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Eric F 09-01-21 01:57 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22210756)
It's not. It's just saving for a rainy day. My wife knows I stash cash. I sometimes even spend it on her. She doesn't care as neither of us go without anything we want and we're not talking about material amounts. All big expenses are discussed, and each has unilateral veto rights without explanation.

From the beginning, my wife and I have used a yours-mine-ours system. She has her account. I have my account. We have a joint account. We both contribute to the joint account which takes care of house, family, and other shared expenses. She spends her money on whatever she wants. I spend my money on whatever I want. In 18 years together, we have had zero arguments over money. As long as we keep house and family as the priority, I fully expect things to keep rolling along just fine.

Bah Humbug 09-01-21 01:58 PM

Originally Posted by Eric F (Post 22210860)
From the beginning, my wife and I have used a yours-mine-ours system. She has her account. I have my account. We have a joint account. We both contribute to the joint account which takes care of house, family, and other shared expenses. She spends her money on whatever she wants. I spend my money on whatever I want. In 18 years together, we have had zero arguments over money. As long as we keep house and family as the priority, I fully expect things to keep rolling along just fine.

Same exact system here. It would be fun to try to hide money, except also toxic to need to. M

LesterOfPuppets 09-01-21 02:00 PM

I'll believe it when I see it.

Eric F 09-01-21 02:09 PM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 22210862)
Same exact system here. It would be fun to try to hide money, except also toxic to need to. M

I'm of the strong belief that money is not something to mess around with in a marriage.

big john 09-01-21 02:12 PM

Went riding on the bike path for a couple hours this morning. Been going there more than ever because no cars.

Saw my first Eurobike up close and personal! It had some funky cable disc brakes, tri spoke wheels, a fat, heavy looking fork, and hex nuts on the axles instead of QRs.
The guy said he had it for 3 years and it was fine for his purposes, an hour now and then on the bike path. He seemed happy.

Mojo31 09-01-21 02:18 PM

Originally Posted by Eric F (Post 22210860)
From the beginning, my wife and I have used a yours-mine-ours system. She has her account. I have my account. We have a joint account. We both contribute to the joint account which takes care of house, family, and other shared expenses. She spends her money on whatever she wants. I spend my money on whatever I want. In 18 years together, we have had zero arguments over money. As long as we keep house and family as the priority, I fully expect things to keep rolling along just fine.

Other than retirement accounts which must be separate, we have had nothing but joint financial and credit accounts since day one. We've also had a single source of income until a year ago which was my business. I give her the payroll checks to deposit (she even endorses mine for me :lol:). I manage the two businesses and she manages the house and kids. We both have access to all the personal and business accounts. We don't argue about money, and I expect that as long as I keep making as much as we both want to spend things will keep rolling along just fine.

I do keep a small stash of cash that she knows about, but it's typically used for travel, small time gambling, to buy my wife things when I want to surprise her, and incidental things when it's better to pay cash.

Mojo31 09-01-21 02:19 PM

Originally Posted by Eric F (Post 22210872)
I'm of the strong belief that money is not something to mess around with in a marriage.

Money, women (or men), drugs, and drink all fall into that category.

Jack Tone 09-01-21 02:25 PM

Also went for a bike path ride. Took my daughter who's learning to use clipless pedals. Almost 10 miles until I got a flat and went through 3 faulty tubes. Felt like Crap the whole time and was all I could do to pump up the tire. Got home and remembered that I had received my third shot yesterday. I hope that was all it was.

Eric F 09-01-21 02:26 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22210883)
Other than retirement accounts which must be separate, we have had nothing but joint financial and credit accounts since day one. We've also had a single source of income until a year ago which was my business. I give her the payroll checks to deposit (she even endorses mine for me :lol:). I manage the two businesses and she manages the house and kids. We both have access to all the personal and business accounts. We don't argue about money, and I expect that as long as I keep making as much as we both want to spend things will keep rolling along just fine.

I do keep a small stash of cash that she knows about, but it's typically used for travel, small time gambling, to buy my wife things when I want to surprise her, and incidental things when it's better to pay cash.

If that works for you guys, that's great. A single income source certainly doesn't work for the yours-mine-ours program.

Eric F 09-01-21 02:27 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22210886)
Money, women (or men), drugs, and drink all fall into that category.

Valid. It's really about selfishness. When one person puts their own needs/wants - no matter what they are - ahead of what's best for the relationship, things start going in the wrong direction.

WhyFi 09-01-21 02:29 PM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 22210865)

They pushed it back again? Mother fuuuuu.

