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DougRNS 07-11-21 02:14 PM


DougRNS 07-11-21 02:20 PM

Originally Posted by DougRNS (Post 22137388)
I walked .500 miles without stabbing pain in my left foot due to metatarsalgia. Pain was a 2 or 3. Three weeks ago it was an 8 after the same walk. I seem to be acclimating to the heat better as well. Sciatica problem? Still the same.

reminds me of this.

Mojo31 07-11-21 02:25 PM

Originally Posted by LAJ (Post 22137255)
I'm not sure I'm liking Formula E.

Not my fav. Too much emphasis on not running out of battery charge. And, track’s too short.

big john 07-11-21 02:30 PM

Originally Posted by ls01 (Post 22137038)
That's what solved my, becoming a mechanic, problem. I didn't want to learn that mumbo-jumbo. So I became a carpenter instead.. I learned later it wasn't as bad as I built it up to be in my head. But it was too late by then.

Oh, it's bad if you're the one who gets all of the intermittent, impossible to duplicate problems. Think of all the weirdest crap you've ever heard of happening to cars, the stuff that just baffles people. That was my job, a professional guesser. Oh, don't forget factory warranty diagnosis time is .3, yes 18 minutes. So a car can bounce from one dealer to the next and when I get it I have to figure it out in 18 minutes, or request extra diagnosis time which must be approved and justified.

Of course, if you're personal friends with the manager you can avoid that type of work for the most part and stick to customer pay services and make 10 hours on a car that takes 2 or 3 hours at a casual pace while earning $5 to $8 more per flag hour than the old guy who was there 18 years when you showed up. But I'm not bitter.

Velo Vol 07-11-21 02:31 PM

Originally Posted by gnome (Post 22137364)
The day started at -2P and probably warmed up to positive single digits. I was warm enough to remove layers as I walked. It's all about wearing the right clothes for the conditions.

25C below ideal weather, then.

WhyFi 07-11-21 02:34 PM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 22137394)
Have you tried "If it ain't broke don't fix it!"?

Speaking of broken - LPLO. :notamused:

Mojo31 07-11-21 02:37 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22137381)
My wife doesn't buy it when I tell her that, so I'm not buyin' it either.

My Pro-Ject 1Xpression III is acting wonky with the motor vibrating a bunch, so thinking about an upgrade. Curious your thoughts on offerings between Planar 3 (Tiagra level) and Scout (Ultegra level). Anything you really like?

big john 07-11-21 02:38 PM

Originally Posted by DougRNS (Post 22137410)

wut and why

Mojo31 07-11-21 02:43 PM

Originally Posted by rjones28 (Post 22137288)
The whir of electric motors instead of the roar of V-(insert favorite cylinder count)s takes some getting used to.

I’m still getting used to it going from a twin turbo V8 to electric. Funny thing is that I always bought based on exhaust sound as well as performance, whereas my wife likes quiet. Now she drives the loudest, most aggressive sounding car in the house.

WhyFi 07-11-21 02:47 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22137433)
My Pro-Ject 1Xpression III is acting wonky with the motor vibrating a bunch, so thinking about an upgrade. Curious your thoughts on offerings between Planar 3 (Tiagra level) and Scout (Ultegra level). Anything you really like?

They're both good, but the VPI is a step up. What are they selling for these days? It used to be 1k vs 1.5k and the 500 was well worth it.

Velo Vol 07-11-21 02:48 PM

Originally Posted by big john (Post 22137434)


Mojo31 07-11-21 02:49 PM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 22137282)
New tiller formed kinda. I think I might need to pare it down a little more, but gonna do shakedown first. Then consider making an extension for it.

Just put one hit of teak oil on it.

Get one of these universal joints, about 4’ of carbon tube, and a golf grip of your choice, and you’ll have the best extension available.

LesterOfPuppets 07-11-21 02:49 PM

How 'bout those Phillies?


Mojo31 07-11-21 02:54 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22137441)
They're both good, but the VPI is a step up. What are they selling for these days? It used to be 1k vs 1.5k and the 500 was well worth it.

