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LesterOfPuppets 09-08-21 02:05 PM

Ride Eddington Number
You're in the bottom 40%


WhyFi 09-08-21 02:06 PM

YOLPLOO(per day)

WhyFi 09-08-21 02:15 PM

Group ride tonight. It's the bday of the guy that I often beat up on for town signs, so I told him I'll be his lead-out man tonight. :D

LesterOfPuppets 09-08-21 02:15 PM

Holding on to this is my main goal :)

WhyFi 09-08-21 02:17 PM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 22221317)
Holding on to this is my main goal :)

I should think of some fun segment names. Unfortunately, there are so many damn segments around that the harder part will be to come up with where to make the segment.

big john 09-08-21 02:19 PM

I was riding in the neighborhood where I used to live and there was a guy trying to get his car started and I stopped to ask if he knew what he was doing. I haven't diagnosed a car in almost 2.5 years but it felt good to talk him through a couple basic things. WTF is wrong with me? Do I miss it?

Velo Vol 09-08-21 02:25 PM

Velo Vol 09-08-21 02:27 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22221321)
I should think of some fun segment names. Unfortunately, there are so many damn segments around that the harder part will be to come up with where to make the segment.

Lots of uncharted segment territory here, probably.

WhyFi 09-08-21 02:29 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22221338)
Lots of uncharted segment territory here, probably.

Get crackin', Vol.

Velo Vol 09-08-21 02:33 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22221344)
Get crackin', Vol.

I don't know how to make one. I only notice them when I get an achievement, then I quickly forget most of those.

datlas 09-08-21 02:37 PM

I question the value of the Eddinger number. Some website told me mine is 49, I am thinking this is for the year but not sure.

datlas 09-08-21 02:39 PM

Lots of damaged roads and infrastructure noted on today’s ride. A bridge we usually take, I am told, has slid downstream so we also had to adjust route slightly. We had one low speed crash caused by a bumped wheel but otherwise was a fun ride.

Trsnrtr 09-08-21 02:40 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22221261)
Maybe reason enough to continue to avoid Wisconsin.


big john 09-08-21 02:40 PM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 22221317)
Holding on to this is my main goal :)

That's just nasty.

WhyFi 09-08-21 02:44 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22221351)
I don't know how to make one. I only notice them when I get an achievement, then I quickly forget most of those.

Not sure if you can on mobile, but on the desktop: select a ride where you rode the desired segment, scroll to the bottom of the list of existing segments and click the "Create a new segment" button. It'll take you to another page where you can refine the start/stop and name it. After jumping through a hoop or two, to make sure that you're not making a redundant segment, you're done.

Trsnrtr 09-08-21 02:45 PM

I’m putting the Eddington number in circular file 13. I think I can live without it.

WhyFi 09-08-21 02:46 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22221357)
I question the value of the Eddinger number. Some website told me mine is 49, I am thinking this is for the year but not sure.

Oh, there's no value, other than having a dumb carrot to dangle in front of you.

You've got almost 60k miles logged on Strava - your number is surely higher than 49.

datlas 09-08-21 02:53 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22221376)
Oh, there's no value, other than having a dumb carrot to dangle in front of you.

You've got almost 60k miles logged on Strava - your number is surely higher than 49.

I figured. I think the site that extracted my data and spat out the number did not look at all my rides. I don’t care enough to investigate further.

WhyFi 09-08-21 03:01 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22221385)
I figured. I think the site that extracted my data and spat out the number did not look at all my rides. I don’t care enough to investigate further.

I get it. People with big swinging Eddingtons don't need to compare Eddingtons. ;)

genejockey 09-08-21 03:07 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22221393)
I get it. People with big swinging Eddingtons don't need to compare Eddingtons. ;)

I like to call mine 'Big Edd".

Mojo31 09-08-21 03:22 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22221337)

He's right. Especially about things happening fast. There have been many times I've run like a little girl from a player coming my way. They are, for the most part, bigger, more solid, and faster than I am. It hurts when they hit you.

indyfabz 09-08-21 03:40 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22221337)


Velo Vol 09-08-21 03:43 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22221367)
Not sure if you can on mobile, but on the desktop: select a ride where you rode the desired segment, scroll to the bottom of the list of existing segments and click the "Create a new segment" button. It'll take you to another page where you can refine the start/stop and name it. After jumping through a hoop or two, to make sure that you're not making a redundant segment, you're done.

Can it be an out and back?

big john 09-08-21 03:50 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22221398)
I like to call mine 'Big Edd".

I heard Lyndon Johnson called his "Jumbo".

LesterOfPuppets 09-08-21 03:54 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22221398)
I like to call mine 'Big Edd".

Not the big ding
big dinger
big dingeroni

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