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Mojo31 10-13-21 04:28 PM

There is an unspoken rule that no matter how big you are you cannot hurt your dad. You can make him nervous though.

big john 10-13-21 04:33 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22268990)
I believe they both still think I can kick their asses. Not sure if it's still true, but as long as they still think it......

I had 2 older brothers and they were scared, too.I think they both got it worse than I did. Younger brother doesn't even remember being hit, I think Dad stopped when he was the last one in the nest. I also have 3 sisters and the two older ones had a taste of the action, too.

We all, except baby brother, moved out at or around the age of 18. My brothers all went into the military, actually.

Trsnrtr 10-13-21 04:33 PM

All this trainer talk made me check my setup and my cabling. I run my Kickr with and iPad cabled by HDMI to a TV. I don't know whether it's my new iPad, new Kickr, or FulGaz updates but everything connected immediately. :thumb:

I should have loaded one of the 4k video routes...

datlas 10-13-21 04:38 PM

I hope to not use the trainer until November. Or December.

genejockey 10-13-21 04:38 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22268996)
There is an unspoken rule that no matter how big you are you cannot hurt your dad. You can make him nervous though.

Reminds me of an exchange from "The Lion In Winter":

Richard: "How's your bad leg?"

Henry: "Better, thank you."

Richard: "Your bad back? You're getting old. You'll have me once too often."

Henry: "When? I'm 50 now. My God, boy, I'm the oldest man I know! I've got a decade on the pope."

big john 10-13-21 04:40 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22268996)
There is an unspoken rule that no matter how big you are you cannot hurt your dad. You can make him nervous though.

When I was about 17 or so a friend of mine fought his step-father in their front yard and he quit after my friend dropped him twice.

Mojo31 10-13-21 04:59 PM

We experienced some belt therapy as kids. My dad denies it now that it is frowned upon by most everyone. I don't know if his denial is revisionist history or failing memory. My bet is the former.

Mojo31 10-13-21 05:00 PM

Originally Posted by big john (Post 22269006)
When I was about 17 or so a friend of mine fought his step-father in their front yard and he quit after my friend dropped him twice.

Step fathers are fair game.

seedsbelize2 10-13-21 05:00 PM

Originally Posted by big john (Post 22268845)
I went out and cruised easy for 2+ hours. I was surprised at how much the little 45 mile ride yesterday kicked my ass. Maybe it was the headwind, maybe it was riding with people on e-bikes, although they let me pull when ever I felt like it. The problem with that is I can't wear them down so later they can just switch to "turbo" mode and climb like a pro.

I changed a tube for a lady today. I saw her working on it and asked if she needed help. She was very happy for the assistance as she was considering walking home.
We talked about the local clubs and she said her husband was a double century type guy for a while. One year he did 26 doubles and then he hung up his bike and wont ride it anymore. Total burn out.

That happened to me with running. I could've run 10 k forever. But no, I had to do a marathon. I trained and trained, and finally ran a half. And never ran again.

seedsbelize2 10-13-21 05:04 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22268922)
And Pacman.

Never did Pacman. Did a little Frogger. And Pong, of course.

seedsbelize2 10-13-21 05:07 PM

Originally Posted by DougRNS (Post 22268969)
good idea to avoid nut busting.

Speaking of which. I hit a smallish speed bump today, at speed, not having seen it. I was happy I was riding the test saddle with the cutout. And I managed to stay on the bike

seedsbelize2 10-13-21 05:15 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22269025)
Step fathers are fair game.

I am a stepfather. Of a stepdaughter. She's 42. I'm certain she could take me.

genejockey 10-13-21 05:24 PM

Originally Posted by big john (Post 22268845)
I went out and cruised easy for 2+ hours. I was surprised at how much the little 45 mile ride yesterday kicked my ass. Maybe it was the headwind, maybe it was riding with people on e-bikes, although they let me pull when ever I felt like it. The problem with that is I can't wear them down so later they can just switch to "turbo" mode and climb like a pro.

I changed a tube for a lady today. I saw her working on it and asked if she needed help. She was very happy for the assistance as she was considering walking home.
We talked about the local clubs and she said her husband was a double century type guy for a while. One year he did 26 doubles and then he hung up his bike and wont ride it anymore. Total burn out.

1999 - 2001 I rode a LOT. I did club rides with PenVelo Saturday and Sunday for at least a year, plus riding at least 3 days a week. Spring of 2002, I just didn't start up again. The group rides, much as I enjoyed them, had burned me out on cycling.

LesterOfPuppets 10-13-21 05:33 PM

Minnetonka report:

A little choppy out there.