Thoughts on anything in between? Have also been reading up on Clearaudio Concept. Unfortunately no place close to take a listen without going to multiple places that are not close to each other. Closet shop is an hour away, and then they go farther out.

Planar 3 is about $1k, Scout is a big jump up to $2,500 or a bit more. Concept is roughly in the middle.

LesterOfPuppets 07-11-21 03:02 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22137444)
Get one of these universal joints, about 4’ of carbon tube, and a golf grip of your choice, and you’ll have the best extension available.

The price is definitely nice!

I like the looks of this hardware, but it's 75 smackers

This steel setup is only $35, but leaves too much hardware sticking up on tiller, IMO.

Mojo31 07-11-21 03:04 PM

The thing I like about the Ronstan is that it bends in any direction, whereas hinges can bind up during tacks and gibes.

WhyFi 07-11-21 03:05 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22137451)
Thoughts on anything in between? Have also been reading up on Clearaudio Concept. Unfortunately no place close to take a listen without going to multiple places that are not close to each other. Closet shop is an hour away, and then they go farther out.

Planar 3 is about $1k, Scout is a big jump up to $2,500 or a bit more. Concept is roughly in the middle.

Ouch. The Classic used to be about that price (and was ******' killer).

I only worked with Clearaudio tables for a year or two, and never really warmed to them, to be honest. Part of it was aesthetic, but they also didn't wow me sonically.

Also, keep in mind that I'm workin' on 10-year-old info; while 'tables are certainly a mature technology, I'm sure that there's been some movement in the market.

Mojo31 07-11-21 03:11 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22137468)
Ouch. The Classic used to be about that price (and was ******' killer).

I only worked with Clearaudio tables for a year or two, and never really warmed to them, to be honest. Part of it was aesthetic, but they also didn't wow me sonically.

Also, keep in mind that I'm workin' on 10-year-old info; while 'tables are certainly a mature technology, I'm sure that there's been some movement in the market.

Gotcha. Didn’t know if you kept up with that stuff.

Scout may not pass the wife’s value assessment.

MoAlpha 07-11-21 03:16 PM

Goddamn duck flew out of the back of the sail cover six inches from my head and nearly gave me V-fib. I felt bad about the eggs.

Mojo31 07-11-21 03:22 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22137484)
Goddamn duck flew out of the back of the sail cover six inches from my head and nearly gave me V-fib. I felt bad about the eggs.

Nesting in a stack pack?

Bet you enjoyed cleaning the eggs off your deck/cockpit.

We had a somewhat similar experience some years ago. One egg fell and cracked on my daughter’s head.

WhyFi 07-11-21 03:27 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22137474)
Gotcha. Didn’t know if you kept up with that stuff.

Scout may not pass the wife’s value assessment.

I've really only kept with with a few friends that are in the industry, but even if I were to keep tabs on new product reviews, it's a far cry from playing with the stuff yourself and getting to know it. That was one of the really nice things about working for Singer and the Exchange - all of the manufacturers wanted to be on our floors, so they'd bring by anything and everything that was interesting.

WhyFi 07-11-21 03:27 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22137484)
Goddamn duck flew out of the back of the sail cover six inches from my head and nearly gave me V-fib. I felt bad about the eggs.

Omelets for breakfast?

MoAlpha 07-11-21 03:28 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22137491)
Nesting in a stack pack?

Bet you enjoyed cleaning the eggs off your deck/cockpit.

We had a somewhat similar experience some years ago. One egg fell and cracked on my daughter’s head.

Yep. Nothing fell out this time except the expectant mother. They were way in there.

Trsnrtr 07-11-21 03:37 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22137386)
bampilot06 is over 200 miles for the week and got bumped off the podium - uff da! :roflmao2:

My week started off decent but rainy weather and a family funeral slowed things down requiring some radar watching to slip a couple 20 milers in. We did get our tandem out for a quick ride between the drops yesterday. That was nice.

LesterOfPuppets 07-11-21 03:43 PM

Mark Haveran's eBike.Must be a handful in a crosswind, but a pretty sweet setup, his best days have been around 180 miles.

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