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Dsprok 10-20-17 07:52 PM

Originally Posted by clubman (Post 19942607)
It's definitely a pre-Raleigh/1960 machine. Everything on it is Birmingham made. The graphics suggest it's a late 50's. It's a nice bike for the money.
[MENTION=466652]johnnyspaghetti[/MENTION], The Eaton's Company (and Simpsons, Sears etc) sourced bikes from many manufacturers, including Hercules and Raleigh. The Commander has proved to be a Herc model. Canada had more intimate relationships with British bike makers which provided a lot of variety of nice Brit bikes in the market place.

It's a 53 it says on the seat tube decal.

plympton 10-20-17 08:44 PM

2 Attachment(s)
A few pieces came off the 49 today.

Attachment 585252

Attachment 585253

clubman 10-21-17 03:44 AM

Originally Posted by Dsprok (Post 19942676)
It's a 53 it says on the seat tube decal.

Well that's what you get for looking...I'm above all that ;)
Hercules must have taken the same approach as Raleigh when they released a differing range of styles directed at the flashy NA market. The home market 53 Sports appears to retain the austere British look while the Toronto bike has more lipstick. It does say it's a Coronation model so maybe it was a special release.

BigChief 10-21-17 04:38 AM

Originally Posted by plympton (Post 19942739)
A few pieces came off the 49 today.

Thanks for posting this picture. Always learning new things here. Didn't know Raleigh used gun barrel blue on the rear fender hanger. Makes sense though. They seemed to move away from bluing and into using that gray finish in the mid 50s. You even have the original blued cable clips, very nice. I know they sell home cold bluing kits, but I know manufacturers use a hot bluing process. I'm assuming the hot process produces a better, longer lasting surface, but I don't really know.

BigChief 10-21-17 04:40 AM

Originally Posted by clubman (Post 19942935)
Well that's what you get for looking...I'm above all that ;)
Hercules must have taken the same approach as Raleigh when they released a differing range of styles directed at the flashy NA market. The home market 53 Sports appears to retain the austere British look while the Toronto bike has more lipstick. It does say it's a Coronation model so maybe it was a special release.

I noticed this ad says "Cut away lugs" And I was just getting used to calling them brackets.

Dsprok 10-21-17 06:08 AM

Clubman, the Queen of England was crowned in 1953. Coronation year, British commonwealth countries made quite the celebration of it. The model may be the typical 'Top Tier' Eatons bike of the period.

plympton 10-21-17 06:10 AM

Originally Posted by BigChief (Post 19942962)
Thanks for posting this picture. Always learning new things here. Didn't know Raleigh used gun barrel blue on the rear fender hanger. Makes sense though. They seemed to move away from bluing and into using that gray finish in the mid 50s. You even have the original blued cable clips, very nice. I know they sell home cold bluing kits, but I know manufacturers use a hot bluing process. I'm assuming the hot process produces a better, longer lasting surface, but I don't really know.

One thing I should mention. The right hand brake was for the front wheel on the 49 Raleigh.

BigChief 10-21-17 06:34 AM

Originally Posted by plympton (Post 19943044)
One thing I should mention. The right hand brake was for the front wheel on the 49 Raleigh.

Raleigh routed the brakes right/front for the home market and left/front for the US market.

dweenk 10-21-17 11:52 AM

Nice Lugged AMF Hercules $60
1 Attachment(s)

I emailed the owner about the bike and he told me that the bike is in excellent working condition. I was planning to give it a look, but I already have 1 bike too many.

SirMike1983 10-21-17 12:20 PM

Originally Posted by dweenk (Post 19943501)

I emailed the owner about the bike and he told me that the bike is in excellent working condition. I was planning to give it a look, but I already have 1 bike too many.

It has a set of the lever and swivel link brake levers we talked about earlier on this thread, which is interesting. They seem to have been used on a variety of "base model" bikes. That's a nice bike for the price. It's typical of what an economy model "US-spec" Raleigh product would be.

clubman 10-21-17 12:33 PM

Originally Posted by Dsprok (Post 19943043)
Clubman, the Queen of England was crowned in 1953. Coronation year, British commonwealth countries made quite the celebration of it. The model may be the typical 'Top Tier' Eatons bike of the period.

23" frame, very nice condition and I like early Birmingham bikes in general. Glad I'm not in TO or it would be mine.

dweenk 10-21-17 01:37 PM

Originally Posted by SirMike1983 (Post 19943525)
It has a set of the lever and swivel link brake levers we talked about earlier on this thread, which is interesting. They seem to have been used on a variety of "base model" bikes. That's a nice bike for the price. It's typical of what an economy model "US-spec" Raleigh product would be.

Yes, it is a very nice bike - from before AMF started sourcing welded frames with Shimano "333" 3 speed hubs and ashtabula cranks. The owner has obviously cared for it as well. I would like to buy it, but it would only sit in my garage unridden mostly.

browngw 10-21-17 02:32 PM

5 Attachment(s)
As I was having my morning coffee, the phone rang. It was a neighbor who knew I liked old bikes. He was at his church helping with a rummage sale and had set aside an "old Raleigh" for me. Grabbed my cuppa', jumped in the van and off to church I go. Indeed it was an "old Raleigh", a 24" DL1 of 1977 vintage. I offered up $35 and it was graciously received. Dirty, rusty and freewheeling between gears (the indicator is stuck) but with air in the original Raleigh Roadster tires I brought it home. Another future project I guess.

gster 10-21-17 03:00 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by dweenk (Post 19943628)
Yes, it is a very nice bike - from before AMF started sourcing welded frames with Shimano "333" 3 speed hubs and ashtabula cranks. The owner has obviously cared for it as well. I would like to buy it, but it would only sit in my garage unridden mostly.

