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genejockey 09-20-21 01:24 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22238300)
Correct. I advise my patients to cut their carbs in HALF.

But seriously, yes. I drink a maximum of 1 Coke/day. Used to be one at each break, plus one at lunch. 480 calories.

datlas 09-20-21 01:28 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22238320)
I do that. Then I eat both halves.


datlas 09-20-21 01:29 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22238322)
But seriously, yes. I drink a maximum of 1 Coke/day. Used to be one at each break, plus one at lunch. 480 calories.

If you ride every day after the coke, I will allow it. Otherwise I advise eliminate all carbs that are liquid except when ON THE BIKE.

big john 09-20-21 01:30 PM

Originally Posted by sbxx1985 (Post 22238286)
My wife has been on me about stretching for years. I know more about me, of course.

We were doing situational drills last spring and I was running the bases. Sprint, stop, sprint, stop. All of a sudden things felt weird in my right quad and right knee with the torn PCL. The next day I couldn't walk and that mess continued until a few weeks ago. MRI and physical therapy and now I can bend my right knee enough to ride a bike. Getting old sucks.

At my 40th birthday party we had a softball game and my friend slid into 2nd base and loosened up some debris in his right knee but went on a big ride with me the next day. We were 65 or 70 miles and 7500 feet of climbing into the ride when his knee locked up and he couldn't move it either way. I left him and rode to get the truck, (I was hurting, too) and when I came back to get him he was pedaling one legged. I guess he got tired of waiting.

big john 09-20-21 01:33 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22238329)
If you ride every day after the coke, I will allow it. Otherwise I advise eliminate all carbs that are liquid except when ON THE BIKE.

My friend Pizza guy is a weight yo yo dieter. He has been 300 and he has gone down to 175. In his gaining mode he was drinking 2 liters of Coke per day.
The last time he went up to 240 I could beat him up hills. This did not make him happy.

datlas 09-20-21 01:36 PM

Originally Posted by big john (Post 22238336)
My friend Pizza guy is a weight yo yo dieter. He has been 300 and he has gone down to 175. In his gaining mode he was drinking 2 liters of Coke per day.
The last time he went up to 240 I could beat him up hills. This did not make him happy.

I am all for freedom of choice, but if somehow the authorities banned regular sodas I would not shed a tear. I think the last time I had a regular soda was a few years ago, and I am certain I have had only a handful of them in the past 20 years.


WhyFi 09-20-21 01:40 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22238300)
Correct. I advise my patients to cut their carbs in HALF.

What are your thoughts on the complex vs refined/starchy carbs w/r/t insulin spikes, yadda, yadda?

WhyFi 09-20-21 01:42 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22238329)
If you ride every day after the coke, I will allow it. Otherwise I advise eliminate all carbs that are liquid except when ON THE BIKE.

The five or six soft drinks that I have per year are all mid-ride. I'll crave one on those occasions, but can't stomach them otherwise.

Velo Vol 09-20-21 01:42 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22238343)
I am all for freedom of choice, but if somehow the authorities banned regular sodas I would not shed a tear. I think the last time I had a regular soda was a few years ago, and I am certain I have had only a handful of them in the past 20 years.

What's the problem?

datlas 09-20-21 01:46 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22238352)
What are your thoughts on the complex vs refined/starchy carbs w/r/t insulin spikes, yadda, yadda?

I am no expert but probably carbs are carbs for most of us. Certainly if someone notes that certain foods affect them negatively they should avoid them. But I suspect the whole "glycemic index" thing is over-rated.

All too often patients come in and swear they are on a low carb diet, then proceed to tell me they are having whole wheat bread and brown rice. The proof is in the pudding, and these folks have too much pudding.

Velo Vol 09-20-21 01:46 PM

Lawn alert!

BillyD 09-20-21 01:52 PM

Originally Posted by Eric F (Post 22238250)
Is bunting a thing at all in slow-pitch? For fastpitch, it's an important part of the game.

Usually not, except one team has one pathetic guy doing it cause he's so pathetic he ought to retire from the game. Nice guy, but . . . .

BillyD 09-20-21 01:55 PM

Originally Posted by DougRNS (Post 22238255)
That's not a problem for me.:innocent:

Uh huh.

