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Jedneck 09-07-21 04:44 PM

538ft of gain
average speed 21.4mph

Inusuit 09-07-21 04:46 PM

35.86 on the Rock Combo, 50% on gravel. 1103 elevation gain

Troul 09-08-21 05:57 AM

55 Miles O.D.

jaxgtr 09-08-21 10:27 PM

24 miles with with 2400 ft of climbing....

kahn 09-08-21 10:38 PM

30.9 and 1,400 feet of climbing

Troul 09-09-21 03:30 AM

33 Miles O.D. brrrrrrrrr

Troul 09-10-21 05:32 AM

33 Miler O.D. repeat.. weather too...

kahn 09-10-21 11:01 AM

Originally Posted by Troul (Post 22223713)
33 Miler O.D. repeat.. weather too...

Gray and cloudy (are those the same thing?) and the sewer backed up so I'm house-bound awaiting a plumber. :( Well, housebound except when exiting to the yard when I have to take a pee!!!!! :lol:

mschwett 09-10-21 07:37 PM

46.14 mile lunch break, 2,078 feet. beautiful day.

jaxgtr 09-10-21 10:42 PM

16 miles, 3200 ft of climbing

The Chemist 09-11-21 05:16 AM
Got caught in downpours three separate times today! Oh well, still had a great ride. 😊

rsbob 09-11-21 09:34 AM

Not one mile in 3 weeks. Have had a miserable head cold. Still blowing my nose and coughing up crud. Stop the insanity! Please…..

biker128pedal 09-11-21 03:50 PM

Yesterday was a fast 21 miles. Today an easy 47 miles. Weather fantastic. Mid seventies.

Troul 09-11-21 04:10 PM

119 Miles O.D. Great weather day.

jaxgtr 09-11-21 05:22 PM

Originally Posted by biker128pedal (Post 22225831)
.... Mid seventies.

I probably have another 2 months of heat and humidity before I see mid 70's...:(

However, did 37 outdoors today

kahn 09-11-21 05:42 PM

15.9 and 830 feet.

Jedneck 09-11-21 05:50 PM

23.38 miles
1369 ft of gain
17.7 average

donm1967 09-11-21 09:47 PM

50.6 miles, my longest so far. Much easier when it's not so humid. I tried for a 50 2 weeks ago and could only make 43.

Flatforkcrown 09-12-21 08:55 AM
A little over 3 miles on dirt
About 10 miles on the road
Caffeine stop

Troul 09-12-21 04:43 PM

58 Miles O.D. was going to make it short, but three days of rain & wind are forecasted

The Chemist 09-12-21 06:24 PM

None. Got a typhoon blowing in with wind / rain for at least the next two days, so I probably won't be able to get back on the bike until Wednesday at the earliest. 😥

ofajen 09-12-21 06:52 PM

20 hilly miles. Heat wasn’t too hard to manage as humidity wasn’t very high. Kept it fairly tame with time to recover.

Making progress in the recovery. Barely any discomfort when doing hard seated climbs. Really no issue when standing.


mschwett 09-12-21 10:23 PM

56.82 miles. 4,452 feet. kicked my ass.

letank 09-13-21 12:28 AM

barely 25miles today of up and down in the SF bay area... which is 2.5x more than what I did in 2020... time to crank up that new second bike I was offered for my birthday... gone the aluminum Specialized and off to a cro-mo Soma...

kahn 09-14-21 05:46 PM

Yesterday: 22.9 and 1,043 gain.
Today: 30.4 and 1,525.00

Today was an urban adventure to near the south limits of Seattle and a new urban trail I'd never been on - no other people!

donm1967 09-14-21 07:00 PM

Lunchtime 16 mi. Felt great, then the last 4 I was swearing at the wind :)

one4smoke 09-14-21 09:23 PM

17 long miles :rolleyes:

diphthong 09-15-21 12:48 AM


The Chemist 09-15-21 02:05 AM

Lunchtime 35km. Nice to get out again after being stuck indoors by rainy windy weather the last three days. Still a bit showery and blustery, but nothing serious.

Tried out my new bib shorts today. They were great so much better than cycling shorts without the shoulder straps. Wish I'd bought them ages ago.

Troul 09-15-21 05:04 AM

56 Miles O.D.

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