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diphthong 07-13-22 10:38 PM


Troul 07-14-22 04:17 AM

58 Miles, blasted by only one commercial sprinkler.
As soon as the psi of the head made it's "hiss", the prepurged liquid got me/my chain/the whole one side of me. I need to look into the local code for those sprinkler systems. Seems as if majority of them are spraying more at people/cars, making murky puddles, more than it's hydrating the landscaping itself.

Originally Posted by ooga-booga (Post 22573976)

Stellar! Keep up the long hauls!

Ubie 07-14-22 09:17 AM

20mi today with ~800' of climb. Meant to do 16mi but missed a turn and decided to change my route on the fly.

diphthong 07-14-22 06:19 PM


rsbob 07-14-22 07:11 PM

[QUOTE=mschwett;22570351]70.3, 4,100 feet. 16.5mph average. really nice day.QUOTE]

What a great route. So scenic.

rsbob 07-14-22 07:15 PM

50 miles, super weather, 1400’

kahn 07-15-22 03:21 PM

4 miles and about 800 feet yesterday. 15.7 miles and about 800 feet today.
Mts Index and Persis and Bridal Veil Falls from Heybrook Ridge
Mt Baring and Skykomish River
Golden Gardens

timsch 07-15-22 04:49 PM

0, but 48.5 on Sunday

diphthong 07-15-22 08:49 PM

another coastal c-note.

SpeedyBlueBiker 07-15-22 10:58 PM

48 miles today on a nice warm day. Cycled by the University of Washington where they are preparing for tomorrows Seattle to Portland bicycle ride. Most riders cover the 206 miles in two days but a few do the whole ride in one day. 5500 riders will take part. At its peak they used to have 10,000 riders.

shapiroeric 07-16-22 05:50 AM

53 miles 3K feet. Up to Mt Tom in Western Mass. Beautiful morning ride….

Troul 07-16-22 12:30 PM

111 Miler.

kahn 07-16-22 02:14 PM

Originally Posted by SpeedyBlueBiker (Post 22576206)
48 miles today on a nice warm day. Cycled by the University of Washington where they are preparing for tomorrows Seattle to Portland bicycle ride. Most riders cover the 206 miles in two days but a few do the whole ride in one day. 5500 riders will take part. At its peak they used to have 10,000 riders.

I did STP ONCE!! Two days. Seattle to Castle Rock on Day One and to Portland on Day Two. I had three requests. No heat, no headwind and no rain! Lost on all three. First day it was in the 90's. Woke up the second day and announced to my crowded motel mates, "you won't believe this" It was pouring. Rained most of the way into Portland and there was a headwind. And someone had strewn tacks on the roadway outside of Portland. Lots of folks sitting in the wet grass fixing flats. Yup, ONCE was more than enough! Oh, and I think we were close to that 10,000 riders - "On your left, on your left!!!!" And damn support vehicles always along the road looking for their folks. Then we took Amtrak back to Seattle. Off the train and a super truck rally was just getting out of the King Dome. Topped it off!!

IcySwan1 07-16-22 07:14 PM

25 miles. Nice rolling ride along a beautiful Alaska river, and didn’t get a flat until back in town.


diphthong 07-16-22 07:53 PM


rsbob 07-16-22 09:40 PM

Originally Posted by kahn (Post 22576705)
I did STP ONCE!! Two days. Seattle to Castle Rock on Day One and to Portland on Day Two. I had three requests. No heat, no headwind and no rain! Lost on all three. First day it was in the 90's. Woke up the second day and announced to my crowded motel mates, "you won't believe this" It was pouring. Rained most of the way into Portland and there was a headwind. And someone had strewn tacks on the roadway outside of Portland. Lots of folks sitting in the wet grass fixing flats. Yup, ONCE was more than enough! Oh, and I think we were close to that 10,000 riders - "On your left, on your left!!!!" And damn support vehicles always along the road looking for their folks. Then we took Amtrak back to Seattle. Off the train and a super truck rally was just getting out of the King Dome. Topped it off!!