WhyFi 10-13-21 05:35 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22268990)
I believe they both still think I can kick their asses. Not sure if it's still true, but as long as they still think it......

Among younger guys, there are still whispers of 'old man strength,' enough so that many aren't looking to test it out.

Mojo31 10-13-21 05:40 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22269064)
Among younger guys, there are still whispers of 'old man strength,' enough so that many aren't looking to test it out.

There is also a money factor at times.

big john 10-13-21 05:44 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22269054)
1999 - 2001 I rode a LOT. I did club rides with PenVelo Saturday and Sunday for at least a year, plus riding at least 3 days a week. Spring of 2002, I just didn't start up again. The group rides, much as I enjoyed them, had burned me out on cycling.

From 2000 to 2020 I did about 2000 club rides. It got harder to keep up as younger, faster riders joined and I got slower. I thought about quitting the club but didn't know if I could handle the withdrawals. When the club rides stopped due to C19 I found out I could live without it. Now I only go to certain rides or ride with the other club or small groups.

In the 90s when I burned out on road bikes I did a lot more mountain biking and my ex loved that, too.

genejockey 10-13-21 05:53 PM

Originally Posted by big john (Post 22269083)
From 2000 to 2020 I did about 2000 club rides. It got harder to keep up as younger, faster riders joined and I got slower. I thought about quitting the club but didn't know if I could handle the withdrawals. When the club rides stopped due to C19 I found out I could live without it. Now I only go to certain rides or ride with the other club or small groups.

In the 90s when I burned out on road bikes I did a lot more mountain biking and my ex loved that, too.

I changed sports. I got into archery. At that point, the back of our yard was so overgrown that I could shoot my bows pretty much unobserved. Nobody who lived across the creek and up the embankment ever came out into their yards, either. I joined a club, shot there every Saturday, had a lot of fun. That lasted about 8 years, but I started riding again in about 2006, and have pretty much ridden at least 1000 miles a year since then.

BillyD 10-13-21 06:03 PM

Originally Posted by big john (Post 22268983)
When my father realized that I was bigger than he was, he informed me in no uncertain terms what he would do to me if I ever had the foolish idea of challenging him.
Maybe he didn't know how terrified I was of him.

There was no way in the world I would ever challenge my dad physically, no matter the size factors. Because of respect, not because of fear. Never even crossed my mind.

Velo Vol 10-13-21 06:06 PM

Knoxville report. :bday:

big john 10-13-21 06:07 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22269096)
I changed sports. I got into archery. At that point, the back of our yard was so overgrown that I could shoot my bows pretty much unobserved. Nobody who lived across the creek and up the embankment ever came out into their yards, either. I joined a club, shot there every Saturday,

I shot archery when I was a ute. We would hike into the local hills and shoot arrows at anything. That's when I discovered poison oak. I was just telling a friend about that yesterday, the worst poison oak I ever had.

big john 10-13-21 06:27 PM

Originally Posted by BillyD (Post 22269103)
There was no way in the world I would ever challenge my dad physically, no matter the size factors. Because of respect, not because of fear. Never even crossed my mind.

I never would have, either, but he ruled with fear. I didn't visit them for a couple years after I moved out. I eventually tried to make peace with him but I was no good at doing that and neither was he. I visited him before he died and made small talk. That was as close as we got.

MoAlpha 10-13-21 07:17 PM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize2 (Post 22269026)
That happened to me with running. I could've run 10 k forever. But no, I had to do a marathon. I trained and trained, and finally ran a half. And never ran again.

The summer before senior year of college, the X-C team agreed that, in order to kick ass next season, we would work up to a 100 mi. week at the end of August. Thus ended my varsity running career. I think I went back to the bike and did a couple of collegiate races that year, but only after I could walk unassisted again.

bampilot06 10-13-21 07:20 PM

Just gunna throw this up here to see what you wizards think.

Just hooked the wife’s bike up to the wahoo kickr core. Followed the directions in the book, Seems really really hard to pedals and it sounds like something is rubbing.

Shifted to the granny ring and continued shifting to the largest cog and it threw the chain. Separate issue i’ll fix that later.

I was trying to do the initial spin down like it asked, Spin up to 22.4 mph and then let it coast. I spun up but it kept saying speed unavailable. I tried it a couple of times and it never showed speed data. Not sure if I am doing anything wrong.

Also, it doesn’t like it if I pedal backwards. Maybe I am not suppose to do that.

Plan on getting on the wahoo website tomorrow to trouble shoot but if any of you geniuses know what I did wrong that would be great.

rjones28 10-13-21 07:22 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22269108)

Knoxville super-spreader event.

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