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ScottCommutes 03-06-24 09:28 AM

Summer job commute ramblings
I'm a teacher and during the school year I bike 19 miles daily each way to get to work.

I just got a summer job at a Boy Scout camp. My oldest kid will stay at the camp, and my younger two will ride with me in the camp bus each day while my wife will take our only car to work. Everything works out great, commuting wise.

The only issue is the week of camp setup, when there is no bus running. The camp is 25 miles away - 6 miles further than I'm used to.

The good news is it's early July and the sunlight and weather should be fine. I will also be in shape after another year of riding to work and I will have a week off before this to rest. Also, because this is the week of July 4th, the most I expect I would have to commute is Monday-Wednesday, off Thursday, and then back Friday.

The bad news is that the last time I did this job (25 years ago), the workday was extremely tiring. I was in a crew that went from camp site to camp site, carrying picnic tables and tent platforms all day.

My other (easier) option is to make my first foray into bicycle camping. I could bring my stuff with me on Monday and stay over as needed at the camp. I think I could grub a cot/tent there and even hot meals.

Already looking forward to the summer, but I still have almost four more months at my regular job.

Korina 03-06-24 09:10 PM

Camping sounds both fun and practical as long as you, a) make sure your wife will be okay on her own with three kids for up to a week, and 1. MAKE SURE you can get a tent and food. If those work out, then have fun!

Leisesturm 03-06-24 10:58 PM

Personally, and I'm about as car free as you'll find around here, BUT, if as seems likely, this camp is 25 miles each way and not round trip ... a commute scenario, even for a week, even for a couple of days ... out of the question. Not if the o.p. expects to be of any use to the other members of their work gang. I also don't think this adventure is the best time to be getting initiated in the fine art of bike or any other kind of (real) camping. So, were it I, I would be looking at a rental car for the week, or maybe line up rides from someone also at the camp that lives nearby. I have an excess of carbon credits and the o.p. need not worry. I've got them covered. Leverage a car, or rides in a car, for one week and call it good.

noglider 03-09-24 05:58 PM

Your athleticism is impressive. It should help keep you young. But your description of the job sounds like you might find a limit to what you can do.

Steve B. 03-09-24 08:02 PM

Drive part way and park, make the distance shorter to what you can handle.

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