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LAJ 04-20-20 01:38 PM

My favorite part of things like that is when they take the cuff off to resume blood flow. The pain is exquisite.

seedsbelize 04-20-20 01:41 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 21429574)
In your case the shivering have been related to some anesthetic they gave you, but shock can occur anytime. If you were shaking uncontrollably, they should have noticed and been concerned, but surgeons are famous for clinical tunnel vision and probably wanted to git 'er done.

Thanks. It's always a pleasure to talk to experts in their field. Especially when that field is medicine.

Velo Vol 04-20-20 01:51 PM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize (Post 21429590)
Thanks. It's always a pleasure to talk to experts in their field. Especially when that field is medicine.

I can't say I ever thought this as I left the witch doctor's office. LOL

BillyD 04-20-20 01:58 PM

Originally Posted by big john (Post 21429399)
Nothing looks cooler.

Especially in the 70s. ;)

big john 04-20-20 02:04 PM

Originally Posted by LAJ (Post 21429573)
C.A.R.B guy.

I should have known. The one Elon Musk is taking shots at.

WhyFi 04-20-20 02:13 PM

Took a walk to my friendly neighborhood baker to pick up some bread for tonight. While I was there, I went next door to my friendly neighborhood grocer to pick up four things. As I was concluding my transaction at the self-checkout, I was admonished by one of the supervisors. "For future reference, you can't bring your reusable bag in here."
"I can't bring my bag in here?"
"Yeah, we've temporarily suspended the use of reusable bags."
"I'm in the self-checkout. I wouldn't ask any of your employees to touch my bag. I never took it off of my shoulder, never set it down and didn't even fill it until after I was done scanning and paying."
That was met with a blank stare before she referenced a printout and stammered, "well, you can bring it in, but you can't use it?"


Am I wrong? I'm all for precautions, but having an idea of why we're doing what we're doing would be nice. It's like those people that wear gloves and still touch their faces.

big john 04-20-20 02:25 PM

We were in the parking lot outside of the store last week and the security guard at the door told a customer to take his bags back to the car, he wouldn't be allowed into the store with them.

sfrider 04-20-20 02:25 PM

Originally Posted by ls01 (Post 21429259)
I'm trying to be the bigger man about the driver. While I was lying in the street she asked me several times what I was doing in the middle of the street. I was on the "bike path" it crosses where it is crossed by a street. She turned onto it and got me. I realize she was in shock etc. It was still not easy to stop my mouth from giving her what for.


WhyFi 04-20-20 02:45 PM

Originally Posted by big john (Post 21429674)
We were in the parking lot outside of the store last week and the security guard at the door told a customer to take his bags back to the car, he wouldn't be allowed into the store with them.

I can certainly understand the "our employees will not handle your bags" stance - a couple stores have gone that route and I'm totally cool with that (and I prefer to bag stuff myself, anyway). But I don't understand saying that you can't bring them in or that you can bring them in but you can't use them. If you're the only one handling them, how is it different than, say, a jacket? (I'm totally on-board with banning jackets, 'specially marigold ones.)

ls01 04-20-20 02:47 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 21429651)
Took a walk to my friendly neighborhood baker to pick up some bread for tonight. While I was there, I went next door to my friendly neighborhood grocer to pick up four things. As I was concluding my transaction at the self-checkout, I was admonished by one of the supervisors. "For future reference, you can't bring your reusable bag in here."
"I can't bring my bag in here?"
"Yeah, we've temporarily suspended the use of reusable bags."
"I'm in the self-checkout. I wouldn't ask any of your employees to touch my bag. I never took it off of my shoulder, never set it down and didn't even fill it until after I was done scanning and paying."
That was met with a blank stare before she referenced a printout and stammered, "well, you can bring it in, but you can't use it?"


Am I wrong? I'm all for precautions, but having an idea of why we're doing what we're doing would be nice. It's like those people that wear gloves and still touch their faces.

our Meijers is the same

ls01 04-20-20 02:48 PM

Originally Posted by sfrider (Post 21429675)


Heathpack 04-20-20 03:20 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21428735)
Warning:'s possibly P&R but so local I think it's acceptable....

