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LAJ 04-12-22 03:38 PM

I still have my Lumia 928 that ran Windows. It was a sad day when I had to go Apple, simply because Android sucks eggs. Apple is far closer to Windows than that goofy-assed Android tomfoolery.

Bah Humbug 04-12-22 03:44 PM

I want this one... the minty-green one. And with the home theater and wet bar. Nice tidy 4200sqft for the two of us.

Bah Humbug 04-12-22 03:48 PM

Originally Posted by LAJ (Post 22470307)
I still have my Lumia 928 that ran Windows. It was a sad day when I had to go Apple, simply because Android sucks eggs. Apple is far closer to Windows than that goofy-assed Android tomfoolery.

From your lips to God's ears, as they say. I tried Android once; never again. Mom has one and supporting it makes me itch more than usual. At least iOS is getting closer to the WP7 experience, just a few years late. Funny how many of us there are on here for how unpopular it was.

LAJ 04-12-22 03:50 PM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 22470317)
I want this one... the minty-green one. And with the home theater and wet bar. Nice tidy 4200sqft for the two of us.

Excellent. I was within a few miles of knowing where that would was, based on the terrain.

genejockey 04-12-22 03:55 PM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 22470299)
I have heirloom silver and... that's about it. Apparently it'd be worth a couple of grand if sold, but I like it. It's nicer than the stamped stainless stuff from Target.

Oddly, AG is allergic and can't use it; she gets deep painful cracks in her hands when she does.

Mrs. GeneJockey ended up inheriting both her Mother's and her Grandmother's sterling and stainless. Both of them had the same pattern of stainless, so now we have at least a dozen place settings worth. AND her grandmother also got extra teaspoons, so no matter how long it is between dishwashings, we never run out of spoons.

When the Pandemic began and I was looking around for a project, I cataloged both sets of sterling, bought a few replacements, and polished all of it. I even bought a nice silver chest for her Grandmother's stuff. We haven't used it since.

Mojo31 04-12-22 04:04 PM

My wife is into dishes like I'm into watches and cars. We have china, silver and crystal for 12 that gets used every few years that we got when we married. She has three sets of "everyday" dishes and two sets of stainless, both to serve 12. She has 10 - 15 sets of placemats. And, a set of Christmas dishes.

There are a few really nice bikes in all of that.

I don't get it, but can't really say much.

genejockey 04-12-22 04:26 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22470344)
My wife is into dishes like I'm into watches and cars. We have china, silver and crystal for 12 that gets used every few years that we got when we married. She has three sets of "everyday" dishes and two sets of stainless, both to serve 12. She has 10 - 15 sets of placemats. And, a set of Christmas dishes.

There are a few really nice bikes in all of that.

I don't get it, but can't really say much.

Between Mrs. GeneJockey and myself, we have inherited at least 4 sets of dishes, none of which we wanted. One set was something that Mom and Dad got back in the 1950s, heavy beige stoneware with mushrooms drawn in them in very 1950s style. We sold the whole set at a garage sale for $10. Mrs. GJ made the mistake of accepting a check, which turned out to be rubber and I think we ended up paying a $25 fee for some reason. Mrs. GJ and I agreed it was worth it to be rid of them. Then there was her mother's Pfaltzgraf, which we used for a few years and also got rid of. And somehow she inherited dishes from both her Grandmothers. She was unable to stop her cousin shipping one set to us, so now they're sitting in two boxes somewhere. Fortunately, she was able to stop a different cousin shipping her other grandmother's set to us. I guess we could put them all in the china cabinet that I inherited from my Great Aunt, which we also don't want and which sits at what used to be my parent's house but now belongs to my oldest sister, which is currently chock full of all kinds of dishes and stuff.

I've concluded that the middle class of the 20th Century acquired a lot of stuff that meant something to them at the time, probably that they were upwardly mobile and could afford some frippery like fancy dishes you'd never use in a decorative cabinet you had to dust, but now that we, their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren are inheriting it, mostly we don't have any space or interest.

BillyD 04-12-22 04:49 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22470148)
Nope. 60 year old Elgin Automatic, built in the US of A.
It tells the time. That's it.

I can talk to people on mine. Sooo . . . . .

bampilot06 04-12-22 04:49 PM

Garmin has been saying my training is unproductive ever since I started riding again. I am offended.

rjones28 04-12-22 04:51 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22469977)

That is not here.

genejockey 04-12-22 04:51 PM

Originally Posted by BillyD (Post 22470372)
I can talk to people on mine. Sooo . . . . .

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 22470374)
Garmin has been saying my training is unproductive ever since I started riding again. I am offended.

This is the advantage of a mechanical watch. They don't pass judgement.

bampilot06 04-12-22 04:52 PM

Originally Posted by rjones28 (Post 22470378)
That is not here.

or here.

