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Mojo31 07-18-22 04:16 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22578984)
Well, we now have a working AP, but it won’t stay down for speed and come up gradually as the foils begin to bite, like the skipper do.:love:

She just needs to be quick. Engage AP, move to new winch and trim as her cabin boy (you) releases the sheet, move back to wheel and turn off AP, steer with one hand while doing final trim with the other. Easy peasy.

You can be mixing cocktails while she finishes the tack.

Mojo31 07-18-22 04:17 PM

Oh, and just make sure you compliment her on a job well done.

Mojo31 07-18-22 04:18 PM

And, be prepared to buy electric winches next.

genejockey 07-18-22 04:33 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22578978)
You need a more expensive sports drink or maybe a few shots of Botox.

Last two seasons I would stupidly crew for Capt. LSS in the afternoon after really hard group rides. Every time she tacked the boat and I put my foot up on the cockpit bench to grind the sheet winch, I’d immediately get a hamstring cramp. Then I’d hunch over to stretch it and my recti abdominis would go into agonizing spasm. I finally figured out what a bad idea that was.

Just remember to get the real pharmaceutical stuff, not the research grade stuff from List. There was a dermatologist who did that, then shot up himself, his wife, and a couple they were friends with. Calculated the dosage wrong and IIRC they all ended up on ventilators for a while.

But their faces looked so young!

genejockey 07-18-22 04:34 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22578995)
And, be prepared to buy electric winches next.

All this talk of LSS's and cabin boys, I read that as 'electric wenches'.

DougRNS 07-18-22 04:51 PM

Originally Posted by Trsnrtr (Post 22578752)
Ice shot, Bill. :thumb:

Hey man nice shot

LesterOfPuppets 07-18-22 05:02 PM

Crucial data of the day:

MoAlpha 07-18-22 05:25 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22579014)
Just remember to get the real pharmaceutical stuff, not the research grade stuff from List. There was a dermatologist who did that, then shot up himself, his wife, and a couple they were friends with. Calculated the dosage wrong and IIRC they all ended up on ventilators for a while.

But their faces looked so young!

I remember that event.

Mojo31 07-18-22 05:38 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22579016)
All this talk of LSS's and cabin boys, I read that as 'electric wenches'.

More fun with eclectic wenches.

genejockey 07-18-22 05:55 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22579086)
I remember that event.

This happened at a time when the company I was then working for was involved in Biodefense, which was a big damned deal in 2001-2003, but by 2006 the US Government had lost interest. We looked at Botulinum toxin as a potential target, but it turns out to be a very complex picture, and by 2006 it was clear that AQ did not in fact have bio labs squirrelled away in caves producing bioterror agents.

MoAlpha 07-18-22 07:24 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22579127)
This happened at a time when the company I was then working for was involved in Biodefense, which was a big damned deal in 2001-2003, but by 2006 the US Government had lost interest. We looked at Botulinum toxin as a potential target, but it turns out to be a very complex picture, and by 2006 it was clear that AQ did not in fact have bio labs squirrelled away in caves producing bioterror agents.

Interesting. I remember the US supply of bot tox, which we were injecting for focal dystonias, dried up during the first Iraq war and we speculated it was being used to raise antibodies in animals or something. I was detailed to the HHS secretary’s office in 2004 as an advisor on medical countermeasures for chem terrorism. By then, toxins were discussed for the sake of completeness, but were not among the money scenarios. I don’t think I’m revealing anything too highly classified if I say AQ would have been hard put to make and deploy an effective cyanide generating device, let alone weaponize bot tx.

genejockey 07-18-22 07:49 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22579201)
Interesting. I remember the US supply of bot tox, which we were injecting for focal dystonias, dried up during the first Iraq war and we speculated it was being used to raise antibodies in animals or something. I was detailed to the HHS secretary’s office in 2004 as an advisor on medical countermeasures for chem terrorism. By then, toxins were discussed for the sake of completeness, but were not among the money scenarios. I don’t think I’m revealing anything too highly classified if I say AQ would have been hard put to make and deploy an effective cyanide generating device, let alone weaponize bot tx.

We on the Bioterror side were told the USG was very scared of Botulinum toxin, because 1) the lethal dose is about 0.2 micrograms for a big strapping guy like me; 2) the antitoxin they had is limited, AND old, and horse, AND it only stops progression, it doesn't reverse it; 3) There's no vaccine nor is there likely to be because 4) it takes multiple antibodies binding to it to inactivate it and 5) there are a number of serotypes. So they really didn't have anything for it, and since the usual treatment is to put people on ventilators while they rewire the synapses that allow them to breathe, in a large attack we'd have run out of ventilators. Remember 2020?

Production and dispersal are only a problem until somebody figures out how, and the last thing you want to do is assume your opponent is stupider than you are. So by all accounts they were kinda spooked by Bot. But then nothing happened and the USG lost interest in biodefense.

LesterOfPuppets 07-18-22 10:12 PM

Oh hey, speaking of Rock n Roll High School, Yesterday was P. J. Soles' birthday :bday:

72 years young.


indyfabz 07-19-22 04:40 AM

Not another 2, but I’ll take it.

Wordle 395 3/6


datlas 07-19-22 04:45 AM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 22579465)
Not another 2, but I’ll take it.

