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stardognine 09-11-22 05:12 PM

Funny dog/animal stories?
This is the opposite of the scary dog story thread we had before, this one's for dog stories, that might make ya laugh out loud, or at least put a smile on your face. 😁

I'm sitting in McKinley Park, here in Sacramento, and was sharing my pasta salad with a crow. Out of nowhere, this little dog, about 1 1/2 or 2 Chihuahuas in size, and at least as much energy as a Jack Russell, came flying around a tree, trying to catch the crow. The crow got away, but it was kinda close. 😲

Now, the funny part is, this little dog also started chasing squirrels. But chasing them on the ground wasn't enough for this guy, he was jumping a good 4-5 feet, into the lower branches, to try catching them IN the tree. 😂🤣😂

I laughed myself silly, this was funnier to see, than most funny movies. 😁

I changed the title, to allow any animals, no sense limiting ourselves. 😉

IPassGas 09-13-22 06:06 AM

Originally Posted by stardognine (Post 22643741)
I changed the title, to allow any animals, no sense limiting ourselves. 😉

In the Gaspe mountains, Quebec, we stopped on the road because a moose was coming at us. It was a baby moose but still bigger than me. The moose was looking and calling for mom but got trapped on the road. I waved to cars to stop and then ran towards the moose to try to coax it off the road. As it got closer, I thought, holy crap this is a big moose. Moose have bad eye sight and when it got close to me it realized I was not mom, so it changed direction. More cars had stopped and sort of formed a barrier. I chased it up and down the road until it found a way out. Afterwards we laughed, but I got too close to that moose for my wife's comfort.

KPREN 09-13-22 07:29 AM

Many people get a real kick out of the total contrast between my riding companion and my touring bike. My riding companion is a sleek tall dainty 4 lb Phantom colored poodle that is cheerful, energetic and well behaved. That contrasts with my big, in-your-face electric long distance titanium fat bike with 4.8" tires and lots of stuff of contrast on it. The dog is a chick magnet for sure but between the very sociable dog and the bike there is no oxygen left at the scene for me.
Maggie on a table
I carry her in a backpack
stopped for a break, time to let the dog out

BTinNYC 09-13-22 08:35 AM

I trained my English Cocker for field work and she was a wonderful hunter. Her performance was mostly genetic, because no dog before or since has been nearly as good.

We're in Kissena Park next to the lake on a busy day and I didn't notice the mother goose and her goslings plop into the lake. My dog sure did and splashed in, chasing the train of goslings paddling away. The group of grade school kids could see how this is going to end and start yelling and pointing.

Well trained, but she WAS NOT turning from the chase and quickly snagged the slowest gosling. The kids were horrified, there was some screams, I was embarrassed and the proud dog was paddling back. OMG, I just wanted to get my dog and get out of there.

Dog bounced out of the water and dropped the gosling into my hand. We call it "soft mouth", so a retrieved bird isn't ground into burger...the wiggling gosling was in fine shape, I dropped it back into the lake and it paddled toward Mom and the gang. The kids erupted into cheers.

indyfabz 09-13-22 09:33 AM

This goofy guy would not leave me alone in Rockwood on the GAP.

raqball 09-13-22 09:54 AM

Old video of a junk yard dog attacking me while riding.


stardognine 09-13-22 11:25 AM

Originally Posted by BTinNYC (Post 22645656)
...the wiggling gosling was in fine shape, I dropped it back into the lake and it paddled toward Mom and the gang. The kids erupted into cheers.

Glad we got a happy ending there, I was expecting the worst. 😉 There's a duck & goose pond here too, and there were a lot of babies, earlier in the year. There are also a lot of dogs, not always on a leash, and it's pretty common to see one giving chase. So far, I haven't seen any dog catch one.

stardognine 09-13-22 11:47 AM

Originally Posted by IPassGas (Post 22645462)
I chased it up and down the road until it found a way out. Afterwards we laughed, but I got too close to that moose for my wife's comfort.

Great story, and you even got a pic to prove it. 😁

I don't remember exactly where, but somewhere in Northern California, there's an area with elk warning signs. I happened to be climbing a hill, which you can't see the summit of, until you're right there at the top.

Just as I got to the top, a huge elk decided to cross a field there, and he saw me way before I saw him. He must have stood there watching me for a bit, because I never saw him, until a semi truck came along, and half-ways spooked him. I say half-ways, because he wasn't really in any hurry, he just kinda ambled off, slowly. You probably can't spook an elk very easily, they're just huge. 😲😉

That truck driver looked a little spooked though. 😁😉

M Rose 09-13-22 05:25 PM

Originally Posted by stardognine (Post 22645888)
Great story, and you even got a pic to prove it. 😁

I don't remember exactly where, but somewhere in Northern California, there's an area with elk warning signs. I happened to be climbing a hill, which you can't see the summit of, until you're right there at the top.

