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Mojo31 03-02-22 02:33 PM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize2 (Post 22426391)
Tulum is the hot ticket these days in these parts. Yesterday I lunched on the strip and didn't notice anything different from the last time I lunched on the strip ten years ago.
Then, on the way down to Punta Allen, I saw the abomination that is the new strip. Opulence for its own sake.

My daughter wants to have her bachelorette weekend/party in Tulum. Makes me nervous to have her running around down there with just her girlfriends. What are your thoughts? Mind you, she is a pretty 25 year old gringo, and has not been living in Mexico as an aging hippy expat. ;)

genejockey 03-02-22 04:11 PM

Apropos yesterday's discussion of watches and size, here's what I'm wearing/carrying today. Both of these date to just before WWII, both made by Elgin - completely US made.

Here's the pocket watch movement.

bampilot06 03-02-22 05:01 PM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 22426374)
I'll be free 'til 3pm, as I have work at 4pm.
What size bike you ride? I have a couple of 53s, a 55, and 56.

Unless you wanna go MTBing, I have a large, med, and a small that's set up like a medium.

Im down for what ever, road or MTBing would be cool. Large mountain bike or 56 road should work. I plan on bringing my shoes and helmet, let me know if I should bring pedals.

big john 03-02-22 05:37 PM

My friends who had the chain drop problems on their e-bikes got them solved. Both bike were doing it, his got to the point of dropping the chain several times on a short ride. The shop put on new chains and Wolf Tooth Drop Stop chainrings and no chain drops since. I thought it strange that single ring bikes were having that problem.

Bah Humbug 03-02-22 05:43 PM

I'm sorry I always turn up in times of crisis. I have to ask though - how is everyone not paralyzed?

big john 03-02-22 05:50 PM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 22426581)
I'm sorry I always turn up in times of crisis. I have to ask though - how is everyone not paralyzed?

You mean because of the impending WWIII?

genejockey 03-02-22 05:52 PM

Last night I figured I'd check to see if my HR under load was more like normal than it was last week. I got on Zwift, spent 10 minutes warming up at low-ish intensity (under 200w) then did a spindown calibration on Zwift and opened up the VO2 Max Over/Unders I failed last week (HR went up to 163in the first hard 2 minutes). The workout starts out with a 10 minute warmup, ramping up from 50% of FTP (130w ) up to about 80% of FTP over 10 minutes. 130w should be an easy spin, the kind where it's really just your legs ticking over, the kind you can do without thinking for hours. This felt A LOT harder, more like 200w. AND my HR shot up to 120 in almost no time.

SO, I dropped out of the workout, unpaired the trainer from Zwift, and opened up the Wahoo app, and did a spindown there. Got back on Zwift and started the workout again, and it was A LOT easier. This does make me wonder what's going on, and also about whether this apparent variability has been present all along. Somebody on another thread said that consistency is more important in a PM than absolute accuracy*, and this is certainly true if you only have one power meter. Arguably, if you compete in Zwift races, absolute accuracy is important, but for workouts, as long as it always reads the same at the same effort, it's fine.

*(Obviously a PM that is absolutely accurate will also be consistent. But you know what I mean - if your PM is consistent within 1%, but biased by 10% either way, it's more useful than one that varies by 10% but averages out to zero bias.)

genejockey 03-02-22 05:53 PM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 22426581)
I'm sorry I always turn up in times of crisis. I have to ask though - how is everyone not paralyzed?

Denial. It's how all of humanity gets through life.

Mojo31 03-02-22 06:04 PM

Originally Posted by big john (Post 22426588)
You mean because of the impending WWIII?

That and the Texas elections yesterday. ☹️

Bah Humbug 03-02-22 06:04 PM

Originally Posted by big john (Post 22426588)
You mean because of the impending WWIII?

That's one of the existential threats, yes. But only one. I have no idea how people are just working and arguing sports and everything else. There are at least three or four... maybe I need some of that denial. I'm just trying to not melt down for AG, but I have no idea how to look past this exact moment.

