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seedsbelize 06-21-20 04:36 PM

We have been getting daily rain, which is unusual, despite it being rainy season. Tixkokob is located between a band of rain to the West and another to the East. Our rain most;y comes from the North.

MoAlpha 06-21-20 04:37 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 21546199)
It's warmer in the Arctic Circle than it is here.

Don't like.

seedsbelize 06-21-20 04:42 PM

I spent the afternoon studying up on workbench options. Specifically heavy ones that can stand hand tool use. I will admit to being gun-shy in regards to the table saw, especially with one finger that can't move itself out of the way. No issues with the planer or jointer however. Once the bench is built, I think I can move the tablesaw on its way. Possibly sooner. If I were to buy pre-cut lumber, I wouldn't need it. A fredly thing to do by woodworking standards. And here comes today's rain.

bampilot06 06-21-20 04:47 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 21546102)
Speaking of being a father, my son got me a Star Wars Lego set for Father's Day. My son happens to be obsessed with both Star Wars and Legos. This is the second time that he's gotten a Lego set as a gift for me. He's so thoughtful. :lol:

which set?

Bah Humbug 06-21-20 05:00 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21546243)

Have you made friends with him/her yet?

Not yet, sadly.

WhyFi 06-21-20 05:22 PM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 21546263)
which set?

The little Battle of Endor Assault set.

DougRNS 06-21-20 05:55 PM

It doesn't matter what socks you wear if you can drope the hamer and dial it up to 400 watts - Abraham Lincoln

Bah Humbug 06-21-20 06:04 PM

Originally Posted by DougRNS (Post 21546356)
It doesn't matter what socks you wear if you can drope the hamer and dial it up to 400 watts - Abraham Lincoln

Oh, apparently I put so much torque through my right foot that I lost my front cleat bolt and possibly bent the derailleur hanger; regardless, it's skipping now.

Eff me. I may be without a bike until Wednesday afternoon.

WhyFi 06-21-20 06:11 PM

It's waxing night. I need to remember to loosen it up and re-install before I go to bed, or it'll throw a wrench in that whole gettin'-out-for-a-ride-first-thing-in-the-morning thing.

datlas 06-21-20 06:19 PM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 21546366)
Oh, apparently I put so much torque through my right foot that I lost my front cleat bolt and possibly bent the derailleur hanger; regardless, it's skipping now.

Eff me. I may be without a bike until Wednesday afternoon.

You only have one bike?


ls01 06-21-20 06:42 PM

Originally Posted by rjones28 (Post 21543879)


LesterOfPuppets 06-21-20 06:43 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21546388)
You only have one bike?


That is hard to imagine.

ls01 06-21-20 06:44 PM

Originally Posted by kissTheApex (Post 21544053)
Small world.

You missed the thunderstorms? It just started pouring here.

While carrying the bike to back yard so I can hose down the dirt and grime from this morning’s ride, I’ve lightly hit the right chain stay on the fence and took a piece of clear coat off (maybe a 2mm by 2mm piece on the corner, rectangular-ish profile) :notamused:

Not only am I too fat for this sport, but am also too stoopid :bang:

nail polish.

gnome 06-21-20 06:53 PM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 21546366)
Oh, apparently I put so much torque through my right foot that I lost my front cleat bolt and possibly bent the derailleur hanger; regardless, it's skipping now.

Eff me. I may be without a bike until Wednesday afternoon.

sounds like time for a new bike. urgently.

indyfabz 06-21-20 07:01 PM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 21546223)
Everyone likes a cat pic, right? This is a neighbor cat, but I couldn't resist the shot out the kitchen window.

Not a tin roof. Cat fail.

Bah Humbug 06-21-20 07:03 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21546388)
You only have one bike?


I don't want to ride the P2 on city streets in dawn light, and the S1 is in the shop and unrideable (no brakes) and in tri configuration anyway.

Yes, this exact feeling here is making me realize I could use another roadie (or all-road). But moving has fired up my anxiety-fueled frugality, and I'd like to see how long I can hold out once this bike is repaired.

Not to mention, are there even bikes to buy now?

big john 06-21-20 07:04 PM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 21546366)
Oh, apparently I put so much torque through my right foot that I lost my front cleat bolt and possibly bent the derailleur hanger; regardless, it's skipping now.

Eff me. I may be without a bike until Wednesday afternoon.

Why do you think the hanger is bent? Maybe it just needs to be adjusted.

Velo Vol 06-21-20 07:04 PM

I have a Facebook question. A few days ago got an email notification that someone wants to be my friend. I don't know the person and haven't bothered to go to FB and look at it.

In the last few days I've gotten three or so more notifications about this. Is that FB hounding me? Or is the person resubmitting the request? This isn't the first time this has happened.

WhyFi 06-21-20 07:08 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 21546461)
I have a Facebook question. A few days ago got an email notification that someone wants to be my friend. I don't know the person and haven't bothered to go to FB and look at it.

In the last few days I've gotten three or so more notifications about this. Is that FB hounding me? Or is the person resubmitting the request? This isn't the first time this has happened.

Regardless as to whether it's a suggestion or a request, I'd put money on FB being the hound. They get obnoxious when you haven't logged in for a while.

datlas 06-21-20 07:13 PM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 21546456)
I don't want to ride the P2 on city streets in dawn light, and the S1 is in the shop and unrideable (no brakes) and in tri configuration anyway.

Yes, this exact feeling here is making me realize I could use another roadie (or all-road). But moving has fired up my anxiety-fueled frugality, and I'd like to see how long I can hold out once this bike is repaired.

Not to mention, are there even bikes to buy now?

I think it’s a good idea to have a backup/beater to use for crappy weather or when main bike is under repairs. Typically it’s your previous road bike. Something to consider.

Bah Humbug 06-21-20 07:19 PM

Originally Posted by big john (Post 21546460)
Why do you think the hanger is bent? Maybe it just needs to be adjusted.

Well, I heard it go *grind* and then a bunch of gears started skipping. And I have had this happen before. I miss the carbon hanger on my P2, or wish they'd at least make them out of steel so there'd be a hair of give before just failing. Regardless, just about everything mechanical was already getting replaced.

BillyD 06-21-20 07:22 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 21545933)
UPDATE: Some rain has arrived for the lawn.

I can only wish.

Velo Vol 06-21-20 07:30 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 21546473)
Regardless as to whether it's a suggestion or a request, I'd put money on FB being the hound. They get obnoxious when you haven't logged in for a while.

For a while I wasn't getting emails but lately they started sending me group recommendations again. :rolleyes:

ls01 06-21-20 07:30 PM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 21545107)
"I just could not imagine doing it. I think I tried hill repeats once, just once."

Doing it wrong.

ls01 06-21-20 07:32 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21545211)
Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there.

My plan is a ride, then spend time with my kids and mrs datlas. Visiting my father will be virtual because COVID19.

Back at ya!

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