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Trsnrtr 07-01-20 02:47 PM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 21563541)
Oooh, Alienware, must be a fun computer!

I haven’t hooked it up yet, just unboxed it. First Windows machine I’ve owned since 2005, not counting a cheapo laptop that I bought and gave to a grandson.

WhyFi 07-01-20 02:50 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21564036)
I don’t get into trouble until I hit 15%.

Honestly, I'm not even sure what gearing combo I'd need - I can't even think of an 8% that I'm familiar with. We do have some hills in the area that are ~11%, but they're so short that they're done in a couple minutes, which is good, because I don't think that I could spin under FTP in my lowest ratio, which is 34/25.

On that note, since I'm not in a hurry to get back to group rides, I've been thinking that I might revisit a wider range cassette... But then again, that'd only be worth it if I went someplace with sustained climbs...

MoAlpha 07-01-20 02:52 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21564018)

I've only seen those in airports, universities, and such like.

MoAlpha 07-01-20 02:55 PM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize (Post 21563929)
I am aware of only one type of valve. I don't normally close them either.

The other type has a diaphragm with a "star" of slits in it, which opens under a pressure gradient. They also suck air and emit a strange, reedy, whine after you drink.

seedsbelize 07-01-20 03:01 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21564036)
I don’t get into trouble until I hit 15%.

Yeah, I'm a fat flatlander and I can do 8%

big john 07-01-20 03:28 PM

The roads leading to Mount Baldy Village are closed to cars every 4th of July and lots of cyclists go up there. It's about 25 miles and 5000 feet of gain to the Village where I usually turn back. If you go the additional 4 miles up to the end of the road where the ski lifts are it gains 2000 more feet. Lots of 15% in that section.
I might go Saturday but probably not the last 4 miles.

2manybikes 07-01-20 03:30 PM

Bored during staying home away from the virus?

Not me.

abshipp 07-01-20 03:32 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 21564085)
The other type has a diaphragm with a "star" of slits in it, which opens under a pressure gradient. They also suck air and emit a strange, reedy, whine after you drink.

I've made the mistake before of placing one of those on my nightstand in case I wake up thirsty.

Instead I wake up to a disorienting but quiet "eeeeeeeeeeeee"

big john 07-01-20 03:44 PM

My noisy neighbors have 2 small dogs (they had 3 but I complained so much about the barking they got rid of the worst one) and a skinny male cat. They had 2 cats but 1 disappeared. Monday their cat came over begging for food and he looked in bad shape. His left eye was swollen shut and he had scabs all over his head from other cats scratching him. Plus, he looked skinnier than ever. He was so hungry that he slinked past my cat to get to the door. My cat doesn't bother him anymore but he used to chase him. He looked a little better today but his eye is still messed up and he should see a doc. What can I do? I can't take him to the vet. I keep feeding him hoping they see me doing it and get with it.

Jadesfire 07-01-20 03:56 PM

Originally Posted by big john (Post 21564161)
My noisy neighbors have 2 small dogs (they had 3 but I complained so much about the barking they got rid of the worst one) and a skinny male cat. They had 2 cats but 1 disappeared. Monday their cat came over begging for food and he looked in bad shape. His left eye was swollen shut and he had scabs all over his head from other cats scratching him. Plus, he looked skinnier than ever. He was so hungry that he slinked past my cat to get to the door. My cat doesn't bother him anymore but he used to chase him. He looked a little better today but his eye is still messed up and he should see a doc. What can I do? I can't take him to the vet. I keep feeding him hoping they see me doing it and get with it.