Absolutely rotten luck. You certainly hit a confluence of the worst. I rode it 3X, 1 two day and 2 one days. On the second one day, it rained from Vader all the way to Portland. That was my last STP. This year the riders might face rain on day 2. I hope not.

rsbob 07-16-22 09:43 PM

I seriously feel my regime of HMB, beta alanine and Beet Root powder are paying off for this late sexagenarian. Good endurance while keeping the speed over 17 MPH ave.. After doing this kind of ride last year, I would have been whipped but today I felt fine with explosive power when I needed it.

SpeedyBlueBiker 07-16-22 10:21 PM

Originally Posted by kahn (Post 22576705)
I did STP ONCE!! Two days. Seattle to Castle Rock on Day One and to Portland on Day Two. I had three requests. No heat, no headwind and no rain! Lost on all three. First day it was in the 90's. Woke up the second day and announced to my crowded motel mates, "you won't believe this" It was pouring. Rained most of the way into Portland and there was a headwind. And someone had strewn tacks on the roadway outside of Portland. Lots of folks sitting in the wet grass fixing flats. Yup, ONCE was more than enough! Oh, and I think we were close to that 10,000 riders - "On your left, on your left!!!!" And damn support vehicles always along the road looking for their folks. Then we took Amtrak back to Seattle. Off the train and a super truck rally was just getting out of the King Dome. Topped it off!!

I also did the STP but only once back in 2012. I did the two day and used it as a training ride for the RAMROD later that month. I had three flats before getting to the first rest stop in Kent. The tire was shot so I bought a new tire from the mechanic at an extremely generous discount. He also threw in three tubes for free. When I left Kent there was hardly anyone around. I rode hard to catch up to people and was continuously calling out "on your left".

rsbob 07-16-22 10:33 PM

Originally Posted by SpeedyBlueBiker (Post 22577082)
I also did the STP but only once back in 2012. I did the two day and used it as a training ride for the RAMROD later that month. I had three flats before getting to the first rest stop in Kent. The tire was shot so I bought a new tire from the mechanic at an extremely generous discount. He also threw in three tubes for free. When I left Kent there was hardly anyone around. I rode hard to catch up to people and was continuously calling out "on your left".

A fellow RAMRODer! Very cool. Rode it twice, once on my Bianchi and the second on a tandem with a guy friend. We were the first tandem into the park and probably the last one out after getting to Paradise. We did clock 62.5 going down Cayuse which was scary as hell, especially when we passed an RV in our way. Bet they had a tale to tell of being passed by a bicycle.

SpeedyBlueBiker 07-16-22 11:31 PM

Originally Posted by rsbob (Post 22577088)
A fellow RAMRODer! Very cool. Rode it twice, once on my Bianchi and the second on a tandem with a guy friend. We were the first tandem into the park and probably the last one out after getting to Paradise. We did clock 62.5 going down Cayuse which was scary as hell, especially when we passed an RV in our way. Bet they had a tale to tell of being passed by a bicycle.

Yes, a six time RAMRODer! Would have been #7 this year but I wasn't so lucky in the lottery. First time was in 2002 when you just signed up for it. I think I signed up at the Bike Expo but not sure. I didn't even own a road bike at the time only mtn bikes.

SpeedyBlueBiker 07-16-22 11:37 PM

Oh, and I rode 32 miles today.

shapiroeric 07-17-22 06:16 AM

Just shy of 58 miles and 3,514 ft….

kahn 07-17-22 07:48 AM

Originally Posted by rsbob (Post 22577058)
I seriously feel my regime of HMB, beta alanine and Beet Root powder are paying off for this late sexagenarian. Good endurance while keeping the speed over 17 MPH ave.. After doing this kind of ride last year, I would have been whipped but today I felt fine with explosive power when I needed it.

