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kahn 05-11-23 07:36 AM

Originally Posted by Troul (Post 22885743)
31 miles, 37°F

Really still that chilly back there? Oh, my.

Mid-60's - temps, not distance :roflmao2: and this Panorama. Distance about 24 miles.

Troul 05-11-23 09:40 AM

Originally Posted by kahn (Post 22886652)
Really still that chilly back there? Oh, my.

Mid-60's - temps, not distance :roflmao2: and this Panorama. Distance about 24 miles.

yes,it goes from sweater weather to shorts weather all in one day.

jadmt 05-11-23 02:35 PM

rsbob 05-11-23 09:26 PM

Had to pick up the car at the repair shop. Took the long way and climbed 2300’ in 30 miles. The gut buster was 1000’ in 3 miles. No pics today, too busy breathing.

SpeedyBlueBiker 05-11-23 09:56 PM

41 miles in sunny 74F weather. A very nice day to be out on the bike!

Troul 05-12-23 11:35 AM

35 miles. 55°F.

Sierra_rider 05-12-23 05:46 PM

58 miles w/ 6400' of elevation gain...I've done longer rides this season, but I'm stoked on how good I felt on this ride.

Troul 05-12-23 06:51 PM

Originally Posted by Sierra_rider (Post 22888140)
58 miles w/ 6400' of elevation gain...I've done longer rides this season, but I'm stoked on how good I felt on this ride.

those are some of the best rides. 50% chance in those instances I'll make it a long haul.

jadmt 05-12-23 07:00 PM

disappointment today, missed 43mph.......If I would have thought I would have also added a little to the miles so my top speed and miles matched...

Sierra_rider 05-12-23 09:53 PM

Most of the rides around here match that profile. I love the local terrain, but it can be painful at times. I'm coming back this year from a little break from cycling...there's been a bunch of times this year that I've been absolutely snapped and was just trying to survive to make it home. This ride was kind of a milestone ride for me, as I was able to match times, power numbers, etc from a couple years back...without feeling broken doing it.

Troul 05-14-23 10:16 AM

69 miles.

DangerousDanR 05-14-23 12:12 PM

Forty miles, which is not bad for an old man recovering from a femur fracture.

jaxgtr 05-14-23 07:23 PM

Became a work-a-holic last week, no rides at all. Finally got one today, short 16 miles and 3700 ft of climbing on Rouvy while the Mother's day meal was cooking in the crock pot. Wife wanted to save me from cooking outside today as the humidity is off the chain right now, so she asked for some Pot Roast. Bless her :love:

diphthong 05-14-23 11:35 PM

56-spot vintage ride yday. hoping to get out for some such both monday and tuesday. slowly getting motivated. feel like a reptile must.

jadmt 05-15-23 02:25 PM

longest ride in a long time. slow and steady like the tortoise :).

Average Old Guy 05-15-23 07:48 PM

8 miles . . .
. . . and I'm dyin' !!! 78 years old, laid off the bike for three weeks because of health problems, hopped on my old beater bike and made 8 miles and I CANT FEEL MY THIGHS !!!

Couple of gin and tonic will fix things.

Sierra_rider 05-15-23 10:26 PM

Only 45 miles today, but it made up for it with climbing.

diphthong 05-15-23 10:58 PM

monitor pass x 2...well done!

Sierra_rider 05-15-23 11:23 PM

Originally Posted by diphthong (Post 22891224)
monitor pass x 2...well done!

Thanks, I'm trying to gear up for the Death Ride in July(14k' of climbing)'s coming along, but there are still some things that I can improve on. This whole riding "thing" has a high cost of entry when you take extended time off from it lol.

diphthong 05-15-23 11:27 PM

Originally Posted by Sierra_rider (Post 22891229)
Thanks, I'm trying to gear up for the Death Ride in July(14k' of climbing)'s coming along, but there are still some things that I can improve on. This whole riding "thing" has a high cost of entry when you take extended time off from it lol.

rock on. have coursed out the route (and driven some of it) but never ridden any section of it. if you can summit monitor pass 5x in a single ride, you'll be good.

diphthong 05-15-23 11:30 PM

Originally Posted by Sierra_rider (Post 22891229)
Thanks, I'm trying to gear up for the Death Ride in July(14k' of climbing)'s coming along, but there are still some things that I can improve on. This whole riding "thing" has a high cost of entry when you take extended time off from it lol.

ummm...yeah. totally agree. last summer, was game for anything distance or vertical gain. that fitness dwindles all too quickly.

Sierra_rider 05-16-23 09:19 AM

Originally Posted by diphthong (Post 22891232)
rock on. have coursed out the route (and driven some of it) but never ridden any section of it. if you can summit monitor pass 5x in a single ride, you'll be good.

I think I could do it now(slow and painfully,) but any fitness gains between now and then should make it that much more enjoyable. I've ridden all the DR climbs before, just never all of them consecutively. My favorite out of those is Ebbett's, but we'll be lucky if it opens by Memorial day.

Originally Posted by diphthong (Post 22891234)
ummm...yeah. totally agree. last summer, was game for anything distance or vertical gain. that fitness dwindles all too quickly.

I took most of last year off from riding...partly lost interest, partly because my carpal tunnel issue made it really annoying to ride. I was set to have surgery, but I've been able to make it tolerable without surgery. I'll probably still do it in the future, but for now I can mostly ride without numbness. Anyway, this year has mostly been a struggle just trying to capture past fitness...I was getting a little worried about my improvement, but I think this last week or so has been a bellwether of good things to come.

jaxgtr 05-16-23 11:44 AM

[QUOTE=Sierra_rider;22891207]Only 45 miles today, but it made up for it with climbing./QUOTE]

Hmmmmmmm.... snow..... looks cold.

Cdubs 05-16-23 12:55 PM

6.2km in to work and 6.3km home from work. A nice tail wind both ways somehow lol.

Sierra_rider 05-16-23 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by Sierra_rider (Post 22891207)
Only 45 miles today, but it made up for it with climbing./QUOTE]

Hmmmmmmm.... snow..... looks cold.

It wasn't too bad...I don't believe the numbers my Garmin says, but I'd guess upper 70s at the base of the climb and low 60's at the top. The only place I was chilly was at the very top of the descents.

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