Wordle 395 3/6


Same. I am happy with 3, lately been a 4-5 guy.

seedsbelize2 07-19-22 05:38 AM

Wordle. 4/6
I'm happy to not be a zero. It's been happening a lot lately

Trsnrtr 07-19-22 06:12 AM

Four. :(

big john 07-19-22 07:35 AM

Wordle 395 5/6

No greens in the first 4 guesses.

ls01 07-19-22 08:09 AM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22578851)
A couple weeks back, I got THE WORST hamstring cramps I'd ever had. Sitting at the dining room table after a long ride, I pulled my right foot back to stand up and WHAM!!!! I straightened that leg and went to stand up using my left leg and WHAM!!! It cramped up. And they kept spasming for about a minute while I managed to get myself vertical so I could bend over to straighten them, all the while cursing and grunting and, I must confess, whimpering quite a bit. Luckily nobody else was there. Mrs. GeneJockey is a lovely woman, with many great qualities, but staying calm when faced with something like that is NOT one of them.

The right one hurt a bit for some days after

Yeah, they're no friken joke! I was stuck in the driveway 2 weeks ago after MMM, that was bad, couldn't move away from the car. I might have screamed a little....maybe....:cry:. I think they just have to get used to the work load. I don't believe my old position on the bike was engaging them enough.

ls01 07-19-22 08:11 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22578858)
Gotta get some Kinks in when we can....

:thumb:. Nice!

ls01 07-19-22 08:13 AM

Originally Posted by big john (Post 22578939)
If I've been riding a lot I rarely get cramps. I have had those awful hamstring cramps while driving, though, when I had the old Blazer. It was a manual trans and my knee had to go past the steering wheel to release the clutch, so hammy cramps were a real treat after a hard, hot ride. I tried to time the traffic lights and power shift the thing.

If you go out to dinner with a group of riders you can always tell when one of them gets a hammy cramp. They get that pained look as their leg shoots out and their chair goes back. Everyone knows immediately.


Been there done that! I learned not to put my feet under the chair that day! Lol

MoAlpha 07-19-22 09:04 AM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22579225)
Production and dispersal are only a problem until somebody figures out how, and the last thing you want to do is assume your opponent is stupider than you are. So by all accounts they were kinda spooked by Bot. But then nothing happened and the USG lost interest in biodefense.

Biodefense is now a conspiracy to manipulate people's DNA, inject microchips and enslave the population!

Every company with a countermeasure thinks their thing is gonna happen before Xmas and they can't all be right. In my time downtown I sat through lots commercial presentations and fielded inquiries from congresspeople who had been convinced by their entrepreneurial constituents that this or that was a huge lacuna in the national defense.

Bot is a high consequence, but vanishingly low probability, scenario. No need for a bad guy to invest millions of dollars in a dicey R & D program that would be beyond the capabilities of anyone but a fully industrialized state with a substantial research base. An efficient attack with an off-the-shelf nerve agent on a civilian population could produce thousands of critically ill casualties and occupy every vent in a large city plus the entire capacity of the Strategic National Stockpile if there were even a way to get it there in time. And even that's a very low probability event. I can't share what the high probability stuff is, beyond blowing **** up and shooting people, but it's pretty mundane and not what most people think.

MoAlpha 07-19-22 09:05 AM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22579225)
Production and dispersal are only a problem until somebody figures out how, and the last thing you want to do is assume your opponent is stupider than you are. So by all accounts they were kinda spooked by Bot. But then nothing happened and the USG lost interest in biodefense.

Biodefense is now a conspiracy to enrich Tony Fauci and Big Pharma, manipulate people's DNA, inject microchips and enslave the population!

Every company with a countermeasure thinks their thing is gonna happen before Xmas and they can't all be right. In my time downtown I sat through lots commercial presentations and fielded inquiries from congresspeople who had been convinced by their entrepreneurial constituents that this or that was a huge lacuna in the national defense.

Bot is a high consequence, but vanishingly low probability, scenario. No need for a bad guy to invest millions of dollars in a dicey R & D program that would be beyond the capabilities of anyone but a fully industrialized state with a substantial research base. An efficient attack with an off-the-shelf nerve agent on a civilian population could produce thousands of critically ill casualties and occupy every vent in a large city plus the entire capacity of the Strategic National Stockpile if there were even a way to get it there in time. And even that's a very low probability event. I can't share what the high probability stuff is (or rather was), beyond blowing **** up and shooting people, but it's pretty mundane and not what most people think.

genejockey 07-19-22 09:29 AM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22579739)
Biodefense is now a conspiracy to enrich Tony Fauci and Big Pharma, manipulate people's DNA, inject microchips and enslave the population!

Every company with a countermeasure thinks their thing is gonna happen before Xmas and they can't all be right. In my time downtown I sat through lots commercial presentations and fielded inquiries from congresspeople who had been convinced by their entrepreneurial constituents that this or that was a huge lacuna in the national defense.

Bot is a high consequence, but vanishingly low probability, scenario. No need for a bad guy to invest millions of dollars in a dicey R & D program that would be beyond the capabilities of anyone but a fully industrialized state with a substantial research base. An efficient attack with an off-the-shelf nerve agent on a civilian population could produce thousands of critically ill casualties and occupy every vent in a large city plus the entire capacity of the Strategic National Stockpile if there were even a way to get it there in time. And even that's a very low probability event. I can't share what the high probability stuff is (or rather was), beyond blowing **** up and shooting people, but it's pretty mundane and not what most people think.

I can tell you, based on working with a company with a substantial actual contract, the USG simply stopped giving a crap about biodefense, between 2004 and 2006. And even when they cared, their approach was profoundly unserious, and not based in any understanding of commercial scale biotech, or what is possible. You can't radically change the requirements by fiat and demand the same timelines. Let's just say, the USG was an untrustworthy partner.

genejockey 07-19-22 09:36 AM

I'll take it!
Wordle 395 2/6


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