To be fair, the bike is in Whitby, about an hour outside of Toronto. Had it been closer I would have it in my garage by now.
I may try to go out there next week. He says he has some other vintage bikes.
Eatons decorated for the Coronation, 1953.
Attachment 585325

BigChief 10-21-17 03:14 PM

Originally Posted by browngw (Post 19943704)
As I was having my morning coffee, the phone rang. It was a neighbor who knew I liked old bikes. He was at his church helping with a rummage sale and had set aside an "old Raleigh" for me. Grabbed my cuppa', jumped in the van and off to church I go. Indeed it was an "old Raleigh", a 24" DL1 of 1977 vintage. I offered up $35 and it was graciously received. Dirty, rusty and freewheeling between gears (the indicator is stuck) but with air in the original Raleigh Roadster tires I brought it home. Another future project I guess.

Nice find! I love finding bikes like this. It would just be junk without a little TLC from a dedicated 3 speeder. A couple years ago I bought a 35 dollar roadster. It was a super fun project and turned out to be my favorite ride. by Billy Bones, on Flickr

browngw 10-21-17 05:53 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Squirted some oil in the hub end and the indicator shifts easily but still have no hub engagement forward or backward. Is there a magic potion I can apply? The owner, who dropped it off at the sale, says it "RAN WHEN PARKED" I put an ounce or so of ATF in the hub as well.

BigChief 10-21-17 07:02 PM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by browngw (Post 19944020)
Squirted some oil in the hub end and the indicator shifts easily but still have no hub engagement forward or backward. Is there a magic potion I can apply? The owner, who dropped it off at the sale, says it "RAN WHEN PARKED" I put an ounce or so of ATF in the hub as well.

I suspect you have something similar to this going on. The pawls are stuck. Since there's no grease in there to dry up, chances are that it's rust binding up the pawls and or damaging the springs.
Attachment 585348
But after an overnight in Evapo Rust and replaced pawl springs it looks like this and now the hub works good as new.
I love AW hubs.
Attachment 585349

gster 10-22-17 04:56 AM

Originally Posted by browngw (Post 19944020)
Squirted some oil in the hub end and the indicator shifts easily but still have no hub engagement forward or backward. Is there a magic potion I can apply? The owner, who dropped it off at the sale, says it "RAN WHEN PARKED" I put an ounce or so of ATF in the hub as well.

The miserable state of that chain could indicate trouble inside the hub. It's worth your time to take it apart. I've been collecting these bikes for about 10 years and only recently delved into the hub....
A bit of a learning curve but well worth the effort (frustration).
This Youtube tutorial is very helpful.

johnnyspaghetti 10-22-17 08:58 AM

Yesterday I could even look at these bikes you folks have been coming up with. My bicycle pennies are done for the month, it hurts too much.

Check out these prices on this site someone posted in another thread.

drasp 10-22-17 11:23 AM

Originally Posted by USAZorro (Post 19940611)
Anyone who can post a picture from their yard or ride with palm trees and a hibiscus needs to be treated with proper degrees of envy - especially during the colder months here.

I should note that there was not a single Raleigh engineer who contemplated balmy breezes during winter months, so by rights, you should consider surrendering this steed to someone in the intended geography. :innocent:

LOL, you may be right!!! :p

Seriously though, lovely as this bike is, I think I might like one size larger even better. . . :(

gster 10-22-17 02:04 PM

5 Attachment(s)
A very pleasant day here in Toronto and a perfect day for a fall ride.

This bike is a true Bitsa in every sense (Bits of this and bits of that).

It’s a Raleigh built Glider 5 speed frame with a ’71 3 speed hub. The hub internals are from a 1961.

The trigger is mid ’60’s and the rest of the parts… who knows.
I’m calling it a Semi Scorcher because the handle bars are in the upright position rather than being inverted.
Saddle is a used Brooks B66 and the pedals are a pair of brand new MKS 3000R (reflector) from Curbside Cycle.
The bike is a pleasure to ride and without any fenders or racks, rattle free as well as being somewhat lighter.
The only cosmetic issue to address are the mis-matched crank arms. The drive side is the rounded type while the other is squared. Something to do in the spring….
Attachment 585439

Attachment 585440

Attachment 585441

Attachment 585442

Attachment 585443

noglider 10-22-17 04:12 PM

[MENTION=298130]browngw[/MENTION], I'm sure [MENTION=301310]gster[/MENTION] and [MENTION=398265]BigChief[/MENTION] are right. I suggest you get new pawl springs even before you open the hub. I don't know where to get them in Canada, but Harris Cyclery in Massachusetts is where I would go here in the US.

gster 10-22-17 04:26 PM

Originally Posted by noglider (Post 19945630)
[MENTION=298130]browngw[/MENTION], I'm sure [MENTION=301310]gster[/MENTION] and [MENTION=398265]BigChief[/MENTION] are right. I suggest you get new pawl springs even before you open the hub. I don't know where to get them in Canada, but Harris Cyclery in Massachusetts is where I would go here in the US.

Urbane Cycle in Toronto carries them and if you scroll back several pages Big Chief shows how to make your own from guitar strings!

noglider 10-22-17 04:34 PM

Originally Posted by gster (Post 19945646)
Urbane Cycle in Toronto carries them and if you scroll back several pages Big Chief shows how to make your own from guitar strings!

I did see that explanation, but I would probably go crazy trying that. Just installing pawl springs is annoying enough.

3speedslow 10-22-17 05:15 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Out this early evening for a coffee stop. Up to #8 on pedal tried to find a knee friendly set.

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