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pandraztic 02-16-17 12:26 AM

16.4 miles / 62 minutes / about 15.8mph. Only 114 ft climbed though.

OldTryGuy 02-16-17 04:34 AM

Accomplished my mile goal in this past weekend's Bike Sebring 12/24 Hours bicycling 307.8 miles. Pleased at making the 300 mile mark but disappointed that I stopped riding with 2 hours remaining. After all, it is a 24 hour event and I did not fulfill that requirement. Shortly after finishing I said that it was a one and done event, but when my failure to complete the time frame aspect of the event settled in, I decided to commit myself to next year's race with the new goal of registering as a RAAM Qualified participant. This will force me to bicycle as much as possible in order to complete the required 400 miles of non-drafting riding.

Homer Cooper 02-17-17 05:14 PM

It got over 60f in MN today. So first ride of 2017 23.8 miles/ 13.2mph avg.
paths were a bit rough some ice in the low tree covered areas.

rubiconazoid 02-20-17 05:59 AM

It got up to about 73 degrees here today. Went out for a bit and it was around 28 miles. Beautiful, sunny, low humidity, and modest wind.

anonymousperson 02-20-17 05:25 PM

20 miles

one4smoke 02-20-17 08:49 PM


Senrab62 02-20-17 09:09 PM

7 measly miles. But I got to work on a build which is dope when you have no time!

roseawebs 02-20-17 09:12 PM

I ride 16 miles today :) Now, I need to do it regular basis.
But, I am using a car to do that.. I was planning to a cycle riding. But, my car is facing a unknown problem and I am now doing diagnosis via autel ms908cv heavy duty scanner

one4smoke 02-22-17 08:06 PM


DrIsotope 02-22-17 08:15 PM

Rode out to have lunch with my wife while she was at work-- took the extra scenic route, ended up with 65 miles and ~2,600ft of climbing.

anonymousperson 02-23-17 07:43 AM

20 miles

one4smoke 02-23-17 06:09 PM


exmechanic89 02-23-17 08:19 PM

Did my daily 45 mile fitness ride yesterday and today. I mention that because the heavy rain lately has knocked my 'daily' ride to more like 3x a week..

beechnutC23 02-26-17 06:46 PM

Well here in Southern Quebec the temperature hit a balmy +18C yesterday, under partly cloudy skies. On the 25th of February! So even though I was fighting a man-cold, my wife and I took out our crappy cross bikes for a 40.8 km ride twice around our usual training circuit (700 m vertical). Then in the evening we had thunderstorms (on the 25th of February), and then it snowed overnight and we woke up to a fresh coat of snow, -5C temperatures, and high winds. It was too good to last. I do think it was a record early start to the season for me.

edawg55 03-02-17 07:32 AM

Yesterday after a lot of rain the night before. 16 miles / 1HR / 15mph / 20+ mph wind gusts about knocked me over. 30 degree weather drop today so I wanted to get a ride in before crappy weather on the way. Had to slow down a few times because of the water.

anonymousperson 03-03-17 07:39 AM

20 miles/66 min, / 5 m/hr wind / 40°F/ 5:30 AM

Nai4257 03-03-17 07:59 AM

was able to do 15 miles before the weather started to become an issue when it was 75 degrees last week. not just waiting for the snow to end! :foo:

one4smoke 03-09-17 06:49 PM

51.2 miles

IceFox 03-09-17 07:11 PM

Today 129km, or 80 miles.

anonymousperson 03-19-17 07:09 AM

20 miles/63 min, / 4 m/hr wind / 48°F/ 6:30 AM

one4smoke 03-20-17 10:34 PM


anonymousperson 03-23-17 07:30 AM

20 miles/62 min, / 7 m/hr wind / 56°F/ 6:30 AM

nathan carfan 03-23-17 09:40 AM

12 kM yes, I did it every days to work.!

Billyensign 03-24-17 05:53 PM

15 miles

GeneO 03-24-17 05:57 PM

36.2 mi

anonymousperson 03-26-17 03:21 PM

20 miles/60 min, / 4 mph wind / 55°F/ 6:30 AM

rob214 03-26-17 03:39 PM

80 miles, broke my old record by 6 miles

kbarch 03-26-17 04:28 PM

Originally Posted by DrIsotope (Post 19079146)
I don't ride with groups like that because I have no desire to be associated with groups like that. They're always "training" for something, perhaps this week's 6 hours of "work" is preparation for the 6 hours the following week.

And they're not slower by any stretch-- they move along at a good clip when clustered up-- but as far as my worthless opinion is concerned, not nearly fast enough to justify the cloud of attitude they exude. I got plenty of over-the-shoulder glances-- as if I were somehow occupying their space. This is typical of my experience with the weekend club rider mentality-- and this would have been an A-level group.

I never intimated I give a crap what they think. Making that pass on a group of 10+ feels to me like one-upsmanship, and I'm not in competition with anyone for anything. Better to just slow down and share the bike lane, rather than jumping out into a gap in traffic to get past a leisurely pace line.

I also never intimated that I'm any better than they are, as a cyclist or as a human being. I made no more effort to be social than they did. But I'm not keeping up any appearances. I don't like most people sight unseen. Once I see more of how people really are, I tend to like them even less.

You know, if you don't want to care what other people think, it helps if you don't trouble yourself imagining what they think in the first place. ;)

DrIsotope 03-26-17 04:46 PM

Those toolbags are still running that route pretty much every rain/wind/element free weekend, blast down the SART @ 25mph, then go up the gentle grade home at 15mph to roadblock the whole green bike lane. Those are the local serious cyclists. I know they're serious because they exchange at least 30 kudos a weekend for those efforts. Moving at the speed of kudos, they is.

jon c. 03-26-17 05:52 PM

36.9 mi. on a breezy but beautiful day.

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