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Troul 02-05-21 01:14 PM

25.5 miles

ofajen 02-05-21 11:20 PM

23 cold, slow, muddy, windy miles. Delightful!


Troul 02-06-21 08:23 AM

33.3 miles

one4smoke 02-06-21 05:42 PM

25.5 chilly miles today. :eek:

OldTryGuy 02-06-21 06:19 PM

More miles than I originally expected when I headed out but less than I really was hoping for so >>> 81.18 miles

Troul 02-06-21 08:07 PM

Originally Posted by UCantTouchThis (Post 21913303)
46 chatty miles with a buddy. I'm not one to chat on rides. I like to ride, get to my destination, then chat. So it kind of drives me crazy ha ha ha!

I usually drop the ChattyMcChattsers. With how bad distracted driving is, you need to be assertive. If you're not on your 'A' game, plan on a F grade.

OldTryGuy 02-06-21 08:39 PM

Originally Posted by UCantTouchThis (Post 21913305)
WOW, 282 feet in 81 miles? :eek: Good mileage though! :giver:

THAT MANY FEET because I rode over some high bridges. :lol:

Troul 02-06-21 09:33 PM

Originally Posted by UCantTouchThis (Post 21913305)
WOW, 282 feet in 81 miles? :eek: Good mileage though! :giver:

riding over 141 people is a feat in its own. To get every pair, every time, is great accuracy.

Troul 02-07-21 07:44 AM

just around a metric century.

ofajen 02-07-21 11:05 AM

This will probably be that wintry period of a week or two where I ride some inside. We got snow and an Arctic cold blast. The roads are too icy for my taste and it won’t reach freezing for many days.

I brought the 26er inside and put on the spare wheel with the trainer tire. I’ll do a couple of indoor rides this week. Did about half and hour yesterday. Ok, but not as fun as the cold and mud on Friday. Today I got to clear snow... a workout on its own with our driveway.


Notso_fastLane 02-08-21 10:27 AM

40 miles Saturday. It was chilly, temps in the upper 30s(F) and I think it maybe got to 42. Antelope Island is surprisingly 1) large, 2) hilly!

I did see a herd of 6 bison. :)

diphthong 02-08-21 07:44 PM


joesch 02-08-21 07:53 PM

I was 20 miles into my second shakedown ride and the front break lug popped sending the break over the bars and hanging. Really surprised me since I was descending around 20+ and not using the break. Sure glad I was in flat Dallas and not on a steeper longer SoCal descent.

diphthong 02-08-21 08:03 PM

Originally Posted by joesch (Post 21916076)
I was 20 miles into my second shakedown ride and the front break lug popped sending the break over the bars and hanging. Really surprised me since I was descending around 20+ and not using the break. Sure glad I was in flat Dallas and not on a steeper longer SoCal descent.


cjenrick 02-08-21 09:12 PM

78 miles today, speed was subject to change without notice.

was fiddling with my gloves when a racoon waddled out in front of me but we both escaped injury.

some kid on a mountain bike was messing with me, showing me how he was faster even with knobby tires, but i busted him for playing possum. you know, when you sprint down the road ahead of everybody, then pull off real quick hoping the other rider does not see you and so they chase for 50 miles thinking they was outclassed, but i stayed with him a stealthy 15 yards back and caught his shananigans,

Troul 02-09-21 04:18 PM

33.5 later than usual. took a little longer time too. fml

diphthong 02-09-21 07:42 PM

54-spot. not bad considering i originally wasn't going to ride today.

Troul 02-09-21 07:43 PM

Originally Posted by ooga-booga (Post 21917495)
54-spot. not bad considering i originally wasn't going to ride today.

same here.

Emuncy 02-10-21 06:36 AM

20 miles... Indoors tho. Its FREEZING out side

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