Will he let you hold him? You can use saline solution (like for contacts) to clean out the eye. I'd hesitate to recommend any otc medication for the eye cause there might be an ulceration- you'll can see that once the eye is rinsed- and then he really does need to go to a vet. My thoughts:
Leave the scabs alone, keep him cool, plenty of fresh water and food. Cats can be pretty resilient barring underlying viruses. Give him a couple of days of care if possible (lol). Congratulations now have a cat!

big john 07-01-20 04:07 PM

Originally Posted by Jadesfire (Post 21564177)
Will he let you hold him? You can use saline solution (like for contacts) to clean out the eye. I'd hesitate to recommend any otc medication for the eye cause there might be an ulceration- you'll can see that once the eye is rinsed- and then he really does need to go to a vet. My thoughts:
Leave the scabs alone, keep him cool, plenty of fresh water and food. Cats can be pretty resilient barring underlying viruses. Give him a couple of days of care if possible (lol). Congratulations now have a cat!

I have not tried to hold him but he will let me pet him for a few seconds. I don't mind feeding him but they should take him to the doc and get him neutered, too.

My cat tolerates him in the yard but he would freak if he tried to come in the house and might hurt him.

Jadesfire 07-01-20 04:27 PM

Originally Posted by big john (Post 21564194)
I have not tried to hold him but he will let me pet him for a few seconds. I don't mind feeding him but they should take him to the doc and get him neutered, too.

My cat tolerates him in the yard but he would freak if he tried to come in the house and might hurt him.

Oh, not neutered? He'll be fine. And I didn't mean in the house (definitely not now, you'll never get that smell out), just a covered porch, garage, etc with maybe a fan. Food is the best thing you can do for him.

big john 07-01-20 04:51 PM

Originally Posted by Jadesfire (Post 21564223)
Oh, not neutered? He'll be fine. And I didn't mean in the house (definitely not now, you'll never get that smell out), just a covered porch, garage, etc with maybe a fan. Food is the best thing you can do for him.

I wish the people who own him would step up but they're pretty flaky. Their dogs often run free and one day one of them got hit by a car and the woman of the house came out and blamed the driver. The dog was limping around on 3 legs for a while but it survived.

kissTheApex 07-01-20 04:51 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21563871)
Lemme check. Here is the tentative route.

edit: looks like up the West and down the East side

I saw the elevation profile :twitchy:

big john 07-01-20 04:57 PM

Originally Posted by kissTheApex (Post 21564248)
I saw the elevation profile :twitchy:

I think the little bump just before the 90 mile mark is pretty cruel.

kissTheApex 07-01-20 05:03 PM

Originally Posted by big john (Post 21564256)
I think the little bump just before the 90 mile mark is pretty cruel.

Knowing I won’t be able to make it past the first two, I didn’t even notice that one. :roflmao2:

DougRNS 07-01-20 06:52 PM

Is the end near?

DougRNS 07-01-20 06:57 PM
[MENTION=25227]Velo Vol[/MENTION]
Year of no summer?:foo:

Jadesfire 07-01-20 07:06 PM

Originally Posted by big john (Post 21564247)
I wish the people who own him would step up but they're pretty flaky. Their dogs often run free and one day one of them got hit by a car and the woman of the house came out and blamed the driver. The dog was limping around on 3 legs for a while but it survived.

Yeah, I've run across many people like that. There's never a good solution to this without sneaking the animals away in the middle of the night to be adopted somewhere far, far away.
And I've been told there's something of an ethical dilemma to that particular solution.

bampilot06 07-01-20 07:15 PM

Well I’m gunna have to get my eyes checked. They have been bothering me for a while but tonight proved it. I rode by a house that was for sale and I couldn’t read the numbers on the mail box. Wanted to get the address to look it up.
I can see fine but reading letters and numbers are very hard to make out more than 100 feet away.

Anybody else have this issue?

Velo Vol 07-01-20 07:29 PM

The end is here.

Is everyone still alive?

Velo Vol 07-01-20 07:32 PM

@%#&! the spirits of RUOkie and Velo Gator posted here.

bampilot06 07-01-20 07:33 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 21564474)
The end is here.

Is everyone still alive?

howdy stranger.

Velo Vol 07-01-20 07:34 PM

Velo Gator or Velo Gator . ? :foo:

Velo Vol 07-01-20 07:37 PM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 21564453)
Anybody else have this issue?


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