BillyD 09-20-21 02:03 PM

Originally Posted by sbxx1985 (Post 22238286)
My wife has been on me about stretching for years. I know more about me, of course.

We were doing situational drills last spring and I was running the bases. Sprint, stop, sprint, stop. All of a sudden things felt weird in my right quad and right knee with the torn PCL. The next day I couldn't walk and that mess continued until a few weeks ago. MRI and physical therapy and now I can bend my right knee enough to ride a bike. Getting old sucks.

You can get hurt in a hurry listening to somebody who's used to coaching only young people. You got to give them a look, like "really"?

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22238299)
It's better than not getting old.


Eric F 09-20-21 02:04 PM

Originally Posted by BillyD (Post 22238366)
Usually not, except one team has one pathetic guy doing it cause he's so pathetic he ought to retire from the game. Nice guy, but . . . .

I guess that's one big difference between the two versions of the game. In fastpitch, for the girls blessed with speed, bunting can be a serious offensive weapon. My daughter, however, is not one of those girls. Thankfully, she's good at hitting the ball a long ways, and enjoys an easy-paced 240' trot.

Saturday night...

sbxx1985 09-20-21 02:10 PM

Originally Posted by Eric F (Post 22238384)
I guess that's one big difference between the two versions of the game. In fastpitch, for the girls blessed with speed, bunting can be a serious offensive weapon. My daughter, however, is not one of those girls. Thankfully, she's good at hitting the ball a long ways, and enjoys an easy-paced 240' trot.

Saturday night...

Whoa. She smoked that.

genejockey 09-20-21 02:15 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22238308)
Almost forgot, been spending quality time on the back-stretching rack?

With some guy in a black mask yelling, "CONFESS!!"

Velo Vol 09-20-21 02:16 PM

Originally Posted by Eric F (Post 22238384)

You should tag @ Vol_Softball.

big john 09-20-21 02:18 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22238360)
I am no expert but probably carbs are carbs for most of us. Certainly if someone notes that certain foods affect them negatively they should avoid them. But I suspect the whole "glycemic index" thing is over-rated.

All too often patients come in and swear they are on a low carb diet, then proceed to tell me they are having whole wheat bread and brown rice. The proof is in the pudding, and these folks have too much pudding.

How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat?

BillyD 09-20-21 02:19 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22238353)
The five or six soft drinks that I have per year are all mid-ride. I'll crave one on those occasions, but can't stomach them otherwise.

To me soda is the debil, nothing but totally useless and harmful carbs. The only thing worse than that is cigarettes. I drink water 90% of the day, with coffee in the morning and a little red wine nightcap.

genejockey 09-20-21 02:21 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22238329)
If you ride every day after the coke, I will allow it. Otherwise I advise eliminate all carbs that are liquid except when ON THE BIKE.

I refuse to drink daquiris on the bike.

Mojo31 09-20-21 02:23 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22238354)

Get the good stuff.

genejockey 09-20-21 02:25 PM

Originally Posted by BillyD (Post 22238417)
To me soda is the debil, nothing but totally useless and harmful carbs. The only thing worse than that is cigarettes. I drink water 90% of the day, with coffee in the morning and a little red wine nightcap.

My take on it is that carbs are fuel. Just fuel. Not a problem if you burn them. A problem if you don't.

genejockey 09-20-21 02:27 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22238426)

What's the point? The only thing more pointless than Diet Coke is Caffeine Free Diet Coke. If you're drinking that, you've really lost the plot.

big john 09-20-21 02:27 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22238343)
I am all for freedom of choice, but if somehow the authorities banned regular sodas I would not shed a tear. I think the last time I had a regular soda was a few years ago, and I am certain I have had only a handful of them in the past 20 years.


I don't have soda drinks at home but drink it on rides sometimes. When I quit drinking I craved sugar and since I still went to the bar I tried having Cokes but my stomach couldn't take it. I started ordering orange juice at the bar and people thought I was having a screwdriver. I had women tell me they didn't trust a man who didn't drink, which was weird. I also had to explain why I didn't drink to every knuckle head who questioned me, including a disbelieving cop who pulled me over when I was leaving the bar.

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