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datlas 05-16-20 07:50 AM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize (Post 21478179)
Back in the early 70s it was rumored that lettuce hearts contained opium and, thus could be dried and smoked in order to get high. And in the late 60s there was the thing where you put a stick of gum between the banana and the peel, let it sit for a few days, and then chew it. What do the medics have to say on the subject?

I have no knowledge of this but suspect it’s bunk.

ericy 05-16-20 07:56 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21478202)
I have no knowledge of this but suspect it’s bunk.

Back in the day people would smoke anything. My brother had a story about going through a car wash after having bought some organic oregano at a local market. The kids working at the car wash swiped the oregano, and undoubtedly tried to smoke it.

rjones28 05-16-20 08:03 AM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 21477763)
They used to make them at the blacksmith's shop, with horseshoes and wagon wheels.

Do you ride a hobby horse?

Velo Vol 05-16-20 08:55 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21478169)
Another related fun fact: you can sharpen “disposable” razors against your arm or jeans and they are almost good as new.

I read a post about this and my memory is that it's more a factor of drying all the water off the blade than actually sharpening.

LesterOfPuppets 05-16-20 10:01 AM

OMG, I thought they were going 'til the 25th of May! :(

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bampilot06 05-16-20 10:04 AM

it’s official my bike seat and my bum do not get along.

Bah Humbug 05-16-20 10:11 AM

[MENTION=107711]datlas[/MENTION] - am I right in assuming that that same "RHR is different for everyone" thing is why Garmin usually tells me my HR zone is one above my power zone? This morning was two hours, mostly Z2 power/ Z3 HR. Super frustrating when trying to get in base work according to the normal definitions.

2manybikes 05-16-20 10:13 AM

Originally Posted by berner (Post 21476056)
I wondered how she got in also. Probably jumped the fence which should be easy for a healthy dear. Yesterday there were plenty of geese up by Brickyard Pond and already have a flotilla of goslings. They do leave goose crap all over but I don;t mind too much. It just provides slalom practice to improve bike handling skills. There has been as Osprey family nesting in a tree at the pond also. I've seen some Ospreys already but that family has not arrived. I hope they are well.

A few years ago I used to walk the dog on the western edge of the pond. I saw many fish in the shallow water right next to what looks like a dirt boat ramp. My guess is that the shallow water warms up faster. There was an osprey that would sit in a tree at the edge of the pond. I watched him get a fish three or four times always between 11:00 and 12:00. Have not been there since a few years ago, when a coyote took a small dog from it's owner and ran away. I had a small dog too..

WhyFi 05-16-20 10:36 AM

Thought that I might get in a ride today, but it's looking less likely. I wanted to finish up the project from the ol' HoneyDo List before squeezing out, but it's threatening to rain soon. Oh well, at least there's some home-grown veggies in my future; this is where all of that cedar went -

Jadesfire 05-16-20 10:42 AM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 21478130)
I keep an alum block on hand for the odd weepers or nicks - it's weird to me that such a wonderful thing has been largely forgotten. That said, I usually don't need it more than once or twice a month.

Another factor for my low-ish nick rate might be the fact that I have almost 100 razors on-hand and have no qualms with tossing them once they start tugging.

Low spots are fine; I think safety razors do better than carts - carts are broader, flatter, and don't maneuver in as well. The most delicate spot for me it the top of the skull, where there's no padding under the skin - gotta go easy there.

Agreed. I switched over to a safety razor exclusively several years ago. Works great for legs and underarms. If I do nick myself (usually on the knee somewhere), I know I should have changed the blade.

Jadesfire 05-16-20 10:49 AM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 21478456)
Thought that I might get in a ride today, but it's looking less likely. I wanted to finish up the project from the ol' HoneyDo List before squeezing out, but it's threatening to rain soon. Oh well, at least there's some home-grown veggies in my future; this is where all of that cedar went -

I have an area in the backyard that needs a raised bed or two. What are the measurements of this one and, if you don't mind, about how much did it cost in materials?
Looks great! Enjoy.

WhyFi 05-16-20 10:56 AM

Originally Posted by Jadesfire (Post 21478464)
Agreed. I switched over to a safety razor exclusively several years ago. Works great for legs and underarms. If I do nick myself (usually on the knee somewhere), I know I should have changed the blade.

I've shaved my legs a handful of times, now. There was some trepidation the first time, but I was surprised at how much better it was. They're particularly forgiving if you're lazy and take a week or more off - much less prone to clog. I do need to pick up a different handle, though - I can see why the "Ladies" versions have handles that are a couple inches longer; I always want just a tad more reach than the stubby men's handles provide.

WhyFi 05-16-20 11:12 AM

Originally Posted by Jadesfire (Post 21478475)
I have an area in the backyard that needs a raised bed or two. What are the measurements of this one and, if you don't mind, about how much did it cost in materials?
Looks great! Enjoy.