Just as I got to the top, a huge elk decided to cross a field there, and he saw me way before I saw him. He must have stood there watching me for a bit, because I never saw him, until a semi truck came along, and half-ways spooked him. I say half-ways, because he wasn't really in any hurry, he just kinda ambled off, slowly. You probably can't spook an elk very easily, they're just huge. 😲😉

That truck driver looked a little spooked though. 😁😉

I’ve got quite a few elk stories. And yes elk are a lot easier to spook than you might realize.

several years ago I was out car camping in the middle of July with my GF, her sister, and all of our kids. We had just finished setting up camp and settled into our chairs to relax in the early evening shade when I heard (felt) the unmistakable sound of elk hooves striking the ground. I peered through the dense brush to a clearing and saw the tail ends of two cow elk passing to the edge of the draw just below camp.

I grabbed my GF’s arm and pulled her to a log next to the top of the draw while giving her the Shhh sign. We settled down behind the log and I whistled an elk bugle.
No sooner did I whistle than we could hear the elk changing direction and coming towards us. I whistled again and they sped up to a light jog crashing through the brush in our general direction.
When the elk were within about 20 yards of us I whistled a third time. We saw the bill leading the herd prick up his ears and turn his head away from us and sniff the air. Not able to smell us he slowed his gate and turned the herd back the direction they had originally came from.

At this exact second my GF’s Shouted from camp, “Hey Mike and Kallie? Where are you?”

that spooked the whole herd. They turned once more and rushed straight at us jumping over our log as they ran down the hill and away from our camp. We counted one branch antler bull, 2 spikes (I think one was a yearling), and 25 cows. That was an amazing experience.

Last week while out on my weekly gravel ride with the guys I was leading the pack by several bicycle lengths while coming around a steep and sharp corner. My light lit up the road very well, but didn’t shine off in the ditch or marsh very well. Something felt off. I couldn’t put my finger on the feeling, but something inside my head said to slow down. I started applying my breaks when three cow elk jumped in the road not 10 feet in front of me. They saw me about the same time I saw them. They dropped their butts low to the ground as they came to a skidding stop, turned around and leaped back off the road and back down the hill into the marsh.

stardognine 09-13-22 06:25 PM

Originally Posted by M Rose (Post 22646258)
I’ve got quite a few elk stories. And yes elk are a lot easier to spook than you might realize.

I wouldn't really know, this was my one & only encounter with an elk. He had a huge rack though, and I just got a gut feeling I was lucky to see one, his size & age. That might be what made that trucker's jaw drop, if this one was big, for an elk. 🤔

But I've seen a heck of a lot of deer, mostly mule and white-tails. Some folks here on the forums, probably get a little tired of me talking about it. 😉

IPassGas 09-13-22 06:43 PM

Originally Posted by stardognine (Post 22646314)
But I've seen a heck of a lot of deer, mostly mule and white-tails. Some folks here on the forums, probably get a little tired of me talking about it. 😉

Hard not to feel joy about such stuff....One of the many great things about touring on a bicycle is the increased likelihood of seeing wildlife, whether on the bike or at camp.

stardognine 09-13-22 06:52 PM

Originally Posted by IPassGas (Post 22646329)
Hard not to feel joy about such stuff....One of the many great things about touring on a bicycle is the increased likelihood of seeing wildlife, whether on the bike or at camp.

Totally agree. 👍 Sometimes I think I prefer animals' company to humans' company. 😉

M Rose 09-13-22 09:59 PM

Originally Posted by stardognine (Post 22646314)
I wouldn't really know, this was my one & only encounter with an elk. He had a huge rack though, and I just got a gut feeling I was lucky to see one, his size & age. That might be what made that trucker's jaw drop, if this one was big, for an elk. 🤔

But I've seen a heck of a lot of deer, mostly mule and white-tails. Some folks here on the forums, probably get a little tired of me talking about it. 😉

The Nez Perce called elk “The Invisible Ghost”, because these monstrous animals can and will just disappear. I feel lucky that I live in elk country. There is a feeding station 5 miles from my house. Growing up on the other side of the valley we had elk eating out hay in the winter time, and we would spend hours in the summer/fall watching them graze and learning their daily habits awaiting for opening day of hunting season; only for the herds to disappear overnight like a spirit that was never there.

mtnbud 09-15-22 06:02 PM

Once on an extremely rural eastern Washington road a buddy and I had a very friendly Golden Retriever come out to great us. We stopped to give it a few pets and headed out on our way. It started following us which was sort of cute until we had gone a few miles yet it was still following. We assumed he'd stop at some point and go home, but we began to worry he wasn't going to head home. We turned around and guided him back to his house where we adamantly told him to "stay". It took about 3 "stay" commands before he sat on his haunches and watched us leave. My buddy was sorely tempted to let him tag along because he was an awesome dog, but realistically that would've been a terrible situation in so many ways...

