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WhyFi 02-11-22 06:40 AM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 22406129)
Question, lately I have noticed that when I am getting out of the saddle it seems that my legs “burn” or fatigue quicker than when in the saddle. I’ll be cruising along in the saddle fine start and incline get out of the saddle and the effort actually feels harder on the legs than if I just stayed in the saddle. Heart rate is usually above zone 3 at this moment. The burning is in the hamstrings. Is there some exercise I can do to strengthen my hamstrings?

Another example, when we were doing hill work yesterday I was out of saddle and sprang up the hill but near the top I didn’t have anything left and standing felt harder than just sitting back down. Up to this point I didn’t get out of the saddle much.

You're using muscles that you're not used to using; a lot of cyclists have hamstrings that are underdeveloped relative to their quads. Just keep at it, but address any soreness and tightness with your post-ride routine.

Velo Vol 02-11-22 07:38 AM



indyfabz 02-11-22 08:01 AM

Solidly underachieving again.

Wordle 237 4/6


rjones28 02-11-22 08:07 AM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22406001)

So you agree. Antarctica was omitted from your "map".

Velo Vol 02-11-22 08:13 AM

rjones28 02-11-22 08:15 AM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22406186)


Not a continent.

Velo Vol 02-11-22 08:20 AM

Originally Posted by rjones28 (Post 22406211)
So you agree. Antarctica was omitted from your "map".

No, I don't agree. It has residents who produce services.

Velo Vol 02-11-22 08:22 AM

Originally Posted by rjones28 (Post 22406218)
Not a continent.

Is it performance-enhancing? I figure we have some PED experts here.

Mojo31 02-11-22 08:31 AM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22406224)
Is it performance-enhancing? I figure we have some PED experts here.

Can increase blood flow efficiency and endurance. Is that performance enhancing?

If I find myself agitated and my wife tells me to "chill", then I light a fattie to relax, is that performance enhancing?

Mojo31 02-11-22 08:32 AM

Speaking of peds, the locals in the VI have renamed the Epstein island "Pedophile Island."

That may be old, but was new to me and I found it funny.

datlas 02-11-22 08:36 AM

Hey MoAlpha falling while running guy just showed up. 77YOM loves to run. 6 months progressive sense of falling when running, also occurs while walking DOWNHILL. Can still RUN uphill. Falling sense has NO laterality. Has 2 siblings no similar history or history with family. Denies paresthesias or weakness and other than baseline constipation and poor hearing is feeling usual self. Exam shows NORMAL sensation to light touch and NORMAL proprioception at big toe. EOMI. DTR's LE are 1+. Muscles with normal strength/tone/bulk. Normal heel/shin slide both sides. Rapid alternating movement seems subtly off.

My guess is that he has a very mild/early form of PD that has declared itself early to him because he is a runner. If he were not a runner like a normal 77 year old guy, he would be asymptomatic.

I did suggest he see a local neurologist to get plugged in, which will take 2-3 months. I could send him to a movement specialist but that takes longer and I will defer to my local neuro colleagues.


Mojo31 02-11-22 09:00 AM

I may have to have one of these.

Velo Vol 02-11-22 09:00 AM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22406231)
Can increase blood flow efficiency and endurance. Is that performance enhancing?

I don't know. I have no need for such drugs. Maybe DougRNS knows.

Velo Vol 02-11-22 09:01 AM

indyfabz 02-11-22 09:10 AM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22406257)

That is extremely lame.

This is how you do a parody:

MoAlpha 02-11-22 09:27 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22406238)
Hey MoAlpha falling while running guy just showed up. 77YOM loves to run. 6 months progressive sense of falling when running, also occurs while walking DOWNHILL. Can still RUN uphill. Falling sense has NO laterality. Has 2 siblings no similar history or history with family. Denies paresthesias or weakness and other than baseline constipation and poor hearing is feeling usual self. Exam shows NORMAL sensation to light touch and NORMAL proprioception at big toe. EOMI. DTR's LE are 1+. Muscles with normal strength/tone/bulk. Normal heel/shin slide both sides. Rapid alternating movement seems subtly off.

My guess is that he has a very mild/early form of PD that has declared itself early to him because he is a runner. If he were not a runner like a normal 77 year old guy, he would be asymptomatic.

I did suggest he see a local neurologist to get plugged in, which will take 2-3 months. I could send him to a movement specialist but that takes longer and I will defer to my local neuro colleagues.


Unfortunately, I think you're on the right diagnostic track. :(

rjones28 02-11-22 09:39 AM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22406223)
No, I don't agree. It has residents who produce services.

And, therefore, should be on your "map" of GDP by continent. Case closed.

big john 02-11-22 09:58 AM

Back in the fives.
Wordle 237 5/6


datlas 02-11-22 10:01 AM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 22406266)
That is extremely lame.

This is how you do a parody:

This is possibly my favorite SNL parody. It's a little old now but still funny IMO.

Velo Vol 02-11-22 10:31 AM

Originally Posted by rjones28 (Post 22405857)
No permanent population. No GDP.

Originally Posted by rjones28 (Post 22406291)
And, therefore, should be on your "map" of GDP by continent.

Make up your mind.

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 22406266)
That is extremely lame.

It's better than you can do.

datlas 02-11-22 10:44 AM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22406279)
Unfortunately, I think you're on the right diagnostic track. :(

I figured. My hope is that whatever he has is so indolent that it won't become a significant issue for many years.

I thought about telling him that running is stupid, but I do my best not to editorialize with patients.

rjones28 02-11-22 11:01 AM

Porsche of the day. Acquisition edition: Porsche acquires minority interest in Fazua e-bike drive system brand | Bicycle Retailer and Industry News

rjones28 02-11-22 11:01 AM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22406355)
Make up your mind.

It's better than you can do.

Bottom line: your "map" is not a map.

big john 02-11-22 11:02 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22406368)
I figured. My hope is that whatever he has is so indolent that it won't become a significant issue for many years.

I thought about telling him that running is stupid, but I do my best not to editorialize with patients.

Runners can be more obsessive than cyclists.

genejockey 02-11-22 11:04 AM

Last night was the second workout of Systm's Full Monty Prep Week plan. Cadence drills. Spin an annoyingly low (for me) cadence of 90 at varying powers, all below threshold, for minutes at a time. Then, over about 30 seconds, ramp up from that to maximum cadence. I learned that I can actually spin at >140 for >10 seconds without flying out of the saddle. I wasn't really all that clear on the instructions, since the cadence target on the screen was 130, but they kept talking about "your maximum cadence", so I just did the latter. But after you've been at max for about 20 seconds, the cadence target number went away and the warning that the target power was just about to drop from 213 to 125 appeared. I didn't know what to do - do I start backing off cadence first, because then the trainer (in erg mode) is chasing me to keep me at 213W. I eventually decided to just keep spinning at >130 till the power dropped and chase IT down.

I also discovered that, even if the power requested is very low - 125W - you DO NOT hit the Start button while not pedalling. Having to stand on the pedals to get them turning AT ALL, when the power you're supposed to be putting out is 125 was just ludicrous.

The other thing? They tell you in the blurb that this workout comes with no music or video, so I queue'd up some nice indie rock for the workout. Started the workout, and a damn FANFARE plays! So I paused the music till it was done, then had to find my cursor to move it back to the other screen to restart the music. Then when you finish the last cadence segment and hit the cool down, a video starts playing.

Oh, and when I tried to size the Systm window to the TV screen, the whole thing would jump back to the laptop screen. So I'd laboriously drag it back to the TV - while still trying to pedal at the required cadence! - and try again. Fifth time's a charm, it turns out. :rolleyes:

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