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DougRNS 07-14-21 08:26 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22141965)

I saw this person being tweeted about this morning and didn't know who she is. Oof.

Don't know her but this duo is good

bampilot06 07-14-21 08:30 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22141965)
I forget who you fly for. Otherwise I'd get it on the first guess, probably.


It's not as gray hairish as buying records (:wtf:), but I saw this person being tweeted about this morning and didn't know who she is. Oof.

I didn’t know who she is either. I still don’t know who she is.

bampilot06 07-14-21 08:32 PM

If I told you who I flew for you could look at the routes and that would be cheating.

Mojo31 07-14-21 08:34 PM

Originally Posted by DougRNS (Post 22141964)

I thought you were referring to the other Canuckian Neil.

Mojo31 07-14-21 08:35 PM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 22141982)
If I told you who I flew for you could look at the routes and that would be cheating.


rjones28 07-14-21 08:37 PM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 22141978)
I didn’t know who she is either. I still don’t know who she is.

You obviously don't watch enough C-Span.

Velo Vol 07-14-21 08:50 PM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 22141982)
If I told you who I flew for you could look at the routes and that would be cheating.

It wouldn't be cheating, it would be an educated guess.

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 22141978)
I didn’t know who she is either. I still don’t know who she is.

That makes me feel a little better. I spent the morning trying to make sense of her footwear.

LesterOfPuppets 07-14-21 09:28 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22141723)
We need a new pest to replace the cicadas.

Our cicadas just started a few days ago. They're all fired up tonight after the rain, and only getting up to 97 degrees today.

LesterOfPuppets 07-14-21 09:29 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22142011)
That makes me feel a little better. I spent the morning trying to make sense of her footwear.

Never been to a strip club, eh?

Velo Vol 07-14-21 09:34 PM


LesterOfPuppets 07-14-21 09:35 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22141885)

Pretty sweet haul! For many moons I got by with cassette copies of Speaking in Tongues, then about 15 years ago I scored a Rauschenberg copy and was so stoked, but slightly disappointed to discover the vinyl itself is just clear vinyl, but still stoked.


MoAlpha 07-15-21 04:22 AM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22142011)
It wouldn't be cheating, it would be an educated guess.

That makes me feel a little better. I spent the morning trying to make sense of her footwear.

Thats what I wear to the White House, but with more interesting socks.

BillyD 07-15-21 05:35 AM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22142211)
Thats what I wear to the White House, but with more interesting socks.

... and a shorter skirt. :innocent:

indyfabz 07-15-21 06:59 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22141723)
We need a new pest to replace the cicadas.

Haven't been making a peep here in the city, although last Saturday I took a ride on the SRT to Valley Forge and collided with one. Hit me on the arm.

Last year our office building and the one across the street, which has a large courtyard and lots of plants, was ground zero for lantern flies in center city. I am wondering if they have been spraying. Walking through the courtyard to Wawa I have noticed a good number other dead insects, including bees and beetles.

MoAlpha 07-15-21 07:16 AM

Originally Posted by BillyD (Post 22142269)
... and a shorter skirt. :innocent:

You'd wear one too if you had legs like mine.

datlas 07-15-21 07:37 AM

One of my riding buddies works for a startup that makes bike computers. He is a software guy. I just texted him if he can ride tomorrow, and he said he cannot as he is in Italy with pro team ISN at their training camp. I wont say which company, but they make a product that sounds like a marsupial that jumps. Sadly, he did not get to do any riding but he got to hang out in the team car while the team was out training.

indyfabz 07-15-21 07:57 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22142410)
One of my riding buddies works for a startup that makes bike computers. He is a software guy. I just texted him if he can ride tomorrow, and he said he cannot as he is in Italy with pro team ISN at their training camp. I wont say which company, but they make a product that sounds like a marsupial that jumps. Sadly, he did not get to do any riding but he got to hang out in the team car while the team was out training.

Where in Italy? Boot, heel, upper or the ball being kicked?

datlas 07-15-21 08:07 AM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 22142433)
Where in Italy? Boot, heel, upper or the ball being kicked?

Top. Alps near Switzerland. He said it was in Livigno.

for those who say POIDH

Velo Vol 07-15-21 08:10 AM

Odds for the fish better than last night. I do relate to them. Their life is hard enough swimming upstream, even without facing hungry bears.

Bah Humbug 07-15-21 08:12 AM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 22141978)
I didn’t know who she is either. I still don’t know who she is.

High School Musical. Plus a public love triangle so dramatic it gets discussed alongside A-A-Rod and the Packers.

ksryder 07-15-21 08:16 AM

Any time a young person pops up on the news and is apparently famous and I have no idea who that person is I assume they were on a Disney or Nickelodeon show. And I'm usually right.

Also I'm not even that old but when I see the year some of these people were born I feel pretty old. I was on my way to Iraq when this person was born.

indyfabz 07-15-21 08:18 AM

Time to get back on the horse, so to speak.

For better or worse, booked a campsite at a state park outside of White Haven. Going to drive to Jim Thorpe Saturday morning and ride the unpaved trail to White Haven (about 25 miles gradually up hill), stop for groceries, backtrack about 1.5 miles then do another 5 miles to camp with nearly 900' of climbing but with some down in between ups. Reverse on Sunday. Going to be hot and steamy Saturday, and there is a 60% chance of rain starting mid-afternoon into the evening. T-storms possible. Have to start somewhere.

LAJ 07-15-21 08:21 AM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 22142464)
Time to get back on the horse, so to speak.

For better or worse, booked a campsite at a state park outside of White Haven. Going to drive to Jim Thorpe Saturday morning and ride the unpaved trail to White Haven (about 25 miles gradually up hill), stop for groceries, backtrack about 1.5 miles then do another 5 miles to camp with nearly 900' of climbing but with some down in between ups. Reverse on Sunday. Going to be hot and steamy Saturday, and there is a 60% chance of rain starting mid-afternoon into the evening. T-storms possible. Have to start somewhere.

Nice. Be careful, and have a good time!

indyfabz 07-15-21 08:24 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22142445)
Top. Alps near Switzerland. He said it was in Livigno.

Nice. When I went to the Giro in '95 the race was supposed to go into Switzerland, but the pass they were going to use was still snowed in. We ended up staying put and did a loop ride from the hotel instead. I was good with that.

indyfabz 07-15-21 08:31 AM

Originally Posted by LAJ (Post 22142468)
Nice. Be careful, and have a good time!

Thanks. I will try. I need to make sure I don't go push too hard. When I ride long stretches of flat terrain loaded with gear I feel like I should be going faster and usually end up rushing/pushing myself more than I should. Now I will be throwing 25 miles of limestone trail into the mix.

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