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Mithrandir 11-05-12 09:15 AM

People keep looking at me weird, what am I doing wrong?
1 Attachment(s)

It was snowing out so I went for a bike ride. People in cars kept staring at me like I was nuts. I don't get it...


AbundantChoice 11-05-12 09:43 AM

the upside if a random paintball war breaks out at the next right light, you're ready.

Or if your street suddenly turns into a snowboard course without warning, you're good to go ;)

DTSCDS 11-05-12 09:48 AM

Maybe your helmet wasn't on straight?

indyfabz 11-05-12 09:49 AM

Xyz pdq! :)

pdlamb 11-05-12 09:55 AM

I demanded a new ID badge one morning when I rode to work with balaclava, lobsters, helmet cover and shoe covers on. The badge lady just laughed.

I think it's the goggles...

CommuteCommando 11-05-12 10:17 AM

Originally Posted by Mithrandir (Post 14915484)

[h=2]. . . what am I doing wrong?[/h]


Worrying about what others think. ;)

SeanBlader 11-05-12 10:34 AM

Originally Posted by Mithrandir (Post 14915484)
It was snowing out so I went for a bike ride.

You stated the issue right there in your first line. Last time I even saw snow my MR2 got stuck in it. Now I think if I saw snow nearby I'd probably have a flashback and go into some kind of PTSD stupor or something. Now my rule is "snow = inclimant weather" and I stay home. Fortunately it doesn't snow very often in Silicon Valley, and it never accumulates.

So in a nutshell: WTF are you doing outside when it's snowing?! :)

Shellyrides 11-05-12 11:23 AM

Silly boy! Snowshoes are for snow! That being said I am soooooo jealous! I want some white stuff to play in!

Cyclist0084 11-05-12 01:04 PM

People keep looking at me weird, what am I doing wrong?

People in cars kept staring at me like I was nuts. I don't get it...
Perhaps there was a bank robbery nearby, and having heard the news on their car radios, the drivers thought you could perhaps be the perp?

Just a thought. LOL :D

rumrunn6 11-05-12 02:28 PM

they will get used to you

chefisaac 11-05-12 03:10 PM

Originally Posted by Mithrandir (Post 14915484)

It was snowing out so I went for a bike ride. People in cars kept staring at me like I was nuts. I don't get it...


Awesomeness! :) he he he

How do you like the face mask? How about the goggles? Any issues with fogging? Did you get too hot with the mask? Where did you get it at?

Acquaspin 11-05-12 03:52 PM

I thought your socks weren't matching, but then I noticed the picture.

cmrtn7 11-05-12 04:31 PM

I looked at the googles this morning, but stayed with the glasses. But it didn't start snowing here till the end of my ride.

RichardGlover 11-05-12 05:46 PM

They're just jealous because they're paying $$$ for a gallon of gas.

neilfein 11-05-12 06:06 PM

Learn to enjoy the incredulousness of drivers. This is nothing compared to the attitude co-workers give to bike commuters who arrive at work on their bikes when there's a little bit of rain, let along snow or ice. "You rode in that?"

Dad 2 3 11-05-12 06:36 PM

Originally Posted by IndianaRecRider (Post 14916517)
Perhaps there was a bank robbery nearby, and having heard the news on their car radios, the drivers thought you could perhaps be the perp?

Just a thought. LOL :D

You laugh, but this actually happened to my nephew. He was stopped by police while on his road bike, frisked and questioned. Apparently there was a bank robbery within a mile of where he was stopped.

biomed 11-05-12 06:39 PM

Their the one's that don't get it....hammer on my friend...

youcoming 11-05-12 07:39 PM

I couldn't wear the goggles I sweat so much they would be fogged up in about 30 seconds. I have on the other hand had an eye freeze shut once.

tergal 11-05-12 08:47 PM

Originally Posted by Dad 2 3 (Post 14917842)
You laugh, but this actually happened to my nephew. He was stopped by police while on his road bike, frisked and questioned. Apparently there was a bank robbery within a mile of where he was stopped.

haha did he ask the obvious question of

" where the hell did i put the cash .... that err bulge in the lyric is not money " :p

Mithrandir 11-05-12 08:51 PM

Originally Posted by chefisaac (Post 14917106)
Awesomeness! :) he he he

How do you like the face mask? How about the goggles? Any issues with fogging? Did you get too hot with the mask? Where did you get it at?

Scott Notice OTG Anti-fog goggles:

Seirus Innovation Ultraclava:

Goggles rarely fog, and if they do I just turn my head for a second and the airflow defogs it. You will NOT be able to see traffic behind you by turning your head though, the goggles block too much. I had to buy a mirror.

Clava is nice and warm but holds moisture. Haven't noticed it on the ride, but after it's soaking wet. I forgot to hang it up to dry overnight and the next morning it was still soaking wet. Pearl Izumi's tend to shed moisture better, but they are less insulating. As long as it's not causing a problem while riding I don't mind. My breathing is restricted with the mouthpiece up, but not terribly so. I accept that as a limitation of winter cycling. Blowing my nose with the nose cover up will end in a gross disaster.

mtbikerinpa 11-05-12 09:00 PM

I keep a set of swim goggles in my bag for such conditions or rain. Dad had a saying, "A wierd look means they saw you"...

Cyclist0084 11-05-12 11:00 PM

Originally Posted by Dad 2 3 (Post 14917842)
You laugh, but this actually happened to my nephew. He was stopped by police while on his road bike, frisked and questioned. Apparently there was a bank robbery within a mile of where he was stopped.

:eek: Yikes, that had to suck.

aenlaasu 11-05-12 11:01 PM

Could be worse. You could be making small children scream and cry. That's what happens when they see me. :P

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