Regarding the COVID19 issue, between me and an INDIVIDUAL patient who is sick, the need for testing is questionable. The current tests take a couple days to schedule and then 3 days for results, so by the time the results are back the patient is better and it almost does not matter.

HOWEVER, when we look at our POPULATION the need to ramp up testing is very important. We need to be able to test to screen asymptomatic carriers. This should be set up by the public health departments. My local (Chester County, PA) health department has been effing useless in this regard. They are not testing ANYONE. They tell us to have our patients tested at the local hospital. The local hospital has very limited resources and are focusing on testing sick patients in the emergency department or in the hospital primarily, and secondarily testing possible incoming patients for surgery etc.

So unless the PUBLIC HEALTH system steps up and creates a scalable drive-up or walk-in testing option, I am very pessimistic about the situation. And terribly disappointed in my state and local health departments.


We have been asked to take our temp each morning before work. This morning my temp was elevated. 99.9F and then 10 min later 100F. I feel basically fine, was a little headachy this weekend and feel a little tired now, but I rode quite a bit this past weekend.

So I didn’t go in to work, and after I got my schedule sorted out, I scheduled my free coronavirus test. LA County has made free same or next day testing available to any symptomatic resident. I had my choice of times, so I scheduled it for noon.

I got an email confirmation with a video to watch re: the sample collection process. The test site is a 5 min drive from my house, at my appointed time I drove over, did the sample collection, and was home within 15-20 min without ever leaving my car. I’m supposed to get results in 24-72hr.

Easy peasy. Well done LA County.

PS My temp has been normal since and I still feel fine. My sense is: false alarm. But my morning temps have been around 96F so that was an aberration this morning.

Heathpack 04-20-20 03:29 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 21428745)
You have earned your peace.

I and many of the old-enough-to-know better athletes in my acquaintance have obsessive-compulsive/addictive personalities and need to ratchet up the training (pain) to get the same dose of anxiety reduction. We are also competitive perfectionists (jerks) and need to be faster than someone.

The interesting thing is most people assume that because I race (or used to race, even I’m not sure of my status these days) my bike that I care about being faster than other people. I really don’t. I just want to do whatever I do well. For me, the other person is more of a yardstick as to where I am in that process. Winning is nice but doing well as I possibly can, including in preparation, is better.

Its nuance but I don’t even 100% understand direct head to head competitiveness.

berner 04-20-20 03:29 PM

So the federal stimulus and retirement moneys arrived at my bank at about the same time and suddenly I feel rich. This must be what it feels like to be Jeff Bezos. Sit around screwing around with the computer, ride my bike now and then and the money rolls in.

MoAlpha 04-20-20 03:42 PM

Originally Posted by Heathpack (Post 21429803)
The interesting thing is most people assume that because I race (or used to race, even I’m not sure of my status these days) my bike that I care about being faster than other people. I really don’t. I just want to do whatever I do well. For me, the other person is more of a yardstick as to where I am in that process. Winning is nice but doing well as I possibly can, including in preparation, is better.

Its nuance but I don’t even 100% understand direct head to head competitiveness.

There is a certain kind of general personal competitiveness, which I think of as a male trait. This is not the drive to excel professionally or win races, both of which women obviously have in abundance. It's something less pro-social and not very pleasant for the owner or anyone else and can make people dickheads. I have a touch, but I've learned to inhibit it some of the time.

ericy 04-20-20 03:44 PM

Originally Posted by berner (Post 21429806)
So the federal stimulus and retirement moneys arrived at my bank at about the same time and suddenly I feel rich. This must be what it feels like to be Jeff Bezos. Sit around screwing around with the computer, ride my bike now and then and the money rolls in.

We got ours last week. Awaiting the big one (for the 2019 taxes just filed) - that would be quite a bit more money. I didn't have big plans - other than to pay down the car.

Heathpack 04-20-20 03:46 PM

Originally Posted by ls01 (Post 21429076)
How people can just throw others under the bus for profits is just repulsive to me.

Thats been the hard part for me, and the attitude if you don’t put profits first you’re somehow stupid or naive or “fearful”.

Cypress 04-20-20 03:47 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 21429651)

Am I wrong? I'm all for precautions, but having an idea of why we're doing what we're doing would be nice. It's like those people that wear gloves and still touch their faces.

