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RidingMatthew 12-03-23 10:50 AM

Man I need some motivation to ride.

I really can only commute on two days a week because of my work schedule Plus these two days are not back to back so I am switching bags around which is a pain.

I bought a new to me car in august but I am not motivated to ride knowing that I would be riding home to/ from in the dark and cold.

any one have advice or motivational thoughts.
Share the road

Korina 12-03-23 02:38 PM

I hear you about motivation, especially in the winter, when it was dark going to work and near sunset going home, and I had a bus pass (10-minute bus ride vs. 45-minute bike ride). I'm very lucky to live in a beautiful area, so even though it was dark when I started, I got to see Humboldt Bay waking up as the sky lightened, and some gorgeous sunsets on the way home. I also felt great when I got to work, with my blood pumping and everything oxygenated. I was the first in the building, so I had a blissful half hour to eat my breakfast (I had a tiny slow cooker at work and made overnight steel cut oats with dried fruit and nuts) and drink my tea.

Would it be easier if you did it more than twice a week? If the job's only two days, you could still get up early and go for a ride on some of the other days. We are creatures of routine after all. Try to remember how you feel after the ride.

noglider 12-03-23 06:22 PM

I'm in a similar position. Since the school year started in September, I've ridden to work only two or three times.

Alan K 12-03-23 11:11 PM

In really cold winters it does become difficult to motivate yourself to ride your bicycle to work when you could be alternatively using a heated car.
About 25 years ago, I decided to force myself to bicycle by stopping to buy yearly car parking permit. Back when I stopped buying the permit, the yearly cost was about $900. Now it is about $1,400 per year.
On some exceptionally cold days, I just pay the daily fee ($10) when I must use a car. Savings to be used for buying bicycles or parts has proven fairly good motivation.
If your work place provides a free parking, this story is quite useless for you. 😉

RidingMatthew 12-04-23 07:26 AM

Thanks Korina i needed to be reminded of the beauty of riding to work. I rode a shorter route today. 16 miles. It was not bad once I got on the bike and started riding. I knew this but I debated resetting the alarm.

BUT I didn’t I rode this morning yes!

Alan K work does not pay for parking I either feed a 10 hour meter $.75 or park in “state own property” with a bunch of other people. Basically a gravel lot. But good story. I can’t cut something like that and save a bunch of money.

I used to ride everyday. But have to take son to school now and work from home 2 days a week.

i did try to get up and ride when I did not have to take him to school and it was warmer and brighter. 😄

Bluejohn 12-06-23 11:54 AM

I love my daily rides to work, whatever the weather throws at me but it wasn't always that way.

I used to ride each day as if it were a full on training day and I was pushing hard and beating myself mentally if I felt I slowed or took it too easy. Then, I had a bit of an epiphany after getting a herniated disc which forced me to slow down and not push. Since then, I learned to enjoy each ride, take it as it comes - push some days, back off on others, appreciate the sights and sounds and just have fun. It also helps if you can dress well for the conditions.

DaveBikesHarder 12-06-23 02:34 PM

What motivates everyone is different but I face a similar issue with the cold especially. I've emailed a few cycling friends and tried to get a little miles competition going as its darker. When I look at the grey rainy morning all I'm thinking is "Chris is out there, now I gotta be"

Bike Gremlin 12-06-23 02:59 PM

Originally Posted by RidingMatthew (Post 23089487)
Man I need some motivation to ride.

I really can only commute on two days a week because of my work schedule Plus these two days are not back to back so I am switching bags around which is a pain.

I bought a new to me car in august but I am not motivated to ride knowing that I would be riding home to/ from in the dark and cold.

any one have advice or motivational thoughts.

Share the road

When my commute was about 12 km (all flat), knowing the traffic jams and the time it takes to find a free parking lot gave me all the motivation I needed.

For my current, ~ 3 km commute, I just enjoy it regardless of the weather and need no motivation whatsoever.

If my commute were 20+ km, or had some steep inclines, I'm not sure if I'd bother riding a bike every day (or even every second day for that matter).

Now, if this helps and gives you any ideas (not guaranteeing they are good - LOL :) ):
- Cycling lets me sort of meditate and I get good ideas and problem solutions when cycling to work early in the morning.
- It is a sort of an exercise (can't replace other stuff, but it does help).
- I can listen to lectures/podcasts while commuting at the same time.

Dynamo hub and LED lights help when it's dark (no worries about batteries, just ride).


RidingMatthew 12-06-23 08:02 PM

I guess I should also say that my commute is 10-11 miles one way. It takes some time to get to and from home.

I drove today because work load is heavy and was hoping to get into work early. I did it was honestly nice to drive before total darkness and spend time with the family. One day riding is not good though. In my opinion

DaveBikesHarder 12-08-23 09:28 AM

Originally Posted by RidingMatthew (Post 23092960)
I guess I should also say that my commute is 10-11 miles one way. It takes some time to get to and from home.

I drove today because work load is heavy and was hoping to get into work early. I did it was honestly nice to drive before total darkness and spend time with the family. One day riding is not good though. In my opinion

RidingMatthew out of curiosity what do you consider to be good in terms of number of days cycled? Recognize this will be different for everybody.

RidingMatthew 12-08-23 01:29 PM

Well I found a picture from 2016 and I rode 6535 miles (or there abouts) for the year and (somewhere in there) 5135 of them were commuting. but that was a long time ago and different situation. i guess i would like to be motivated and riding at least 2 days a week. when the weather was warmer and sun was up I would try to ride on the days I worked from home.

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