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rsbob 11-23-23 10:53 PM

Originally Posted by Troul (Post 23080615)
92 miles before heading out back to the smoker for some thankfully smoked flying meat.

Everyone hates braggarts and one-up-mans-ship, BUT I needed to insert my non-humble brag below your wimpy miles. Stand back, but I did a whopping 14.2 miles averaging a scintillating 45 Watts, INDOORS, in a frigid 65* while watching Jan Ulrich, Lance, George Hincape and Johanne Bruneal chat about the good old days on the tour. It was positively exhausting.

Then there was a terrible mechanical while cycling, my heart rate monitor battery needed replacing. Talk about the trials of cycling.

jaxgtr 11-23-23 11:32 PM

Originally Posted by rsbob (Post 23080927)
Everyone hates braggarts and one-up-mans-ship, BUT I needed to insert my non-humble brag below your wimpy miles. Stand back, but I did a whopping 14.2 miles averaging a scintillating 45 Watts, INDOORS, in a frigid 65* while watching Jan Ulrich, Lance, George Hincape and Johanne Bruneal chat about the good old days on the tour. It was positively exhausting.

Then there was a terrible mechanical while cycling, my heart rate monitor battery needed replacing. Talk about the trials of cycling.

lol... I had that the other day when my power meters needed new batteries on my smart bike. I futz with it for 15 mins wondering why the power kept going in an out, changed them, poof, I had good power readings. Really put a crimp in my groove.

rsbob 11-24-23 12:55 AM

Originally Posted by jaxgtr (Post 23080941)
lol... I had that the other day when my power meters needed new batteries on my smart bike. I futz with it for 15 mins wondering why the power kept going in an out, changed them, poof, I had good power readings. Really put a crimp in my groove.

Hate that! Glad you recovered.

Troul 11-24-23 05:57 AM

Originally Posted by rsbob (Post 23080927)
Everyone hates braggarts and one-up-mans-ship, BUT I needed to insert my non-humble brag below your wimpy miles. Stand back, but I did a whopping 14.2 miles averaging a scintillating 45 Watts, INDOORS, in a frigid 65* while watching Jan Ulrich, Lance, George Hincape and Johanne Bruneal chat about the good old days on the tour. It was positively exhausting.

Then there was a terrible mechanical while cycling, my heart rate monitor battery needed replacing. Talk about the trials of cycling.

IMO & based on just my experiences, riding indoors takes more dedication (craziness) per mile/minute vrs outdoors.

You keep at it you cyclepath!

jaxgtr 11-24-23 07:50 PM

Originally Posted by Troul (Post 23081001)
IMO & based on just my experiences, riding indoors takes more dedication (craziness) per mile/minute vrs outdoors.

You keep at it you cyclepath!

It took a lot of mental effort to force myself to finish my indoor ride today, I really was not feeling it after I started, but I finished with 34 miles, 1300 ft. I think going through SERE school 3rd level (Desert and Arctic versions) in the Navy, taught me how to mentally push through a lot of situations where the rest of my body is telling me to stop. Sometimes the outcome is bad, others is positive.

79pmooney 11-24-23 09:30 PM

I renewed my old tradition of the Black Friday ride today. 60 miles on 44 to 50 degrees, no wind, no clouds and dry roads! On my Mooney fix gear. Easy. 42-18. But I haven't been riding much at all so that was plenty!

Magic weather. I've done this in below freezing and with the river over its backs.

rsbob 11-24-23 10:09 PM

Rode 15 and walked 5 (fortunately it was a dog walk).

jaxgtr 11-25-23 04:33 PM

I am so tired of the wind... but I got in 45.2 miles and 1210 ft of climbing. I was doing a bunch of bridge loops until the cops kicked me off due to some company putting up fireworks for something they are doing downtown tonight, so I went over to the new MTB\Gravel\Cyclocross park they built on an old landfill site that has been closed for 35 years that Trek sponsored with a huge amount of money. It is fantastic. 110 ft high, over 100 acres and lots of trails. Novel idea for use of this land, nothing is flat, it is constant up and down, which makes me happy I have electronic shifting. The climb getting to the top is brutally steep, with one small area somewhere in the hood of 18% to 20%, I just do not have the background in that kind of steep, but I have the legs and gearing that will get me there, but I get off and walk it for about 40 yards. I am going to have to get over the nervousness and push through one day and then I should be good. I did about 30 mins there, it was very fun, but I realized that I had way too much pressure in my tires for that type of terrain. I was not expecting off roading today, so my tire pressure was about 45 lbs, otherwise they would have been about 30 to 35

Troul 11-25-23 07:29 PM

the temps were reporting 27F, but the headunit showed 12F. Luckily the wind stayed calm for majority of the ride. The last frosted fistful of miles was when the winds kicked up & in the face.
41 Miles. Cold temps yield less miles, but the exerted effort seems to double.

jaxgtr 11-25-23 07:35 PM

Originally Posted by Troul (Post 23082321)
the temps were reporting 27F, but the head unit showed 12F.


