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BillyD 04-03-20 05:10 PM

I’m the phobic one in my household. If she gets me killed I’ll never forgive her.

kissTheApex 04-03-20 05:13 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 21399283)

...and I was smitten with Sandra at the time.

Who wasn’t?

Pirkaus 04-03-20 05:20 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 21399351)
Does the fact that I mailed a check rather than pay online with an added $3.89 "convenience fee" mean I'm cheap? Or thrifty?

Originally Posted by BillyD (Post 21399396)

I perefer frugal. :D

berner 04-03-20 05:25 PM

Originally Posted by BillyD (Post 21398297)
Awesome objectives..
Looking at current info on the Uganda Project, it seems to be a legitimate organization worthy of support but there are plenty that are a fraud, some well known. You may remember some years ago the chief executive of United Way was flying back and forth to Europe on the Concord. Also some years ago I worked in Connecticut and the drive to and from work took me through corporate headquarter country. Nestled in amongst the other glass and SS monstrosities was the March of Dimes headquarters in another huge building full of people pushing paper around. This bothered me because we had a fine boy in high school who died in an iron lung.

In order to conduct fund raising within a state, a charitable organization, (I imaging it's true of every state) must file with the State Attourney General's office, a financial statement. Among other info, it must show what proportion of money raised goes to fund raising and what proportion is dispursed to charities. I've learned that a surprising number of organizations mostly collect funds to pay themselves with surprisingly little, maybe 20 cents on the dollar going to a worthy cause. To be within the law they have to give some away but are free to pocket the remainder. Not surprisingly, many so called charities are legal frauds.

There are many worthy charities worthy of our donations. I mostly confine my donations to local organizations that are easier to check up on. People like United Way still leave a very bad smell.

datlas 04-03-20 05:28 PM

My wife mentioned Paul Newman at the dinner table. Daughter #2 said “isn’t he that salad dressing guy?”

Sigh. :50:

abshipp 04-03-20 05:34 PM

That was the kind of ride that just makes you fall in love with riding again.

Warm but not hot, felt strong and my average speed confirmed my feeling, and plus I saw 4 different cats :D

sbxx1985 you were right about the saddle angle, it needs to go down just a touch, but it was overall fine for an hour and a half.

WhyFi 04-03-20 05:35 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21399427)
My wife mentioned Paul Newman at the dinner table. Daughter #2 said “isn’t he that salad dressing guy?”

Sigh. :50:

I hope that you corrected her - he's the less-bad-for-you Oreos guy.

Oh, and he had a famous Rolex.

He didn't do much besides that, did he?

datlas 04-03-20 05:36 PM

Originally Posted by abshipp (Post 21399430)
That was the kind of ride that just makes you fall in love with riding again.

Warm but not hot, felt strong and my average speed confirmed my feeling, and plus I saw 4 different cats :D

sbxx1985 you were right about the saddle angle, it needs to go down just a touch, but it was overall fine for an hour and a half.


datlas 04-03-20 05:39 PM

I also explained to her “Jiffy Pop” popcorn. Explained that was a special treat growing up.

Her reply: why not use microwave?

She was all shook when I told her we did not have them back then.

indyfabz 04-03-20 05:44 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 21399351)
Does the fact that I mailed a check rather than pay online with an added $3.89 "convenience fee" mean I'm cheap? Or thrifty?


Bah Humbug 04-03-20 05:51 PM

Originally Posted by BillyD (Post 21399406)
I’m the phobic one in my household. If she gets me killed I’ll never forgive her.

Gunna give her one heckuva haunting?

Trsnrtr 04-03-20 05:51 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 21399351)
Does the fact that I mailed a check rather than pay online with an added $3.89 "convenience fee" mean I'm cheap? Or thrifty?

No, I do the same thing and I’m far from frugal or cheap. It just pisses me off that they do it.

Bah Humbug 04-03-20 05:55 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21399400)

She finds a way into most of your pictures. :)

Pirkaus 04-03-20 06:19 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 21399432)
I hope that you corrected her - he's the less-bad-for-you Oreos guy.

Oh, and he had a famous Rolex.

He didn't do much besides that, did he?

What we have here, is failure to communicate... you forgot pizza :D

Jadesfire 04-03-20 06:20 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21399439)
I also explained to her “Jiffy Pop” popcorn. Explained that was a special treat growing up.

Her reply: why not use microwave?

She was all shook when I told her we did not have them back then.

All kinds of lessons/wisdom being imparted during stay-at-home time!

WhyFi 04-03-20 06:22 PM

Originally Posted by Pirkaus (Post 21399493)
What we have here, is failure to communicate... you forgot pizza :D

Ugh - I knew I was forgetting something. :o

Velo Vol 04-03-20 06:32 PM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 21399459)
She finds a way into most of your pictures. :)


Velo Vol 04-03-20 06:34 PM

Originally Posted by Trsnrtr (Post 21399451)
No, I do the same thing and I’m far from frugal or cheap. It just pisses me off that they do it.

I imagine they do it to recoup the credit card fee, but if they allowed direct bank account payment it would only be a few cents, if that. :rolleyes:

Velo Vol 04-03-20 06:35 PM


Heathpack 04-03-20 06:46 PM

A friend’s son started to feel febrile and sick yesterday, he lives with his fiancé about an hour away in Santa Barbara. Today fiancé is sick and febrile today too. Via telemedicine, their doc thinks it’s coronavirus and they are hunkering at home for now.

I wasn’t in the office today but one of our two MRI techs was sent home sick with fever, chills and cough. The two MRI techs worked overlapping schedules so the second one might well get sick too. Then we essentially can’t really do our job in Neuro.

Frustrating because I pushed really hard for a plan that kept the MRI techs out of the building unless they were actually scanning a case, and that kept them out of contact with each other. My administrator would not go for letting them “work from home” when they had downtime. Probably going to turn out to be a very costly mistake. Do you shut the Neuro service down entirely and lose all revenue? Or do you pay people to work when we won’t be bringing much $ into the practice?


abshipp 04-03-20 06:47 PM

Currently watching a live video of my very talented violinist friend playing a solo concert in his living room.

He also may or may not have played an arrangement of the Ramones' "I Wanna Be Sedated" on the accordion.

Bah Humbug 04-03-20 07:04 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 21399505)
I imagine they do it to recoup the credit card fee, but if they allowed direct bank account payment it would only be a few cents, if that. :rolleyes:

Those credit card fees pay my salary, so uh, swipe!

I mean, not those fees specifically.

LesterOfPuppets 04-03-20 07:09 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21399439)
I also explained to her “Jiffy Pop” popcorn. Explained that was a special treat growing up.

Her reply: why not use microwave?

She was all shook when I told her we did not have them back then.

Microwave popcorn sucks.

abshipp 04-03-20 07:10 PM

Any experience with the GP5000 in 32mm on 23mm outside width rims?

My 28mm Gravelking slicks are starting to square off, and I'm looking to maybe go a bit bigger to 30-32mm.

The suppler the better, but I don't really want to drop Rene Herse EL cash on these.

MoAlpha 04-03-20 07:11 PM

Had a slight scare this evening in the form of a mild asthma attack, my first in decades. It followed a very hard interval workout in allergy season, which was typical for my old pattern, but it wasn't the first thing I thought of when I started having a little trouble breathing. :eek:

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