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Mojo31 07-22-22 09:43 AM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 22583586)
Didn’t you have a pic initially?

Anyway, I was going to say this wasn’t going to be on a wall mount as we may move soon-ish… but I realized at 100lbs and $4000, I didn’t want just me and AG to wrestle it onto the feet and stick it on my decade-old tempered glass media stand that’s too small for it. And new ones cost more than wall mounting. Will likely just do it up right.

Putting up the wall mount was easy, but I’m not sure the OLED panel weighs 100 pounds. My memory is it’s closer to 65 pounds. My son and I did our install. We ran all the wires through the wall.

Have you seen this article:

If it weren’t for our kids (and maybe grandkids) being here, we’d probably be looking at a move when I quit working.

Bah Humbug 07-22-22 09:47 AM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22583634)
Putting up the wall mount was easy, but I’m not sure the OLED panel weighs 100 pounds. My memory is it’s closer to 65 pounds. My son and I did our install. We ran all the wires through the wall.

Have you seen this article:

If it weren’t for our kids (and maybe grandkids) being here, we’d probably be looking at a move when I quit working.

The Z9 series (I will not use the first letter alone these days) does weigh 100lbs; it is built like a bank vault. OLEDs are lighter.

I had not see. That article but it tracks. Austin was good to us for a while but it’s a different environment now.

Mojo31 07-22-22 09:49 AM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 22583586)
Didn’t you have a pic initially?

Anyway, I was going to say this wasn’t going to be on a wall mount as we may move soon-ish… but I realized at 100lbs and $4000, I didn’t want just me and AG to wrestle it onto the feet and stick it on my decade-old tempered glass media stand that’s too small for it. And new ones cost more than wall mounting. Will likely just do it up right.

Please don’t mount it 6 inches off the ceiling.

Bah Humbug 07-22-22 09:51 AM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22583643)
Please don’t mount it 6 inches off the ceiling.

God no; my mother did that. AG hates it too. No, just to make it so Someone Else gets to hoist the thing into position and not have to choose a new stand.

Mojo31 07-22-22 09:53 AM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 22583641)
The Z9 series (I will not use the first letter alone these days) does weigh 100lbs; it is built like a bank vault. OLEDs are lighter.

I had not see. That article but it tracks. Austin was good to us for a while but it’s a different environment now.

The political environ in the state is just becoming too toxic. That’s all I’ll say here.

We had a 60” plasma upstairs for a while, but when we moved the 65” OLED up we gave it to Amanda’s fiancé. That sucka was heavy!

Mojo31 07-22-22 09:56 AM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 22583649)
God no; my mother did that. AG hates it too. No, just to make it so Someone Else gets to hoist the thing into position and not have to choose a new stand.

The center of ours is 66” off the floor. It could go maybe an inch higher, but I don’t want to redrill the wall. I went off a bunch of AV research on best viewing height when seated. For reference the floor speakers are 44” tall.

Mojo31 07-22-22 09:59 AM

I like to hide the AV stuff as well.

WhyFi 07-22-22 10:02 AM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22583551)
Color me intrigued and tell me about your Tesla Wall! Roof panels?

I looked into the Tesla Roof a while back, and couldn't make the $100k price work no matter how funny the money numbers were.

Also, need an update on your kitchen project. With pics of your work.

Finally, congrats on the AC! Now you'll need to add a new child rearing statement to your arsenal - "Close the door!"

We've had the PowerWall for four or five years - we were the first install in MN, IIRC, and something like the third in the region (including IL/Chicago, so not just among those in corn fields). No Tesla Roof - that wasn't an option back then - just a conventional solar panel array.

The PowerWall is nice. With real power outages, we generally don't even notice the switch over to the battery, unless we're using the stove (the stove isn't backed up by the battery - too big of a draw). A cool feature that was added, via firmware since the install, is a storm alert mode - basically, if there's severe weather forecasted for the area, the PowerWall will start sucking down energy from the grid, filling up in the anticipation of an outage.

Another thing that was added was a "go off the grid" feature to run exclusively off of the battery whenever you want. I haven't played with it yet, but I really want to try that out with the audio system. Line noise can have an audible affect and I'd like to see what a difference it makes. When I was still in the biz, we sold some amps that had an additional chassis that was essentially battery - they had a super black background, which brought out some great detail and dynamics.

Kitchen progress hasn't been progressing. I basically didn't want to start anything within a couple weeks of going to VA and, since we've returned, we've had piddly little schedule things (Lego stop-motion camp for the boy, intro dance class for the girl, doctor and dentist appointments, etc, etc) that just aren't letting me get back in to a rhythm. I hope to get back in to the swing of things shortly, but I have a sinking feeling that I'm not going to get anything done until both of the kids are in school in a month and a half.

Mojo31 07-22-22 10:07 AM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22583662)
We've had the PowerWall for four or five years - we were the first install in MN, IIRC, and something like the third in the region (including IL/Chicago, so not just among those in corn fields). No Tesla Roof - that wasn't an option back then - just a conventional solar panel array.

The PowerWall is nice. With real power outages, we generally don't even notice the switch over to the battery, unless we're using the stove (the stove isn't backed up by the battery - too big of a draw). A cool feature that was added, via firmware since the install, is a storm alert mode - basically, if there's severe weather forecasted for the area, the PowerWall will start sucking down energy from the grid, filling up in the anticipation of an outage.

Another thing that was added was a "go off the grid" feature to run exclusively off of the battery whenever you want. I haven't played with it yet, but I really want to try that out with the audio system. Line noise can have an audible affect and I'd like to see what a difference it makes. When I was still in the biz, we sold some amps that had an additional chassis that was essentially battery - they had a super black background, which brought out some great detail and dynamics.