Bah Humbug 09-01-21 02:33 PM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 22210865)
I'll believe it when I see it.

I just want Ace Combat 8.

big john 09-01-21 02:47 PM

Originally Posted by Eric F (Post 22210896)
Valid. It's really about selfishness. When one person puts their own needs/wants - no matter what they are - ahead of what's best for the relationship, things start going in the wrong direction.

I tend to overshare personal stuff on social media, but when my ex left in 2001, she took everything. Rent and utilities were due, so I was in the red. So I started from scratch in 2001. She had even cashed my recent paycheck and took that. She even took my new floor pump and shock pump and came back and took the new mattress, replacing it with some lumpy piece of crap. She apologized but said she deserved it because I made more money than she did.

The new, updated Mrs. John and I keep everything separate. She gives me a check each month and I pay everything. She has no real need for money other than the basics for survival. She has no expensive habits.

genejockey 09-01-21 02:47 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22210813)
Didn’t that recently happen to VeganCyclist? I want a dollar for every time he says “dude.”

Worse. He was showing off his skidding skillz. IIRC it was right after the Impossible Ride which turned out to be literally impossible because they weren't able to complete it as planned.

Mind you, they mapped it out without riding any of it, so they didn't realize that significant chunks were completely unrideable.

Mojo31 09-01-21 02:47 PM

Originally Posted by Eric F (Post 22210895)
If that works for you guys, that's great. A single income source certainly doesn't work for the yours-mine-ours program.

I live in a community property state -

What's hers is hers.
What's ours is hers.
What's mine is hers.

genejockey 09-01-21 02:48 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22210817)
It’s raining cats and dogs now. The cat wanted to go out, but changed her mind in a nanosecond once she got hit by torrential rain.

Probably put off by all the dogs.

genejockey 09-01-21 02:51 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22210886)
Money, women (or men), drugs, and drink all fall into that category.

Cigarettes and whiskey and wild, wild women!
They'll drive you crazy,
They'll drive you insane!

Eric F 09-01-21 02:52 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22210935)
I live in a community property state -

What's hers is hers.
What's ours is hers.
What's mine is hers.

I had a test wife. I understand how that works.

genejockey 09-01-21 02:53 PM

We have joint everything, and one source of income, so the whole system depends on us both being reasonably responsible. So far (33 years), so good.

Mojo31 09-01-21 02:58 PM

Originally Posted by Eric F (Post 22210943)
I had a test wife. I understand how that works.

So did I! The divorce tax was the best money ever spent in that case.

Even if I wanted to, I couldn't afford to part with the current, long-term wife.

datlas 09-01-21 02:59 PM

Originally Posted by Eric F (Post 22210943)
I had a test wife. I understand how that works.

Pass or fail?

genejockey 09-01-21 03:01 PM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22210949)
So did I! The divorce tax was the best money ever spent in that case.

Even if I wanted to, I couldn't afford to part with the current, long-term wife.

Sort of like the old saying that if you loan somebody $20 and never see them again, it was probably worth it.

genejockey 09-01-21 03:06 PM

The Older Boy starts a new job today, and finishes up at 8PM. Since Mrs. GeneJockey won't drive after sunset, I'll have to pick him up. Normally, this wouldn't be a big deal, but TODAY I had planned to do the baseline ride for Zwift Academy, which starts at 7PM, and which I could PROBABLY complete in time to have a shower and all, but I can't guarantee it, and it's his first day so I don't want to stand him up, or make him stand around waiting, so I'll have to push it to another day.

Normally THAT wouldn't be a big deal but I was looking forward to it, and now I'm jonesing. Or pre-jonesing. Or something.

BillyD 09-01-21 03:07 PM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 22210687)
NY is a maybe (but the likeliest one). And I don’t like specifically that aspect, but I’ve lived with it before. Critically though, the events of the past 18 months have made it clear that AG and I are horribly isolated out here in Texas. In NY we’d be in single-tank driving distance of relatives in three states, including the ancestral homestead. Are the past 18 months an outlier and things are about to get back to normal? I sadly don’t think so, and we’d rather be around her parents and most of my family for the foreseeable future.

I’m also capable of cold-adapting. That’s part of why I’m getting back to running.

I love the cold and love the snow. Winter is marvelous, builds character.

genejockey 09-01-21 03:08 PM

Originally Posted by BillyD (Post 22210963)
I love the cold and love the snow. Winter is marvelous, builds character.

Whatever doesn't kill us makes us stranger.

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