There are a lot of backward things going on. The massive park we occasionally take our dog to has closed the off-leash sections of the park including the parking lots that serve them. Thing is, people still bring their dogs to the park. Walkers, casual cyclists, birdwatchers, etc still come to the park as well, but now there's only 50% of the parking spots available to the users. Last time we went it was an absolute madhouse to drive through the crowds of people walking through the parking lot awkwardly trying to maintain distance from each other. We left. I get why they closed certain areas of the park, but all they managed to do was lump the same number of people into half the space.

abshipp 04-20-20 03:49 PM

I'm going to attempt swapping a quill stem before my wife gets home. I've got 45 minutes, it will likely be close but at least the brake cables are the non-aero style.

Heathpack 04-20-20 03:54 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21429375)
I never heard it until medical school. I have since heard it occasionally. I think it's a snooty physician affectation that I reckon is inspired by the French pronunciation of centimeter. I studied Physics in a previous life and NEVER heard anyone, even the top PhD's in the field, say it that way.

My SIL says it that way.

Nurse practitioner.

berner 04-20-20 04:06 PM

Originally Posted by Heathpack (Post 21429850)
Thats been the hard part for me, and the attitude if you don’t put profits first you’re somehow stupid or naive or “fearful”.

Over the last few years I've become a fan of the Quaker Friends Overseas Service. First, some time ago I learned Quakers were instrumental during the 1800s in England in freeing slaves in the West Indies. Then, after reading several books by a Quaker woman named Lady Borton, who worked for the Quaker Overseas Service, and who did much work to help Vietnames boat people in Asia who were robbed, beat and *****, back in those terrible times, only increased my regard. Furthermore, when Japanese Americans were held in confinement during WWII, Quakers sent them Gifts at Christmas. To this day Japanese Americans lend financial support to Quaker charities. I also very much like that Quakers are not in the business of fund raising. You don't see their glossie ads for donations. What they undertake is mostly with their own money. They truly live according to their beliefs.

Heathpack 04-20-20 04:16 PM

Originally Posted by berner (Post 21429894)
Over the last few years I've become a fan of the Quaker Friends Overseas Service. First, some time ago I learned Quakers were instrumental during the 1800s in England in freeing slaves in the West Indies. Then, after reading several books by a Quaker woman named Lady Borton, who worked for the Quaker Overseas Service, and who did much work to help Vietnames boat people in Asia who were robbed, beat and *****, back in those terrible times, only increased my regard. Furthermore, when Japanese Americans were held in confinement during WWII, Quakers sent them Gifts at Christmas. To this day Japanese Americans lend financial support to Quaker charities. I also very much like that Quakers are not in the business of fund raising. You don't see their glossie ads for donations. What they undertake is mostly with their own money. They truly live according to their beliefs.

The hardest thing for me to witness have been two of my most ardently religious friends have been the most vocal about advocating “opening” the country for business again ASAP. Of course that position is politically motivated at its core but it’s hard to see the hypocrisy of it.

People of real faith who do the right thing regardless of politics have my deepest respect. But I don’t seem to come across too many of the truly faithful.

Bah Humbug 04-20-20 04:34 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 21429414)
A few years ago, a 60+ mile ride used to mean that I'd need to wolf down some food and lounge the rest of the day. At this point, I can pretty much carry on as usual after rides like that. Even after 100 miles, I can usually function somewhat normally, though I might shy away from anything involving a lot of walking, like going to the zoo or the botanic garden, etc.

Yeah when I started all of this, the easy beginner swim practices would leave me needing to wolf down a pint of Ben & Jerry's just to have a shot at being functional for the rest of the day. When I started riding with AG, 50+ miles of super slow would leave me super irritable (she's a saint for having stuck with me). I'm in about the same state as you. Not that I've tested it recently, of course.

abshipp 04-20-20 04:36 PM

Originally Posted by abshipp (Post 21429857)
I'm going to attempt swapping a quill stem before my wife gets home.

Got it!

kissTheApex 04-20-20 04:53 PM

Originally Posted by abshipp (Post 21429946)
Got it!

47 minutes post to post. Impressive!

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