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MoAlpha 04-30-20 03:46 PM

Originally Posted by berner (Post 21447849)
You've got that right. I hold that such people are borderline sociopaths with little self dissipline and they raise their kids to be the same. If you want to know someones character, observe how they behave if they believe no one is looking.

I agree and sociopaths can act in seemingly altruistic ways. The firefighters who steal gear from other companies at fires only want to fight better and the docs who falsify their patients' records to get them better treatment only want them to do well.

Bah Humbug 04-30-20 03:51 PM

Now I'm wondering how many trainer hours it takes to wear out my little ring, with 30% fewer teeth and constant pedaling at 180w+.

Trsnrtr 04-30-20 03:53 PM

Originally Posted by abshipp (Post 21447355)
61° heading for 64° today :bday:

Very windy, though. I feel like this spring has been especially windy, but maybe not.

Pretty much identical here. It was 66° and NNW at ~20 mph when I finished my ride. At least the biblical flooding is over for a few days.

LesterOfPuppets 04-30-20 03:54 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 21447850)
Oh God! Cramps again. Tie me to the mast! :bang::bang::bang:

I think keel hauling is better for cramps.

WhyFi 04-30-20 03:55 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21447779)

Your mass may vary?

Yes, it does.

Trsnrtr 04-30-20 03:58 PM

Originally Posted by abshipp (Post 21447647)
I'm trying to plan out a southwesterly 100k for this Saturday. I'd really like to ride down to Oregon and have lunch at a dam or a state park with a bluff overlook of the Rock River, but I'm starting to think maybe that won't be the best idea when it's going to be the nicest day so far this year and SIP orders are still active. The park I want to ride at is actually supposed to re-open tomorrow after being closed for a while.

I suppose I can finish the route planning and save it for later.

Planning on seeing the Black Hawk statue? My wife and I blew by there back in the mid 90s on way to a sub 5 hour century on our tandem. :thumb:

WhyFi 04-30-20 04:00 PM

With these varying chainring mileage claims, I think that we can divide Addicts in to two camps: those who slamdance on the peddles and those that who don't.

MoAlpha 04-30-20 04:04 PM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 21447877)
I think keel hauling is better for cramps.

Works as well as anything else, I guess.

LAJ 04-30-20 04:11 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 21447838)
Maybe, but I wouldn't want to make that assumption to make about them. They're almost all still vulnerable and innocent under the exterior at that age, even the ones who do the dumbest or most dangerous stuff. I can't see these kids as anything but victims, and all the more if they've been warped to the point you suggest.

Good point. Their normal is a warped version that their parents forced upon them.

LAJ 04-30-20 04:13 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 21447889)
With these varying chainring mileage claims, I think that we can divide Addicts in to two camps: those who slamdance on the peddles and those that who don't.

I churn butter, and grind away at a happy 75-80 rpm.

seedsbelize 04-30-20 04:14 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 21447616)
I do that occasionally with sweet potatoes. They are best caramelized and blackened at the edges.


WhyFi 04-30-20 04:18 PM

Took a walk with the family over to the co-op and back. The little girl wanted to take her 3-wheeled scooter; we let her but brought the stroller just in case she got pooped out. Welp, lemme tell ya - we knew that she was one stubborn determined little girl, but damn. She made it all the way there and all the way back, about 2.5 miles total. She sounded very much like a cyclist, at one point saying, "well, my legs are pretty tired and hurty," and "are we almost to the hill? I like going down hills! Yay hoo!"

When she eventually gets a bike, I'm pretty sure she'll drop me sooner rather than later.

datlas 04-30-20 04:49 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 21447850)
Oh God! Cramps again. Tie me to the mast! :bang::bang::bang:

I heard it’s the nerve. :innocent:

datlas 04-30-20 04:53 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21447971)
I heard it’s the nerve. :innocent:

Proof: from their website:


Your nerves are what trigger muscle cramps and lingering soreness during or post-exercise. It’s not dehydration or electrolyte-imbalance. HOTSHOT was created to quickly target these nerves to prevent or stop an active cramp and reduce next-day muscle soreness.

MoAlpha 04-30-20 05:11 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21447971)
I heard it’s the nerve. :innocent:

It is! It is! It's a fatigue-related increase in the excitability of muscle spindle afferents, but we're going to get pages and pages of hydration, "electrolytes" (my other pet peeve) and gluten.
Someone is wrong on the Internet.:troll:

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21447976)
Proof: from their website:


Your nerves are what trigger muscle cramps and lingering soreness during or post-exercise. It’s not dehydration or electrolyte-imbalance. HOTSHOT was created to quickly target these nerves to prevent or stop an active cramp and reduce next-day muscle soreness.

It's stupid, but that stuff or pickle juice might actually work via some brainstem reflex.

rjones28 04-30-20 05:42 PM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 21447869)
Now I'm wondering how many trainer hours it takes to wear out my little ring, with 30% fewer teeth and constant pedaling at 180w+.

You should probably have a few on hand. ;)

Bah Humbug 04-30-20 05:47 PM

Hmm... I'm getting rather snotty.

DougRNS 04-30-20 06:27 PM

Originally Posted by velo vol (Post 21447295)
it's warmed up to a balmy 56f :rolleyes:. Time to pack my sweatshirt and go spend a contemplative afternoon mowing the lawns.

The place will be closed for at least three more weeks. Almost no one sees Velo Vol's handiwork except the 1/3 of the lawns along the road. So it goes.


rjones28 04-30-20 06:52 PM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 21448057)
Hmm... I'm getting rather snotty.

datlas 04-30-20 06:55 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 21448005)
It is! It is! It's a fatigue-related increase in the excitability of muscle spindle afferents, but we're going to get pages and pages of hydration, "electrolytes" (my other pet peeve) and gluten.
Someone is wrong on the Internet.:troll:

It's stupid, but that stuff or pickle juice might actually work via some brainstem reflex.

I only get cramps towards the end of a long and hard ride. I believe they are related to muscle fatigue and not necessarily electrolytes or other usual suspects. Regardless of cause, I hate them.

bampilot06 04-30-20 07:20 PM

I had a cramp once.

rjones28 04-30-20 07:37 PM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 21448184)
I had a cramp once.


MoAlpha 04-30-20 07:55 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21448155)
I only get cramps towards the end of a long and hard ride. I believe they are related to muscle fatigue and not necessarily electrolytes or other usual suspects. Regardless of cause, I hate them.

You are right. They occur when you're out of shape or pushing it beyond your usual limits. Studies in athletes have consistently failed to find an association with dehydration or electrolyte losses. Hypokalemia, hypocalcemia, and hypomagnesemia cause cramping, but at clinically scary levels, which no one can possibly get to by sweating on a bike. [/RANT]

sfrider 04-30-20 07:57 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 21447921)
Took a walk with the family over to the co-op and back. The little girl wanted to take her 3-wheeled scooter; we let her but brought the stroller just in case she got pooped out. Welp, lemme tell ya - we knew that she was one stubborn determined little girl, but damn. She made it all the way there and all the way back, about 2.5 miles total. She sounded very much like a cyclist, at one point saying, "well, my legs are pretty tired and hurty," and "are we almost to the hill? I like going down hills! Yay hoo!"

When she eventually gets a bike, I'm pretty sure she'll drop me sooner rather than later.

You done good. Kudos.

Velo Vol 04-30-20 07:58 PM

I can't handle this idiocy anymore.

When I got in the car this evening I was literally shivering. And I had a sweatshirt on.

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