?

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 22209876)
And a little further down the hill is the fake Stonehenge!!!

Near the fake Vancouver?

LesterOfPuppets 08-31-21 09:30 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22209902)
How did they get to the top of the hill?

In the backs of trucks.

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22209902)
Near the fake Vancouver?

It's a fairly long bicycle ride.

Velo Vol 08-31-21 09:42 PM

big john 08-31-21 10:07 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22209862)
This must be a California thing.

I see guys on different types of boards sometimes when I am in the hills. When they are on closed roads they have to walk up. They put the helmet and gear on the board and tow it with a rope as they walk. I've never seen them cause problems for other road users. I was climbing a road and there was an organized ride coming down, along with some boarders. The boarders were safer than the bicyclists that day.

A young guy where I worked did it casually and didn't use protective gear. He got some road rash one time and I think he stopped doing it.

LesterOfPuppets 08-31-21 10:15 PM

Originally Posted by big john (Post 22209937)
A young guy where I worked did it casually and didn't use protective gear. He got some road rash one time and I think he stopped doing it.

Yeah it's best to go with full leathers and full face helmet.

big john 08-31-21 10:32 PM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 22209943)
Yeah it's best to go with full leathers and full face helmet.

Those guys are racing. The guys I see aren't wearing that much gear but they do have helmets, knee, elbow, and wrist pads, at least. The street luge guys wear it all, though.
I was driving home from the store Sunday, it's about a 1.5 mile steady grade with stop signs and speed bumps, and there was a guy on a board coming down. He was shirtless, no helmet, and lying on his stomach. First time seeing that around the 'hood.

ls01 09-01-21 03:45 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22209096)
I was waiting all day for someone to hit that hanging curve. Kudos.

Thank you, I strive for consistency.

ls01 09-01-21 03:48 AM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22209137)
Invite her to go on one of your bike rides. Tell her it's a good way to lose weight.

V.v. so smooth....

indyfabz 09-01-21 04:02 AM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22209823)

Don’t let Big Coffee (or anyone else) decide what season it is for you.

indyfabz 09-01-21 04:10 AM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 22209846)
Internet sleuthing reveals he lived at the very end of Long Vista Lane. Right on top of the hill.

I’m going to ride near there in a couple of weeks. About 20 miles north. Passing through Bloomingburg.

indyfabz 09-01-21 04:12 AM

Ida’s rains have already started to fall.

ls01 09-01-21 04:13 AM

Originally Posted by Eric F (Post 22209841)
My white Nag is a bit older..

...but my fence looks newer.

It's no bench

rjones28 09-01-21 06:27 AM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22209797)
Christmas is in the air.

Nope. Too many mosquitos.

WhyFi 09-01-21 07:13 AM

Cycling content that datlas might appreciate - found this on the inside of one of the pockets of my new jersey -

Trsnrtr 09-01-21 07:46 AM

I can’t remember what brand of tube it was, but when I opened the box, there was a black silicone wrist band stuffed in with the tube. It said, “YOU MATTER. DON’T GIVE UP.” :thumb:

WhyFi 09-01-21 07:51 AM

After a couple of weeks away, with the stupid heat and humidity of VA, I'm over here shivering in my 72° home. Maybe I should bring a sweater along on our trip to the State Fair - it's supposed to be 79° and sunny with low humidity. Brrrr.

datlas 09-01-21 07:58 AM

Not riding due to rain/wet roads. Am watching La Vuelta instead. It’s wet there too. Exciting stage to watch.

Trsnrtr 09-01-21 07:59 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22210243)
Am watching La Vuelta instead. It’s wet there too. Exciting stage to watch.


Trsnrtr 09-01-21 08:04 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22210243)
Not riding due to rain/wet roads.

I’m taking a “forced” rest day due to spending a couple hours at the oncologist’s later. With labs, seeing the doc, and an injection, it all takes a couple hours. Due to COVID, the coffee pots have been removed as well as the soda and vending machines. Makes for a long two hours.

Mojo31 09-01-21 08:14 AM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22210229)
After a couple of weeks away, with the stupid heat and humidity of VA, I'm over here shivering in my 72° home. Maybe I should bring a sweater along on our trip to the State Fair - it's supposed to be 79° and sunny with low humidity. Brrrr.

I was surprised how warm a sunny 69 was in Colorado. Here that's cool and calls for a light sweater. There it was shorts and a t-shirt.

LesterOfPuppets 09-01-21 08:23 AM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22210276)
I was surprised how warm a sunny 69 was in Colorado. Here that's cool and calls for a light sweater. There it was shorts and a t-shirt.

The sun is pretty toasty at high elevations. For some reason nobody has done studies on IR, only UV, but it sure seems like it works in the IR range too.

In a study conducted by Ronald O. Perelman with the Department of Dermatology at the New York University School of Medicine, for every 1,000 feet of elevation you climb, you’ll experience an 8-10 percent increase in ultraviolet intensity.

Bah Humbug 09-01-21 08:27 AM

Originally Posted by BillyD (Post 22209826)
No mountain, it was his home street masquerading as a steep hill.

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 22209846)
Internet sleuthing reveals he lived at the very end of Long Vista Lane. Right on top of the hill.

Thanks guys! That’s nastier even than the hill we live on. Guess there’s no sense in seeing about doing it if we end up there.

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