Kitchen progress hasn't been progressing. I basically didn't want to start anything within a couple weeks of going to VA and, since we've returned, we've had piddly little schedule things (Lego stop-motion camp for the boy, intro dance class for the girl, doctor and dentist appointments, etc, etc) that just aren't letting me get back in to a rhythm. I hope to get back in to the swing of things shortly, but I have a sinking feeling that I'm not going to get anything done until both of the kids are in school in a month and a half.

Will the Power Wall run the HVAC for long? After our freeze two years ago, we considered a generator so we could maintain power. When our power goes out, it’s usually due to extreme heat/cold so a primary concern is heating and cooling. We have gas stove and grill, so we can cook without electricity.

I really don’t want conventional solar panels on our roof which is why I priced the Tesla Roof. But, just way too expensive, and we would never recoup the cost thru energy savings.

WhyFi 07-22-22 10:18 AM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22583667)
Will the Power Wall run the HVAC for long? After our freeze two years ago, we considered a generator so we could maintain power. When our power goes out, it’s usually due to extreme heat/cold so a primary concern is heating and cooling. We have gas stove and grill, so we can cook without electricity.

I don't know. We've only had the AC for 6 weeks, we were on the road for almost half of that time and we don't run it all of the time, so I haven't even looked at the draw from AC.

I would imagine that it'll vary quite a bit, though - size/BTU of the cooling is going to scale with the house, and we have a small house (by modern standards), outside temp, insulation efficiency, etc. That said, if cooling is the concern, and you have a solar array, the good news is that those kinds of blackouts are generally going to occur when it's prime solar generating weather, when the grid demand is at its highest, so you'll have the draw from the battery being supplemented by whatever your panels are kicking out.

As far as heating... again, dunno - our heat is natural gas. I don't think that electric heat is terribly efficient, though, unless maybe you have a new-fangled heat pump arrangements.

Mojo31 07-22-22 10:29 AM

We have nat gas heat, but the furnaces don’t run without electricity. We also have gas tankless water heaters, but they depend on electricity to run as well.

As far as efficiency, our house has a lot of energy efficient features. Despite the place having three HVAC units, our gas and electric bills (4k’) are about 50% less than they were at our last house (2600’). With the power off though, none of that really matter! :lol:

datlas 07-22-22 10:54 AM

I seem to notice a lot of "important" threads over in general. Hmmm.....

big john 07-22-22 11:33 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22583743)
I seem to notice a lot of "important" threads over in general. Hmmm.....

It's sort of what the 41 was in the recent past. As opposed to before 2010.

seedsbelize2 07-22-22 12:24 PM

Another good ride in. Hot! I lost five pounds. I may have to start leaving at 10 instead of 11. It's so liberating not being tied to the "in before 11" riding schedule. I stopped and bought, and then sat in the shade and ate a banana 8 km from home. I'm glad I did

seedsbelize2 07-22-22 12:26 PM

Wordle 398 4/6
Edit: now how do I fix this run-on string of squares?
Edit: repaired manually

seedsbelize2 07-22-22 12:31 PM

Looooong posts
Tl; dnr
No offense

Mojo31 07-22-22 12:49 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22583743)
I seem to notice a lot of "important" threads over in general. Hmmm.....

Serious ones too.

Eric F 07-22-22 01:49 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22583743)
I seem to notice a lot of "important" threads over in general. Hmmm.....

Riding the coattails of bicycle pants, it would seem.

genejockey 07-22-22 01:54 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22583743)
I seem to notice a lot of "important" threads over in general. Hmmm.....

I did my bit.

seedsbelize2 07-22-22 02:08 PM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 22583516)
So I now know! I might suggest you fix the spelling on your post though... I know how you got there but it also looks a different way.

Thanks. When I'm unsure of spelling I type it in to a search bar, and it comes out corrected. This time it didn't. I will go and fix it.

genejockey 07-22-22 02:13 PM

I'm wondering whether I'm suffering from overtraining. Last week was a big week for me, with 5 days riding instead of the usual 4, including a longer Sunday ride than usual. This week, I've ridden 3 days, 22 miles each day. Tuesday and Wednesday, I was on Mrs. Peel, the 1982 Lotus Supreme, and both days were the slowest I've ever been on that route. Yesterday I was on the Litespeed, and although my time was tied for the fastest I've done on that route, my HR was significantly higher than other times. Also, even though the temps were about 78 average, I was sweating A LOT all 3 days. My resting HR may be a little higher than usual, but no more than maybe 5 bpm.

It's also possible that I'm not sleeping enough, and maybe not fueling enough during the day for the rides - I felt drained afterwards, but not bonk-level drained.

Anyhow, I decided to skip today's ride and Saturday is generally a rest day for me anyway, then I'll ride gently on Sunday, and see how I feel.

datlas 07-22-22 02:14 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22583977)
I did my bit.


I was thinking of "The Importance of Bike Forums" but that is self-evident.

seedsbelize2 07-22-22 02:27 PM

No sooner do I step onto the podium in the 70+ category than I start getting 70+ diagnoses. Preliminary macular degeneration diagnosis yesterday, in my left eye. They prescribed Lutein. My dad had it, but he was pushing 90 when it got bad. Don't know how long the lead-up was. I'm assuming it's hereditary.

big john 07-22-22 02:30 PM

Originally Posted by Eric F (Post 22583970)
Riding the coattails of bicycle pants, it would seem.

Our little exchange got deleted before the lock.

Mojo31 07-22-22 03:00 PM

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