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ls01 04-11-22 05:30 AM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 22467794)
speaking of which, my madone makes a clicking noise when I shake it. Doesn’t do it when I don’t shake it. Have not been able to isolate the noise. Will spend more time shaking it and get back to you.

internal cables?

ls01 04-11-22 05:31 AM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 22467794)
speaking of which, my madone makes a clicking noise when I shake it. Doesn’t do it when I don’t shake it. Have not been able to isolate the noise. Will spend more time shaking it and get back to you.

try it sans seat bag.

ls01 04-11-22 05:37 AM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22467919)
Yeah, me too, pretty much. This season I am going to get some discipline about participating in a little less group insanity, keeping the intensity down, and starting to build some more “cellular” fitness to see me into my 70s and beyond. My other goal is one real day of weights and weight-bearing activity a week. I am up 2 or 3 lbs since New Years, all from the weights, which is good.

I started back in with push ups and sut ups a week ago. I can't believe how....flabby some things are becoming. From the waist down I'm toned and rock hard. Above that it could be a different body. Lol

ls01 04-11-22 05:41 AM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 22467967)
I think it does. Have not made it that far yet. Still waiting for that support group to start. I have a list of problems to get started on.

You already belong to it, it's called Addiction. We are here for you buddy. Get some headphones. Install before approaching said bicycle. Problem solved. Your welcome!

ls01 04-11-22 05:44 AM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 22467967)
I think it does. Have not made it that far yet. Still waiting for that support group to start. I have a list of problems to get started on.

Another option is spray foam. Fill the tubes with it and let it harden. That'll keep those pesky cables from moving about! ( This is not an actual cure, please do not do this)

Trsnrtr 04-11-22 06:09 AM

Wordle 296 3/6


indyfabz 04-11-22 06:20 AM

Our NJ office building now has two Peleton bikes.

datlas 04-11-22 06:35 AM

This is a question for those who use hotels sometimes.

Mrs datlas and I are traveling to Asheville in a few weeks. Although we could do the full 9 hour drive at once, we are thinking of breaking it into two. So I got online and looked for budget hotels in Virginia.

The usual "Chain" budget hotels all look reasonable on their websites, but the online reviews are typically not good stating the places are disgusting and dirty and awful etc., do we think these are just angry Karens or is any hotel under $100/night a squalid rat's nest?? We have not stayed in a Hotel like that for several years so have no frame of reference.

rjones28 04-11-22 06:40 AM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 22468524)
Our NJ office building now has two Peleton bikes.

Are they trying to kill you?

indyfabz 04-11-22 06:45 AM

Originally Posted by rjones28 (Post 22468543)
Are they trying to kill you?


On top of that, the building started erecting car ports that will then be covered with solar panels. Many of the parking spaces are blocked off. Should be close quarters when I go there tomorrow.

phrantic09 04-11-22 06:54 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22468538)
This is a question for those who use hotels sometimes.

Mrs datlas and I are traveling to Asheville in a few weeks. Although we could do the full 9 hour drive at once, we are thinking of breaking it into two. So I got online and looked for budget hotels in Virginia.

The usual "Chain" budget hotels all look reasonable on their websites, but the online reviews are typically not good stating the places are disgusting and dirty and awful etc., do we think these are just angry Karens or is any hotel under $100/night a squalid rat's nest?? We have not stayed in a Hotel like that for several years so have no frame of reference.

I wouldn’t stay in a sub 100 room unless it was a Marriott property. I find the reviews are generally in line with the stay.y

WhyFi 04-11-22 07:11 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22468538)
This is a question for those who use hotels sometimes.

Mrs datlas and I are traveling to Asheville in a few weeks. Although we could do the full 9 hour drive at once, we are thinking of breaking it into two. So I got online and looked for budget hotels in Virginia.