Bah Humbug 04-12-22 04:56 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22470360)
Between Mrs. GeneJockey and myself, we have inherited at least 4 sets of dishes, none of which we wanted. One set was something that Mom and Dad got back in the 1950s, heavy beige stoneware with mushrooms drawn in them in very 1950s style. We sold the whole set at a garage sale for $10. Mrs. GJ made the mistake of accepting a check, which turned out to be rubber and I think we ended up paying a $25 fee for some reason. Mrs. GJ and I agreed it was worth it to be rid of them. Then there was her mother's Pfaltzgraf, which we used for a few years and also got rid of. And somehow she inherited dishes from both her Grandmothers. She was unable to stop her cousin shipping one set to us, so now they're sitting in two boxes somewhere. Fortunately, she was able to stop a different cousin shipping her other grandmother's set to us. I guess we could put them all in the china cabinet that I inherited from my Great Aunt, which we also don't want and which sits at what used to be my parent's house but now belongs to my oldest sister, which is currently chock full of all kinds of dishes and stuff.

I've concluded that the middle class of the 20th Century acquired a lot of stuff that meant something to them at the time, probably that they were upwardly mobile and could afford some frippery like fancy dishes you'd never use in a decorative cabinet you had to dust, but now that we, their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren are inheriting it, mostly we don't have any space or interest.

It's exactly that. And in many cases, the china cabinet and contents are prized by the grandparents and they find it very important that the grandkids want it and take it to their small apartment....

I understand those Hummels that I hadn't heard of until Better Call Saul are the same situation.

Bah Humbug 04-12-22 04:59 PM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 22470374)
Garmin has been saying my training is unproductive ever since I started riding again. I am offended.

Garmin's opinion on such things needs work. It tends to poorly account for things such as temperature and starting up from scratch, or near-scratch. And yes, they might say "but it's unproductive anyway because your fitness isn't increasing from the effort", but you can't get to those increasing workouts without getting through the ones it doesn't like, in many cases. At least in my experience.

Bah Humbug 04-12-22 05:01 PM

And I just burned my hand taking the dinner frittata out of the oven, so there's that too.

Bah Humbug 04-12-22 05:02 PM

Originally Posted by BillyD (Post 22470372)
I can talk to people on mine. Sooo . . . . .

Man I don't even want to talk to my phone.

bampilot06 04-12-22 05:02 PM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 22470389)
Garmin's opinion on such things needs work. It tends to poorly account for things such as temperature and starting up from scratch, or near-scratch. And yes, they might say "but it's unproductive anyway because your fitness isn't increasing from the effort", but you can't get to those increasing workouts without getting through the ones it doesn't like, in many cases. At least in my experience.

Just weird to me, the last three rides were Zone 2 strictly which I would have thought would be productive regardless for base miles. Today I had a really good ride with some really strong pulls and it still wasn’t impressed.

Naturally I poured gasoline on it and set it on fire.

Mojo31 04-12-22 05:04 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22470360)
Between Mrs. GeneJockey and myself, we have inherited at least 4 sets of dishes, none of which we wanted. One set was something that Mom and Dad got back in the 1950s, heavy beige stoneware with mushrooms drawn in them in very 1950s style. We sold the whole set at a garage sale for $10. Mrs. GJ made the mistake of accepting a check, which turned out to be rubber and I think we ended up paying a $25 fee for some reason. Mrs. GJ and I agreed it was worth it to be rid of them. Then there was her mother's Pfaltzgraf, which we used for a few years and also got rid of. And somehow she inherited dishes from both her Grandmothers. She was unable to stop her cousin shipping one set to us, so now they're sitting in two boxes somewhere. Fortunately, she was able to stop a different cousin shipping her other grandmother's set to us. I guess we could put them all in the china cabinet that I inherited from my Great Aunt, which we also don't want and which sits at what used to be my parent's house but now belongs to my oldest sister, which is currently chock full of all kinds of dishes and stuff.

I've concluded that the middle class of the 20th Century acquired a lot of stuff that meant something to them at the time, probably that they were upwardly mobile and could afford some frippery like fancy dishes you'd never use in a decorative cabinet you had to dust, but now that we, their children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren are inheriting it, mostly we don't have any space or interest.

We've told my mom not to send us her old stuff. She seems to think her kids want all the gifts we've given them over the years back since they approaching the end of their lives. While she may have enjoyed the stuff, we have no interest in getting it back. So, other than a set of Tiffany's crystal glasses and some weaponry that Mrs. Mojo grabbed from her mom and dad when they moved into the home, we have nothing "inhereted."

Mojo31 04-12-22 05:06 PM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 22470374)
Garmin has been saying my training is unproductive ever since I started riding again. I am offended.

Truth sometimes hurts.

rjones28 04-12-22 05:06 PM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 22470299)
I have heirloom silver and... that's about it. Apparently it'd be worth a couple of grand if sold, but I like it. It's nicer than the stamped stainless stuff from Target.