LAJ 03-02-22 06:08 PM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 22426581)
I'm sorry I always turn up in times of crisis. I have to ask though - how is everyone not paralyzed?

For one thing, the 19 is over, so that's a good thing. They said so.

LAJ 03-02-22 06:11 PM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 22426606)
That's one of the existential threats, yes. But only one. I have no idea how people are just working and arguing sports and everything else. There are at least three or four... maybe I need some of that denial. I'm just trying to not melt down for AG, but I have no idea how to look past this exact moment.

Sports? Baseball is finished, in my eyes. Those idiots have blown it, and I hope they never recover.

Mojo31 03-02-22 06:29 PM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 22426606)
That's one of the existential threats, yes. But only one. I have no idea how people are just working and arguing sports and everything else. There are at least three or four... maybe I need some of that denial. I'm just trying to not melt down for AG, but I have no idea how to look past this exact moment.

Lots of focus on the war, an upcoming wedding, and their impact on our retirement savings as I near the big 65. Feels gloomy.

ls01 03-02-22 06:32 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22426413)
Last time I looked, bam rides a 58 with a real long seatpost.

Maybe he was just happy to see you?

ls01 03-02-22 06:36 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22426590)
Denial. It's how all of humanity gets through life.

It does not!

ls01 03-02-22 06:39 PM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 22426606)
That's one of the existential threats, yes. But only one. I have no idea how people are just working and arguing sports and everything else. There are at least three or four... maybe I need some of that denial. I'm just trying to not melt down for AG, but I have no idea how to look past this exact moment.

Good thing we aren't in the same room. We'd be running In circles with our hands in the air screaming. It's got me strung up pretty tight.

big john 03-02-22 06:41 PM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 22426606)
That's one of the existential threats, yes. But only one. I have no idea how people are just working and arguing sports and everything else. There are at least three or four... maybe I need some of that denial. I'm just trying to not melt down for AG, but I have no idea how to look past this exact moment.

I've dealt with anxiety and it can eat you up. I don't know if denial is the term I would use but it's something like that. Acceptance, maybe?

big john 03-02-22 06:43 PM

Originally Posted by ls01 (Post 22426648)
Good thing we aren't in the same room. We'd be running In circles with our hands in the air screaming. It's got me strung up pretty tight.

Years ago my solution was to get blackout drunk.

ls01 03-02-22 06:44 PM

Originally Posted by ls01 (Post 22426648)
Good thing we aren't in the same room. We'd be running In circles with our hands in the air screaming. It's got me strung up pretty tight.

Tell them about how you watched gas price go up $.30 a gallon before the light could change. And you got so mad it scared yourself...
It was all I could do today to stay @ work znd not go to the bar and get lit. And yes I know I don't deal well with pressures like this. It's a process....

ls01 03-02-22 06:44 PM

Originally Posted by big john (Post 22426652)
Years ago my solution was to get blackout drunk.

well there ya go....

Mojo31 03-02-22 06:45 PM

Originally Posted by ls01 (Post 22426640)
Maybe he was just happy to see you?

And, what was genejocky doing looking? NTTIAWWT

genejockey 03-02-22 06:46 PM

Originally Posted by ls01 (Post 22426648)
Good thing we aren't in the same room. We'd be running In circles with our hands in the air screaming. It's got me strung up pretty tight.

When in danger, or in doubt,
Run in circles, scream, and shout!

ls01 03-02-22 06:47 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22426655)
And, what was genejocky doing looking? NTTIAWWT

I don't judge :innocent:

genejockey 03-02-22 06:48 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22426655)
And, what was genejocky doing looking? NTTIAWWT

It's the white shorts. You can't help but notice.

ls01 03-02-22 06:50 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22426656)
When in danger, or in doubt,
Run in circles, scream, and shout!

There ya go!

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