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jaxgtr 04-08-23 08:43 PM

Originally Posted by Troul (Post 22854307)
wonder if that same cop would ticket someone riding without using both hands with a careless citation?

Probably. This little area I was riding has a few renta cops on power trips. This is the second time this has happened to me in that general area. Been a while since it happened the first time though.

Adamdavidaudio 04-09-23 06:23 AM

I rode a mile yesterday! May not stack up compared to what some of you are doing, but that’s the first bike riding I’ve done in about ten years so I’m calling it a good start to a good summer!

Troul 04-09-23 09:06 AM

Hopped on the bicycle for an Easter ride; 107 miles. Temps were slow to rise, but 39°F isn't technically "freezing" & there weren't any slick spots.

jaxgtr 04-09-23 10:26 AM

Light cold rain here, so 45 miles indoors while I have a 10 pound pork butt on the smoker.

808HIcycler 04-09-23 12:36 PM

35 miles for the first ride with our group of the yar.

DangerousDanR 04-09-23 07:03 PM

Made 17 miles today. Longest ride since my broken femur last November. And I can still walk this evening. The goal is to get past 30. Maybe I will do it again tomorrow after work.

Daniel4 04-10-23 02:21 PM

Rode as far west as the Bloor St bike lanes went, which was in block west of Runnymede.

According to my Garmin GPS, I went 43 km. But my Supercycle app on my phone says 50.4km.

Checked my route in Google Map. The Garmin was correct.

Imaginos 04-10-23 06:42 PM

Twenty five miles today after not riding at all last week mostly due to weather.
An out and back.
Lots of snow in the mountains yet.

biker128pedal 04-11-23 08:59 PM

Warming up here. Nice ride on a 25 mile loops. Fastest time since 2019.

Troul 04-12-23 04:58 AM

66.6 miles. 59°F.

dennis336 04-12-23 02:19 PM

Glorious spring weather this week. Starting to build up miles. 43 miles on Sunday and 51 today (with temps in the mid-70s - perfect!).

Troul 04-13-23 01:08 PM

easy 22 miles, 58F.

Uncle_Moose 04-13-23 05:36 PM

Getting 58 miles in on sunday

Troul 04-13-23 06:41 PM

Originally Posted by Uncle_Moose (Post 22859053)
Getting 58 miles in on sunday

callin' the pedals before the flats?

Troul 04-14-23 04:32 PM

88 miles.

john m flores 04-14-23 07:36 PM

18 miles

The Chemist 04-15-23 02:53 AM
Putting my new custom Ti bike through its paces.

Troul 04-15-23 11:23 AM

105 miles +/- 3.

spinconn 04-15-23 06:44 PM

21 miles, on a 3 mile loop, over and over.

jaxgtr 04-15-23 08:28 PM

Originally Posted by The Chemist (Post 22860150)
Putting my new custom Ti bike through its paces.

I am digging this frame.

jaxgtr 04-15-23 08:31 PM

Lots of hours at work these days, we are moving to a new data environment, and having to rewrite everything......:notamused:, however, job security for another years, so :thumb:, Did about 125 indoors during the week, but I had to get outside today, winds were fairly low, suppose to rain tomorrow , so I got in 45 outside and then took a nap.

rsbob 04-15-23 09:05 PM

Originally Posted by Troul (Post 22860441)
105 miles +/- 3.

Overachiever 😉

rsbob 04-15-23 09:10 PM

Did a quick 25 yesterday and got three fastest Strava segments for my age group and one second which felt good. One was on a long hill climb which really surprised me - since I wasn’t hammering all out.

Today I ran into a couple of older friends out for a leisurely ride so I joined them on a 25 mile flat 11 MPH cruise. It was so relaxing just to poke along and chat the whole way.

The Chemist 04-15-23 10:53 PM
Sunday morning social group ride. An absolutely glorious morning for a ride here in Shanghai this morning.

Troul 04-16-23 12:51 PM

45 miles before the pavement got soaked.

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