Oh, I like the double loop route. Nice. Is there a some term for that kind of "structure?" And very good for an "old" guy. But now I'm closer to 80 than 70! (yikes) Maybe I'll try beet whatever as it is I'm already BEAT!

kahn 07-17-22 07:59 AM

Originally Posted by SpeedyBlueBiker (Post 22577082)
I also did the STP but only once back in 2012. I did the two day and used it as a training ride for the RAMROD later that month. I had three flats before getting to the first rest stop in Kent. The tire was shot so I bought a new tire from the mechanic at an extremely generous discount. He also threw in three tubes for free. When I left Kent there was hardly anyone around. I rode hard to catch up to people and was continuously calling out "on your left".

Oh, I trained for RAMROD. It was the year that in July I decided I needed some lighter tights since it was darn cool that July. Our longest training ride was from Seattle to just north of Arlington and back. I recall hitting Monroe at one point and commenting to my friend that when we hit Monroe our car is usually parked "here"! No, still had to get home to Greenlake. Alas, we never did the ride since the forecast was awful and we had no sag support. It was the year they pulled people off the ride suffering hypothermia. We always regretted not riding but knowing we made the right choice. Even back then I needed electric insoles when chilly. I would have frozen to death. I think I still have the unearned shirt somewhere.

Some memories, both great and "ungreat", still rattle around up there!!!

rsbob 07-17-22 09:56 AM

Originally Posted by kahn (Post 22577273)
Oh, I like the double loop route. Nice. Is there a some term for that kind of "structure?" And very good for an "old" guy. But now I'm closer to 80 than 70! (yikes) Maybe I'll try beet whatever as it is I'm already BEAT!

I called it framing Mercer Island. Agree that the double loop is a winner - never would have dreamed you were pushing 80 considering the mileage you do. You no doubt have the health and legs of a man far younger.

It was interesting getting my clock cleaned by a teenager on a racing bike who rode the 3 intense climbs out of Beaux Arts out of the saddle like they were nothing. Ah youth.

kahn 07-17-22 01:33 PM

Originally Posted by rsbob (Post 22577383)
I called it framing Mercer Island. Agree that the double loop is a winner - never would have dreamed you were pushing 80 considering the mileage you do. You no doubt have the health and legs of a man far younger.

It was interesting getting my clock cleaned by a teenager on a racing bike who rode the 3 intense climbs out of Beaux Arts out of the saddle like they were nothing. Ah youth.

Thanks but I'm way overweight and generally out of shape. Forcing myself to do some of this stuff just so that I can keep trying to do this stuff.

GhostRider62 07-17-22 01:40 PM

I have a 1200km upcoming, so, I wussed out a 26 miler but did a PB on my local climb out of town. My PB at the start of the year was 2:51 and then I got to 2:42 and today to 2:31 at just under 400 watts. Good for a fat old basturd. The fast young racers are 1:55-2:00.

mschwett 07-17-22 03:40 PM

56 miles, 4,500 feet of gain.

beautiful start, epic descent … but the top of the climb (seven sisters southbound for locals) was utterly miserable for me. gassed out from the long climb but now in the SUN and still climbing.

and i discovered the downside of power meters. when you’re sucking / dying, they tell you exactly how much you’re sucking compared to normal!

mschwett 07-17-22 03:41 PM

Originally Posted by kahn (Post 22577273)
Oh, I like the double loop route. Nice. Is there a some term for that kind of "structure?" And very good for an "old" guy. But now I'm closer to 80 than 70! (yikes) Maybe I'll try beet whatever as it is I'm already BEAT!

i have never seen a route pattern like that! love it, and now going to find one.

kahn 07-17-22 05:46 PM

Originally Posted by mschwett (Post 22577697)
i have never seen a route pattern like that! love it, and now going to find one.

You should be able to work one of your islands down there into something similar.

The term I was thinking about is a TORUS - a donut shape!!!!

Actually, someone with enough stamina could do a triple loop, Using the various bridges and lake perimeters.

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