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datlas 02-01-22 01:32 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22395197)
I have to say, though, the train going into the tunnel at the end is a bit 'on the nose'.

Railfans probably noted that their initial encounter was on the New York Central's 20th Century Limited, but the train going into the tunnel was Southern Pacific.

I see what you did there. Kudos.

datlas 02-01-22 01:33 PM

Originally Posted by BillyD (Post 22395127)
He's too thrifty for that.

I'm pretty sure.

Fairly sure.

fixed for accuracy

datlas 02-01-22 01:34 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22395108)
Not enough winter activities. Fattened up to 155. :(

Ask the witch doctor for a course of prednisone. You will be up to 175 pronto.

indyfabz 02-01-22 01:35 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22395197)
I have to say, though, the train going into the tunnel at the end is a bit 'on the nose'.

Railfans probably noted that their initial encounter was on the New York Central's 20th Century Limited, but the train going into the tunnel was Southern Pacific.

Yes. They were riding up the east side of the Hudson. But at the end they were leaving SD.

Due ot our history, we had some stationery sets, complete with envelopes, from both the Broadway and the 20th Century in our NJ office. Great, art deco style. I found them in a file cabinet while looking for something many years ago. I asked our librarian if I could have them, but she said no because they were corporate assets. I have no idea what happened to the stuff.

LAJ 02-01-22 01:36 PM

This should be good. It's going to be fun watching Travelers and the State fight this out. Travelers says they only cover pre existing stuff, and since this place is not in the original configuration that it was 25 years ago, they may not cover much of the damage.

Check the hoses going to the tank on the toilets, kids.... It's a plastic fitting on a braided line, and just because the hose is plastic reinforced by steel braid, doesn't mean the plastic end of the hose won't blow apart.

indyfabz 02-01-22 01:36 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22395205)
fixed for accuracy

HAH! I actually blow a good deal of money on food and at my local bar.

datlas 02-01-22 01:43 PM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 22395214)
HAH! I actually blow a good deal of money on food and at my local bar.

Actually, the one item mrs datlas and I do splurge on is food. And college tuition for daughter #2. We are pretty thrifty on most other items.

genejockey 02-01-22 01:46 PM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 22395211)
Yes. They were riding up the east side of the Hudson. But at the end they were leaving SD.

(SP didn't get any closer to SD than Ogden UT)

Due ot our history, we had some stationery sets, complete with envelopes, from both the Broadway and the 20th Century in our NJ office. Great, art deco style. I found them in a file cabinet while looking for something many years ago. I asked our librarian if I could have them, but she said no because they were corporate assets. I have no idea what happened to the stuff.
The kind of stuff that nowadays probably brings at least medium sized bucks on Ebay?

genejockey 02-01-22 01:51 PM

Speaking of North By Northwest, one of the things I love about that movie is how it documents rail transportation in the US in the 1950s - the sleeper cars, the dining car, Red Caps, etc. All pretty much gone, outside of a few long distance routes on Amtrak.

seedsbelize2 02-01-22 02:07 PM

It's looking like the wait for me getting on a bike will be measured in weeks, rather than days. Vamos a ver.

rjones28 02-01-22 02:27 PM

Originally Posted by ls01 (Post 22395013)
I have a buddy who buys parts and puts them in the back seat of his truck. One time he had 4 or more projects in the back. Some stearing components, brakes etc. Asked him what that was all about and without missing a beat he said" they're acclimating" some had been acclimating for a year or more. I still use that one now and then.

There is a table for that in my office/shop for bike parts.

rjones28 02-01-22 02:31 PM

Originally Posted by ls01 (Post 22395020)
So, storm warnings for snowfall tomorrow and into Thursday. Ecm is going to be here tomorrow before 7pm! Anyone else see a problem? Fine, it's fine ..everything's fine, your fine, I'm fine, it's all fine....
when good plans turn to kuh kuh. Drive a 1999 firebird in 12 to 20 inches of snow.

Viral video material.

big john 02-01-22 03:12 PM

Originally Posted by ls01 (Post 22395013)
I have a buddy who buys parts and puts them in the back seat of his truck. One time he had 4 or more projects in the back. Some stearing components, brakes etc. Asked him what that was all about and without missing a beat he said" they're acclimating" some had been acclimating for a year or more. I still use that one now and then.

I do the same with bike stuff. Can't be in too big of a hurry.

genejockey 02-01-22 03:38 PM

Originally Posted by big john (Post 22395356)
I do the same with bike stuff. Can't be in too big of a hurry.

My 'extra stuff' tends to be take-offs, or things I bought for other project that I ultimately didn't use. For example, I now have that Campy Chorus/Sachs New Success Frankengruppo I took off the Litespeed. And what I rebuilt it with was take-offs from the Ritchey and the Centurion. i have a number of spare stems, a spare seatpost or two. In the case of some bikes, like the Circuit, I have the original bar, stem, and seatpost because they were all too small for me, so I keep boxes of take-offs for the C&V bikes that had original parts I'm not using.

