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datlas 07-25-20 04:17 PM

Originally Posted by Pirkaus (Post 21606794)
Hopefully it keeps the unwashed mass away. Many people who drank this water have died, I have not died yet, but I will some day. :D
I have drank it for years, and know people who's family have drank it for generations, it tasty, and freezing cold.
The water is safe, the sign is a liability thing, all the springs in the area have similar signs.

Sad they have to put such a disclaimer up. Nothing tastes better than cold fresh well or spring water IMO. Especially on a hot day!

Bah Humbug 07-25-20 04:19 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 21606785)
His and Her Asperos?

Still ew. She was making noise about the Caledonia before understanding its tire size issue. She may go for a Topstone; I may get my steelie. We will see.

bampilot06 07-25-20 04:37 PM

Originally Posted by Pirkaus (Post 21606637)
These days I plan my longer ride around available hydration. Velo Vol would not approve :innocent:

i love your bike.

Pirkaus 07-25-20 05:06 PM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 21606831)
i love your bike.

I love it too, it fits perfect and rides beautifully.

Velo Vol 07-25-20 05:55 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 21606523)
Do you have a stoop? You could take care of that in a jiffy.

Nope, but what I mean is there's no band or even hymns at church to perform in public.

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 21606530)
However, it can be better. Just as bicycles can be better,

And yet big bicycle makes the bicycle worse by added gears that aren't wanted or making them fatter.

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 21606541)
You play the bugle INSIDE the house? That must be...something.

A bugle with valves.

Originally Posted by Pirkaus (Post 21606637)
These days I plan my longer ride around available hydration. Velo Vol would not approve :innocent:

Spring/mountain water is good. I filled up at a couple spots back when I was a cyclist who ventured into Blount County.

Bah Humbug 07-25-20 06:12 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 21606918)
And yet big bicycle makes the bicycle worse by added gears that aren't wanted or making them fatter.

They have gotten markedly better in the relatively short time I've been a rider (Di2, TT frame design, superior gearing choices, wheel width, power meters). Going back more than that decade brings a whole lot more.

Velo Vol 07-25-20 06:26 PM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize (Post 21606690)
Longsleeves on.

Autumn is in the air.

Bah Humbug 07-25-20 06:37 PM

I wore my long-sleeve summer jersey this morning for sun protection.

Tomorrow will likely be fake miles, based on the forecast.

kissTheApex 07-25-20 06:45 PM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 21606554)
Solidworks is amazing for 3d work, and even more amazing for 3d assemblies.

Alas, my student version expired long ago and we only have AutoCAD at work. :(

I've been working on 3d modeling in AutoCAD lately and I'm starting to get the hang of it. A lot of stuff is a PITA compared to Solidworks.

My hat’s off to you! 3D modeling in autocad gets me frustrated. And I say this as a person that started with AutoCAD R14 (if anyone remembers that far back :50:).

Originally Posted by BillyD (Post 21606590)
Yesterday I finally got around to calculating the grade of my driveway, because this bad boy is the primary reason we need to relocate. As we get older it’s just too hazardous to keep cleared in the winter. So I dragged out the self leveling laser and the tape rule and calculated the driveway to have a grade of 25%. Needles to say I’ve never attempted to ride up there even though it’s only about 50’ long. #kneebuster

Eeeeeeeeeeek :twitchy:

PS: EEEEEEEEEEEEEEK! (i just saw the photo too).

rjones28 07-25-20 06:46 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 21606505)

I'm surprised you're surprised.

I don't know the lyrics but the oboe part makes for a good lament.

Incorrect. See post #15186. #RaspberriesBad

Just practicing enough to maintain status quo, basically. I haven't played outside the house since March. Sad.

We bought raspberries at the farmers market today.

rjones28 07-25-20 06:55 PM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 21606718)
Another day, another OMG Trek on the bookface.


Velo Vol 07-25-20 06:57 PM

Originally Posted by rjones28 (Post 21606977)
We bought raspberries at the farmers market today.

Eat at your own peril.

rjones28 07-25-20 06:58 PM

That Adamo saddle tho...

rjones28 07-25-20 06:58 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 21606990)
Eat at your own peril.

And a triple berry pie.

Bah Humbug 07-25-20 07:03 PM

Originally Posted by rjones28 (Post 21606992)
That Adamo saddle tho... a great saddle, but the saddle and bars are intended for diametrically-opposed riding positions.

rjones28 07-25-20 07:04 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 21606948)
Autumn is in the air.


Velo Vol 07-25-20 07:11 PM

Originally Posted by rjones28 (Post 21607005)

We're getting hurricanes now that usually hit in September.

big john 07-25-20 07:35 PM

I think my Gunnar might be considered modern steel. It's True Temper OX Platinum, tig wleded with sloping top tube. It's about 4 pounds in size 62. I have a Kestrel fork on it because that's what they had lying around. I haven't ridden it much since I got the Seven in 2012 but I took it today to the old club and did 60+ miles with 4200 feet of climbing. It's way more comfortable than the Seven but harder for me to climb with, partly because it's 21 pounds without pedals.

I'd post pics but Photobucket is holding my pictures hostage. It was free when I signed up, wtf?

big john 07-25-20 07:39 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21606534)
Ok I have a dumb question. Can you use butyl tube stick-on patches short-term on a latex tube? I have never flatter my summer wheels that have latex tubes, but the double flat concern has crossed my mind as I carry one spare tube and some peel/stick patches as backup.

Anyone know?

I've heard you can't reliably patch a latex tube. I've tried the peel and stick patches on butyl tubes and had one blow off on a descent when the wheel got hot, had another blow off while the bike was in the car and I was driving on a hot day.

gnome 07-26-20 02:58 AM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 21606718)
Another day, another OMG Trek on the bookface.

:twitchy: It's obviously a prized bike converted to a townie by a now older and less flexible rider, but :twitchy:. That's a odd placement for the cable holder for the alfine shifter and it must be odd having your hands that far behind the front axle. It now probably has more wheel flop than a recumbent with tiller steering. Still if it means that someone can keep riding then overall it's good.

gnome 07-26-20 03:00 AM

You all must be getting bored. And it's not even winter yet. I go away for a hike and come back to find more than ten pages added. I can't keep up on a bike, and now I'm struggling to keep up here.

datlas 07-26-20 04:00 AM

Originally Posted by big john (Post 21607054)
I've heard you can't reliably patch a latex tube. I've tried the peel and stick patches on butyl tubes and had one blow off on a descent when the wheel got hot, had another blow off while the bike was in the car and I was driving on a hot day.

Google search took me to WeightWeenies forum (shocking, right?) and multiple posters there say that usual butyl patches CAN work on latex tubes. So I suppose I can try if/when I get a flat. Assuming, of course, I overcome my lazy mechanic tendencies and actually put my summer wheels on the bike.

datlas 07-26-20 04:46 AM

Time to ride.

Velo Vol 07-26-20 04:47 AM

Originally Posted by gnome (Post 21607321)
I can't keep up on a bike, and now I'm struggling to keep up here.

Try to.

Velo Vol 07-26-20 04:50 AM


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