Ok, I held off my ride this morning until the temps were above 50. I was cold for the first 40 mins, then it was over 60 and I started to sweat with my long sleeve base layer on.

Troul 11-25-23 07:40 PM

i mainly look at the reported weather for humor. Michigan's weather forecast = 25% accurate half of the time, only during a leap year... Next year it might have a chance!

rsbob 11-25-23 08:33 PM

Originally Posted by diphthong (Post 23078338)
35-spot from oceanside, ca down the coast to san diego (took the train up). absolutely gorgeous, 72 degree day. really enjoyed it and was in no rush. hit zone 3 for all of 2-3 mins in the course of a nearly 3 hour ride.

So jealous.

38* and sunny at the start and 50* at the finish. Did 40 with 2K climbing. Did have some nice water views. My computer tells me to take 48 hours off the bike. My legs agree since I am about 14 days straight.
Lk Washington

rsbob 11-25-23 08:36 PM

[QUOTE=jadmt;23079217]70 miles in 28-32F temp. freaking cold and lots of frozen spots. not a fast ride but never remember getting this long of a ride in November..luckily my neighbor is not afraid of the cold.


Nice 70 miler!

SpeedyBlueBiker 11-25-23 11:56 PM

A couple of photos near where I ride in Bangkok.
A friend swimming nearby looking for breakfast.

Troul 11-26-23 05:00 AM

Originally Posted by SpeedyBlueBiker (Post 23082474)
A friend swimming nearby looking for breakfast.


The Chemist 11-26-23 05:44 AM

georges1 11-26-23 09:51 AM

12km on my favorite gravel/mtb training road

rsbob 11-26-23 11:32 AM

Both Strava and Garmin (and my legs) are telling me to take 48 hours off the bike, so it’s hiking day with the dog. Certainly hiking doesn’t count.

cegerer 11-26-23 01:26 PM

Around 35Ks on gravel thru the orange groves today with the single-speed. 79 deg. F.

Sierra_rider 11-26-23 04:34 PM

About 25 miles and 3200' of gain. Took the "climbing" bike out for a spin today, even moved up a spot on the Strava leaderboard for a 1 mile/9% climb. I'm still waiting for Shimano replacement cranks, so it's a minor PITA to ride this bike. It involves taking the crankset off of my other road of these days, Shimano will come through.:bang:

Troul 11-26-23 06:54 PM

Originally Posted by rsbob (Post 23082768)
Both Strava and Garmin (and my legs) are telling me to take 48 hours off the bike, so it’s hiking day with the dog. Certainly hiking doesn’t count.

sometimes I'll take a hike..... when with someone & they say, "take a hike!" I proceed to tell them I didn't bring the carabiner! That usually gets a weird stare before they try to explain it. :D

rsbob 11-26-23 07:38 PM

Originally Posted by Troul (Post 23083143)
sometimes I'll take a hike..... when with someone & they say, "take a hike!" I proceed to tell them I didn't bring the carabiner! That usually gets a weird stare before they try to explain it. :D

I have a dozen, so am all set! Then there are the climbing ropes - but they are expired. History now

Sierra_rider 11-26-23 07:48 PM

Originally Posted by rsbob (Post 23083176)
I have a dozen, so am all set! Then there are the climbing ropes - but they are expired. History now

I still have my fair share of 'biners and rope. However, it was for tree work rather than rock climbing. Climbing trees really isn't worth my time anymore, so the only climbing I do nowadays is for my own property/house. I usually am the only person in the neighborhood that has a 100' tall decorated Christmas tree in their yard.

Sierra_rider 11-27-23 09:56 PM

Mellow one today...ignored the powermeter and just did a leisurely pace around my "neighborhood." It's very rural, so I use that term loosely. Anyway, only 13 miles and 1700' gain.

rsbob 11-27-23 10:08 PM

Day 2 off the bike due to the orders of doctors Garmin and Strava. So the pooch and I did a little hiking

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