Trsnrtr 02-01-22 03:41 PM

We are under a Winter storm warning. Could be over 12" with blowing and drifting thrown in for good measure. Groceries are stocked. :thumb:

Got my monthly eyeball piercing this morning. Doc said I'm doing a *little* better. I asked him if there will ever be an end to the molestations of my ocular orbs and he said... "Maybe in 3-4 years." :eek:

big john 02-01-22 03:43 PM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 22395053)
In the early 90s I bought a Trek 930 to get around down and do some light trail riding. Even took it on a real 25 mile MTB ride out of Jim Thorpe on a trail rated "Advanced.". That's when I realized that it's ok cycling to hurt, but it's not supposed to hurt you.

I abused that bike for more than 12 years and it rarely complained. When I finally put it in the alley while cleaning out my mom's garage house in preparation for her house sale it had a slightly twisted rim, a dent in the top tube and it's original tires. (The knobs were worn off the rear one.) Someone trash picked it in under two hours. I like to think that someone put it to good use.

Looked like this, except without that dorky saddle. Thing was a tank:

I had the aluminum 7000. The most unforgiving, harsh, rattle your teeth loose piece of crap I ever had. I remember riding down a hill and seeing some little 1 inch ruts in sandstone and thinking how much they were going to hurt. It was better after I put a suspension fork on but it still sucked. Looked a lot like this.$_86.JPG

big john 02-01-22 04:07 PM

Originally Posted by Eric F (Post 22395131)
What's a "good" weight for you?

A good weight for me when I was in high school was 250. Of course then I had to wrestle guys who were 280-300. Side benefit was I stopped getting bullied.
I was happy at 220 for most of my post-alcohol life. I could even do the hard climbs, just slower than my friends.
Now I think it would be good to get down to 190. Wish I had the discipline to do it.

btw, I thought of you today while I was descending Wilson Canyon. Got a little too confident after seeing the new ruts last week and had to check myself.

Trsnrtr 02-01-22 04:26 PM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize2 (Post 22395253)
It's looking like the wait for me getting on a bike will be measured in weeks, rather than days. Vamos a ver.

Aww… crap.

Eric F 02-01-22 04:26 PM

Originally Posted by big john (Post 22395420)
A good weight for me when I was in high school was 250. Of course then I had to wrestle guys who were 280-300. Side benefit was I stopped getting bullied.
I was happy at 220 for most of my post-alcohol life. I could even do the hard climbs, just slower than my friends.
Now I think it would be good to get down to 190. Wish I had the discipline to do it.

btw, I thought of you today while I was descending Wilson Canyon. Got a little too confident after seeing the new ruts last week and had to check myself.

In my own weight-loss adventures, I found it's more about won't-power than willpower..."I won't eat that donut".

I was asking about VV's weight because he indicated that he was up to 155. Even at my peak race fitness in my early-30s, my leanest was 158. Most of the time I was 162-165. I'm currently a bit over 190, which is about 10 lbs up from last year due to a lack of miles...and a lack of won't-power.

Yeah. Over-confidence was definitely part of my issue. I was feeling good all day - strong and agile, flowy and smooth. My brain said "you should walk that", and my ego said "let's goooooo!!!" I'm an idiot.

BillyD 02-01-22 04:29 PM

Originally Posted by Trsnrtr (Post 22395396)
Got my monthly eyeball piercing this morning. Doc said I'm doing a *little* better. I asked him if there will ever be an end to the molestations of my ocular orbs and he said... "Maybe in 3-4 years." :eek:

There's gotta be another way, man. Sounds like my wife's quandary. She's got glaucoma with declining vision, and one day she'll surely be legally blind. Years ago one doctor did a surgical procedure on one eye which was supposed to help but it just made things worse. Now a different doctor wants to do the same procedure on the other eye, but she's not having that nonsense. So it's just several eye drops 3 times a day for as long as they hold the glaucoma at bay, until the day they don't.

MoAlpha 02-01-22 04:31 PM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize2 (Post 22395253)
It's looking like the wait for me getting on a bike will be measured in weeks, rather than days. Vamos a ver.

Well, that sucks. What’s the limiting problem?

seedsbelize2 02-01-22 05:08 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22395449)
Well, that sucks. What’s the limiting problem?

Omicron recovery. I'm told it takes some time. I feel ever so slightly better today than yesterday. If the increments remain that small, it will be awhile.
I'm susceptible to these things. My wife was asymptomatic throughout. We have to assume she had it. The AZ booster sidelined me for four or five days.
No complaints though. I happy to have experienced it from the inside. I will be happy to not have to do it again.

Velo Vol 02-01-22 05:18 PM

Originally Posted by Eric F (Post 22395131)
What's a "good" weight for you?

I'd say 150, if active. I was down to 140 once upon a time, but that's when the disease was quite active. Not ideal.

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22395209)
Ask the witch doctor for a course of prednisone. You will be up to 175 pronto.

I've been taking it every day for about ten years.

indyfabz 02-01-22 05:24 PM

The NYT bought Wordle. I see a subscription thing in the future.

genejockey 02-01-22 05:55 PM

Discussing weight without accompanying height is pointless. I can't tell whether VeloVol is obese or gaunt at 155.

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