The top frame/bench is 5' x 8' and overhangs the walls by an inch on each side. Walls are three 2x6s (~1.5 x 5.5 actual) so the total height is roughly 18", including the thickness of the 2x8 seating frame. Here's a snap of materials/costs - some wood pricing differs a lot by region. I used cedar because it's somewhat rot resistant and we didn't want to use pressure treated or anything for a veggie bed.

Edit: the posts should be 4" x 4" x 12 feet, not 12 inches. I cut that in to six 24" posts so that I could bury ~8" in the ground.

Jadesfire 05-16-20 11:17 AM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 21478508)
The top frame/bench is 5' x 8' and overhangs the walls by an inch on each side. Walls are three 2x6s (~1.5 x 5.5 actual) so the total height is roughly 18", including the thickness of the 2x8 seating frame. Here's a snap of materials/costs - some wood pricing differs a lot by region. I used cedar because it's somewhat rot resistant and we didn't want to use pressure treated or anything for a veggie bed.

Cool. Thanks!

LAJ 05-16-20 11:19 AM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 21478456)
Thought that I might get in a ride today, but it's looking less likely. I wanted to finish up the project from the ol' HoneyDo List before squeezing out, but it's threatening to rain soon. Oh well, at least there's some home-grown veggies in my future; this is where all of that cedar went -

Nicely done. Mrs. LAJ wanted a raised garden, and I went with blocks. It was a lot of work, especially digging down to get it level. See previous post many pages ago about the buttwipe that graveled every square inch of the yard...

LesterOfPuppets 05-16-20 11:33 AM

Originally Posted by LAJ (Post 21478522)
Nicely done. Mrs. LAJ wanted a raised garden, and I went with blocks. It was a lot of work, especially digging down to get it level. See previous post many pages ago about the buttwipe that graveled every square inch of the yard...

Uggh. I tweeked my back digging up old gravel the other day. I was trying to pace myself and only do a half hour per day of shoveling, hauling, dumping, raking gravel but I overdid it a little bit. I should be back on it by Tuesday. With any luck, by September or so this eyesore will be a reasonably flat expanse of beautiful Bermuda.

This gravel is about 1' deep at its highest point, and a lot of it is packed in clay, so pretty brutal work at times.

LAJ 05-16-20 11:52 AM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 21478539)
Uggh. I tweeked my back digging up old gravel the other day. I was trying to pace myself and only do a half hour per day of shoveling, hauling, dumping, raking gravel but I overdid it a little bit. I should be back on it by Tuesday. With any luck, by September or so this eyesore will be a reasonably flat expanse of beautiful Bermuda.

This gravel is about 1' deep at its highest point, and a lot of it is packed in clay, so pretty brutal work at times.

I feel your pain.

datlas 05-16-20 12:00 PM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 21478420)
[MENTION=107711]datlas[/MENTION] - am I right in assuming that that same "RHR is different for everyone" thing is why Garmin usually tells me my HR zone is one above my power zone? This morning was two hours, mostly Z2 power/ Z3 HR. Super frustrating when trying to get in base work according to the normal definitions.


Honestly if you have a PM it makes more sense to train to it primarily and look at HR secondarily anyway. Use RHR to make sure you are not sick or over-training.

datlas 05-16-20 12:02 PM

So a reasonably large group of my club-mates did a group 100 mile ride today.

I am thinking of calling the ride the “Hypocrisy Hundred.”

Too harsh??

datlas 05-16-20 12:03 PM

I did a semi-hypocrisy half-century. I confess that I blew through several 4-way stop signs.


Bah Humbug 05-16-20 12:31 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21478587)

Honestly if you have a PM it makes more sense to train to it primarily and look at HR secondarily anyway. Use RHR to make sure you are not sick or over-training.

Yeah, that's what I do, which is why Garmin (and AG's old-skool coach) tell me my base work is too hard.

What I did discover after writing that though is, while Garmin's zones are disjointed for me, TPKS has them matching up pretty well, though this ride went for more Z2 power than HR, according to it. I wish clarity were easier to accomplish, and that everyone didn't have their own zone definitions.

ls01 05-16-20 01:07 PM

Originally Posted by 2manybikes (Post 21474387)
Some places require you to put one foot down on the ground. Drivers can't tell how long you can track stand, it looks like you are about to go forward. You can probably find it on the interwebz.

many municipalities use the 1 foot down as a standard. Stop and 1 foot touches the ground is a COMPLETE ✋ STOP ✋.

ls01 05-16-20 01:12 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21474860)
Issue is some patients are so entitled after paying $$$ for insurance they think they can get anything they want. He would not even tell us whether he wants a thoracic spine or lumbar spine MRI. My guess is he wants the whole thing.


give him the cash price, and explain why it would be on his dime

ls01 05-16-20 01:14 PM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 21474965)
departmental zoom happy hour at 4. Getting a head start.

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 21474961)
ask if he wants one of his cervix.

omg lol

Pirkaus 05-16-20 01:15 PM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 21478396)
OMG, I thought they were going 'til the 25th of May! :(

Well that stinks, also explains the smoking deal I got on a carbon Columbus fork to repair the Lynskey.

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