Oddly, AG is allergic and can't use it; she gets deep painful cracks in her hands when she does.


Mojo31 04-12-22 05:09 PM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 22470392)
And I just burned my hand taking the dinner frittata out of the oven, so there's that too.

Casualty of being a kept man. Get used to it.

Mojo31 04-12-22 05:10 PM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 22470394)
Just weird to me, the last three rides were Zone 2 strictly which I would have thought would be productive regardless for base miles. Today I had a really good ride with some really strong pulls and it still wasn’t impressed.

Naturally I poured gasoline on it and set it on fire.


bampilot06 04-12-22 05:11 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22470396)
Truth sometimes hurts.

you were right about the wheel. Had some time today so stopped in my trek store. Much to my dismay I missed a decent shin dig.

Oh and for anyone interested. All bontrager bibs, jersery etc is 50 percent off, until it’s all gone.

I wanted to buy the hot pink vest today soooo bad, but I have to register for 2 races, plus chopping the madone head tube a little bit and getting a new stem.

Plan right now is too go longer but i’m tempted to also get the negative one as well.

Whyfi says it will look funny with spacers but the Kanzo fast doesn’t look bad with it.

rjones28 04-12-22 05:12 PM

Originally Posted by BillyD (Post 22470372)
I can talk to people on mine. Sooo . . . . .

Bah Humbug 04-12-22 05:16 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22470401)
Casualty of being a kept man. Get used to it.

I mean, I said that, but I doubt they'll let me go that soon. Probably be sitting here in a couple of years saying the same thing.

Mojo31 04-12-22 05:20 PM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 22470403)
you were right about the wheel. Had some time today so stopped in my trek store. Much to my dismay I missed a decent shin dig.

Oh and for anyone interested. All bontrager bibs, jersery etc is 50 percent off, until it’s all gone.

I wanted to buy the hot pink vest today soooo bad, but I have to register for 2 races, plus chopping the madone head tube a little bit and getting a new stem.

Plan right now is too go longer but i’m tempted to also get the negative one as well.

Whyfi says it will look funny with spacers but the Kanzo fast doesn’t look bad with it.

I thought you sprung extra for the SLR integrated bar/stem? Ditching that already?

Trsnrtr 04-12-22 05:20 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22470252)
My dad also has a fairly extensive U.S. stamp collection from when he was a kid. TONS of interesting postage stamps, mainly from the 1930's and 1940's. I figured they must be highly valuable.

Not so. Sigh.

My grandfather collected stamps for decades, mostly pristine uncanceled commemorative stamps. When he died in 1972, one of my uncles tried to find a buyer for the entire collection. The only buyer that was willing to buy the whole shebang was Marshall Fields which amazed me but I guess they dealt in these things 50 years ago. We got quite a bit for the collection but my uncle said it was barely more than the face value of all of the uncanceled stuff.

bampilot06 04-12-22 05:23 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22470413)
I thought you sprung extra for the SLR integrated bar/stem? Ditching that already?

I need a longer stem. Asking trek to swap it. Comes in -6, and -8 I think.

Trsnrtr 04-12-22 05:24 PM

Originally Posted by BillyD (Post 22470372)
I can talk to people on mine. Sooo . . . . .

Same, and do daily.

genejockey 04-12-22 05:24 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22470395)
We've told my mom not to send us her old stuff. She seems to think her kids want all the gifts we've given them over the years back since they approaching the end of their lives. While she may have enjoyed the stuff, we have no interest in getting it back. So, other than a set of Tiffany's crystal glasses and some weaponry that Mrs. Mojo grabbed from her mom and dad when they moved into the home, we have nothing "inhereted."

When Mom and Dad were about 80, they worked out an agreement with my oldest sister. She'd buy the house from them, sort of a reverse mortgage, and she'd do what she could to keep them in the house for as long as that was possible - which turned out to be all the way to the end for both of them. Dad said it was a HUGE relief, because he didn't want to have to clean the place out. The house is about 3000 sq.ft, and they moved in in 1962. And while they definitely weren't hoarders, they did have a bit of 'Depression Kid' pack rat mentality - "Don't throw that out! We can fix it up and use is or sell it!" Hence the 3 broken lawnmowers, and the Citroen DS21 that hadn't moved in decades.* Years before they passed, when they were putting together a will, they asked each of us what we wanted of their stuff, and after Dad died, we went through the list. None of the other 5 of us wanted most of what we'd been bequeathed, because all of us are over 60, and 2/3 of us are over 70, and not looking to add to our current piles of stuff.

*(My niece, daughter of the oldest sister, got that, because she wanted it, she's spent the most time taking care of Dad the 3 months he was in hospice care, and she and her husband have the money to restore it.)

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