The usual "Chain" budget hotels all look reasonable on their websites, but the online reviews are typically not good stating the places are disgusting and dirty and awful etc., do we think these are just angry Karens or is any hotel under $100/night a squalid rat's nest?? We have not stayed in a Hotel like that for several years so have no frame of reference.

A) Unless you find a town that you really think is cute for an evening of wandering with the Mrs, I would personally do that drive in one day. As long as you set out at a reasonable time, it'll be fine.

B) The hotel will (most likely) be fine - people are certainly more likely to leave a negative review than a positive review. In all of our overnight road trip stays, and even when we were traveling with a dog (and let me tell you, the pet-designated rooms are worse), I think that we've run in to one hotel where I was skeeved and wanted to get out ASAP in the morning.

Also, keep in mind what you're looking for on an overnight vs what other people may be looking for on a multi-day stay - I really just want cleanliness, a reasonably comfortable bed, and reasonable quiet. Others may be looking for more demanding amenities.

WhyFi 04-11-22 07:16 AM

Originally Posted by phrantic09 (Post 22468553)
I wouldn’t stay in a sub 100 room unless it was a Marriott property. I find the reviews are generally in line with the stay.y

We do generally stay at Marriotts on overnights, the wife has a card that accrues points, but we've stayed in others that were similar and fine (though I couldn't tell you what, as the wife books them all).

Mojo31 04-11-22 07:17 AM

Tough one.

Wordle 296 5/6


Trsnrtr 04-11-22 07:24 AM

During the heyday of bed bugs about 10 years ago, I read a review that mentioned them for a motel that we had already checked into. I asked the guy at the desk about it and he said that was over a year ago and all was fine. I asked what they do if they see some and he said they immediately duct tape the door, baseboards, etc until the exterminator gets there.

On the way back to my room, I saw a door duct taped. We immediately checked out. :rolleyes:

Trsnrtr 04-11-22 07:25 AM

Btw, I’m in jury room Hell at the moment.

Mojo31 04-11-22 07:29 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22468538)
This is a question for those who use hotels sometimes.

Mrs datlas and I are traveling to Asheville in a few weeks. Although we could do the full 9 hour drive at once, we are thinking of breaking it into two. So I got online and looked for budget hotels in Virginia.

The usual "Chain" budget hotels all look reasonable on their websites, but the online reviews are typically not good stating the places are disgusting and dirty and awful etc., do we think these are just angry Karens or is any hotel under $100/night a squalid rat's nest?? We have not stayed in a Hotel like that for several years so have no frame of reference.

I'm with phrantic, sub-$100 hotel room anywhere is a dicey game. There are a few places where we look for budget hotels, but when we do we find that the decent ones in small town locations tend to start at $120 to $150.

We use Marriott a lot as well. You'd be surprised by the different brands that fall under the Marriott Bonvoy brand: Our Hotel Brands | Luxury, Premium, Select & More | Marriott Bonvoy

I'd look for a Fairfield, Sheraton, or Springhill if you are looking right off the highway.

datlas 04-11-22 07:29 AM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22468564)
A) Unless you find a town that you really think is cute for an evening of wandering with the Mrs, I would personally do that drive in one day. As long as you set out at a reasonable time, it'll be fine.

B) The hotel will (most likely) be fine - people are certainly more likely to leave a negative review than a positive review. In all of our overnight road trip stays, and even when we were traveling with a dog (and let me tell you, the pet-designated rooms are worse), I think that we've run in to one hotel where I was skeeved and wanted to get out ASAP in the morning.

Also, keep in mind what you're looking for on an overnight vs what other people may be looking for on a multi-day stay - I really just want cleanliness, a reasonably comfortable bed, and reasonable quiet. Others may be looking for more demanding amenities.

I agree we might want to drive in 1 day. Issue is I get off work early on Friday but we can't check into Air BnB until Saturday, so we thought it might make sense to drive 5 hours on Friday afternoon and 4 hours on Saturday morning.....we have not decided just yet.