Miele Man 09-21-22 03:31 AM

Not dog stories but dog and bicycle jokes images.

IPassGas 09-21-22 05:43 AM

These dogs are clearly roadies riding aero style, no place for such stuff on a touring forum....and they have those new spokeless wheels, they are all the craze now:)

ralphs 09-21-22 06:29 AM

Girlfriend and I were riding in the Quabbin maybe 30 years ago with another couple. Girls were about 50 feet ahead of us guys. A pair of deer jumped across our path between the groups. They were there and gone in seconds. Girls didn't see or hear anything.

stardognine 09-21-22 11:43 AM

Great stuff folks, keep 'em coming. 😎

As further proof that I'm going senile, I completely forgot about a major elk sighting I had, just last fall. 🙄

I rode from Sacramento, around Lake Tahoe, and through Reno (just to be able to say I was there, lol) on the way up to Seattle. Right before I entered the Modoc National Forest, I stopped in a town to resupply. I got there kinda late, and it was nice weather, so I just cowboy camped in a field, instead of messing with the tent.

When I woke up, just before dawn, there were around 30-ish elk grazing in the field, all around me, some around 30-40 yards away, if that. I didn't want to spook them, so I just stayed in my sleeping bag as long as I could, until Mother Nature called. Even as I relieved my bladder, they didn't panic, just kinda wandered off, in the grazing process. 🙂

I couldn't believe I forgot that, until another post in the C&V forum jogged my memory. Getting old sucks, sometimes. 🙄😁😉

indyfabz 09-21-22 04:25 PM

Originally Posted by stardognine (Post 22646314)
I wouldn't really know, this was my one & only encounter with an elk. He had a huge rack though, and I just got a gut feeling I was lucky to see one, his size & age. That might be what made that trucker's jaw drop, if this one was big, for an elk. 🤔

But I've seen a heck of a lot of deer, mostly mule and white-tails. Some folks here on the forums, probably get a little tired of me talking about it. 😉

In 2019 I saw a relatively young buck elk as I was leaving camp way up in NW Montana. Moderate size rack. He took off well before I could get out my camera.

Just got done riding across PA. I think I saw every deer in the state.

During a descent I spooked a ruffed grouse that was in the brush by the road. It then spooked me when it took off. It’s the state bird of PA.

stardognine 09-21-22 05:23 PM

Ya lucky dog, I've never seen a ruffed grouse. 😋😁😉

I saw 3 deer and several California magpies today though, so it's cool. 🙂 Probably because it rained good again this morning. We had 3 days of some amount of rain, and really needed it, obviously. 👍

I was just reading up on magpies today, and how they can be lucky or unlucky, depending on how many you see. One is unlucky, and for awhile, that's all I saw. But eventually, another showed up, then just a bit ago, I saw more than I could easily count. That's supposed to be VERY lucky. 😎😁

etherhuffer 09-21-22 06:01 PM

We get near the continental divide on the GAP and arrive to see a large woman bent over a small stream. Great, I figure someone is sick and puking and we get to watch. But no! She stands up and waves us over. Its a snake eating a frog, and the rear legs are kicking like mad as it goes down the snakes gullet. At which point a barfing human may have been better!

indyfabz 09-21-22 06:40 PM

After I took this photo I started riding again. That really spooked them and they stampeded across the road in front of me. Blue Slide Road between Thompson Falls and Trout Creek, MT.

indyfabz 09-21-22 06:46 PM

Mother-to-be laying eggs near Westhampton, MA, curious alpaca coming to check me out in Salt Point, NY and "Get off my Shoulder" near Millerton, NY.

stardognine 09-21-22 07:43 PM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 22655499)
After I took this photo I started riding again. That really spooked them and they stampeded across the road in front of me. Blue Slide Road between Thompson Falls and Trout Creek, MT.

Right on, these stories work much better with pics. 😉 I tried grabbing a few pics today, but they didn't turn out worth a darn. 😟

You can "kinda" see 2 of the 3 deer here, that I saw earlier. Maybe better on a monitor, than a phone. 🤔

After I posted last time, I walked a little ways to a water fountain, and saw 2 does with 2 fawns, having a snack in the fancy cultivated grass, like in the pic here. Most of what's around is what they call deer grass, 2 or 3 feet tall & very dry, that they can easily hide in. 🙂

stardognine 09-23-22 11:16 AM

I saw a nice 6-point white-tail buck this morning. 😎 I was walking my bike along a dirt road, and noticed him watching me, from a pretty good distance. I kept walking, expecting him to run off, but he just stood there, until I got about 30-40 feet away. I stopped, thinking he'd relax, but that's when he bolted. 🙄

You see WAY more does here than bucks, so I feel kinda lucky. 🙂

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