Mojo31 04-11-22 07:29 AM

Originally Posted by Trsnrtr (Post 22468575)
Btw, I’m in jury room Hell at the moment.

Well, you are making more than you do sitting around the house! You are now gainfully employed.

WhyFi 04-11-22 07:35 AM

Originally Posted by Trsnrtr (Post 22468574)
During the heyday of bed bugs about 10 years ago, I read a review that mentioned them for a motel that we had already checked into. I asked the guy at the desk about it and he said that was over a year ago and all was fine. I asked what they do if they see some and he said they immediately duct tape the door, baseboards, etc until the exterminator gets there.

On the way back to my room, I saw a door duct taped. We immediately checked out. :rolleyes:

Ew. I would have GTFO, too. I lived in Brooklyn when bed bugs made their reemergence on the scene and nothing skeeved me out more. I stopped going to a neighborhood theater that was rumored to have em and I'd give wiiiiide berth to discarded furniture on the curb :lol:

phrantic09 04-11-22 07:49 AM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22468586)
Ew. I would have GTFO, too. I lived in Brooklyn when bed bugs made their reemergence on the scene and nothing skeeved me out more. I stopped going to a neighborhood theater that was rumored to have em and I'd give wiiiiide berth to discarded furniture on the curb :lol:

We had an office in midtown once that had them. Most of the building belonged to a very large NYC based health plan that we co-located with. Eventually we move out - I never went while the infestation was happening.

ls01 04-11-22 08:19 AM

Originally Posted by rjones28 (Post 22468196)
English 101: the plural of deer is deer.

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22468538)
This is a question for those who use hotels sometimes.

Mrs datlas and I are traveling to Asheville in a few weeks. Although we could do the full 9 hour drive at once, we are thinking of breaking it into two. So I got online and looked for budget hotels in Virginia.

The usual "Chain" budget hotels all look reasonable on their websites, but the online reviews are typically not good stating the places are disgusting and dirty and awful etc., do we think these are just angry Karens or is any hotel under $100/night a squalid rat's nest?? We have not stayed in a Hotel like that for several years so have no frame of reference.

For a 9 hour drive I would go straight through. Find a nice restaurant. 5 way. Let her drive the first couple hours. Easy peazy. I remember driving through Texas. I had a hotel booked for 10 hours in. Got there and took a shower. When I came out of the bathroom something jumped off the bed and scurried out under the door. (Which was abnormally high off the floor) I slept in the car.

LAJ 04-11-22 08:43 AM

If the bed has a bedspread, that comes off. I lift all four corners of the mattress and check for traces. My suitcase never sits on the bed, it only goes on the suitcase rack dealio... I go with name brand properties only.

I work with a guy that developed that bedbug cooker that you are supposed to put your suitcase in when you get home. It stays outside, and heats everything up to bedbug killer temperature. His wife is a bug professor at CSU, and he gave me the scoop on what to do. .

LAJ 04-11-22 08:43 AM

Happy Monday

Wordle 296 2/6


Mojo31 04-11-22 08:45 AM

I stayed in a Motel 6 in Oklahoma once on my way to St. Louis because I got really tired driving. Never again.

Of course, if I was taking that trip from Pennsylvania to Ashville, I'd have already bought plane tickets.

Doc, if you are making last minute plans for that drive, check rates at nicer places a day or two before your stay. Often times, hotels will drop prices to fill rooms at the last minute. You may have to ask, "Is there a better rate you can offer?" The roadside places don't do that though.

We were supposed to go on a sailing trip in 2017 when Irma hit hard. We cancelled our trip two days before we were supposed to leave DFW, and since we had already planned to be gone starting looking for an alternative place to go. Ended up being San Fransisco. We got a deal on a room at the Ritz Carlton for $186/night.

The deals on nice places are out there, but you have to call the hotel's local number and not rely on online or "800" reservation systems. Might be worth it as you might get a much better place to stay for the same money with just a couple of phone calls.

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