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datlas 04-06-20 06:47 PM

Hey MoAlpha the hospital's CMO wants me to be part of the CTO team. Stands for "Crisis Triage Officer" team. Has a nicer ring than "death panel," but that's kinda what it is. Only need to serve if things get really bad, which I am hoping is unlikely but possible. I am honored for them to ask me, but it's not an easy decision.

Any thoughts?

datlas 04-06-20 06:48 PM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 21404349)
I was surprised there was no MD
​or whatever set of letters datlas has. :)

I try to keep a low profile. I have an MD and also M.S.E. along with my B.A. not to mention plenty of BS.

bampilot06 04-06-20 06:53 PM

Today the wx was perfect. 70 degrees cool, only slightly windy. Started my ride and was feeling great, made it to the end of the street and I heard a SPOOOOOoOoooosh! Not sure what I hit, but the first flat in a long time. I could have walked back to my house but I decided to try out my flat kit and to see how fast I could do it. No real issues, getting the tire back seated on the rim was difficult, and I wasted a CO2 cartridge, tire wasn’t seated correctly the first time. Took me 20 mins to change the tire according to strava, and I was on my way.
I was surprised by the amount of traffic that was out today. I was getting passed pretty consistently in areas where I rarely see a car. The new danger is pedestrians who seem to have no instinct at all on where to walk in the road and even when they see you coming continue to walk into your path.


datlas 04-06-20 06:56 PM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize (Post 21404351)
datlas Preoccupied much? I left this hanging there for you.....

That's gold, Seeds. GOLD!

Did I show you my "Serenity NOW" pic from yesterday's ride?

ls01 04-06-20 06:57 PM

Originally Posted by big john (Post 21403545)
Saw $3.35 here and heard there was sub $3.00 gas around. Down from $4.50 last summer.

good god man!

seedsbelize 04-06-20 07:01 PM

Our minister of health predicts it will be two or three more weeks until Phase III begins. It's gonna be a slog.

ls01 04-06-20 07:03 PM

Originally Posted by kissTheApex (Post 21404060)
So it begins. Two people on two separate job sites are “allegedly” tested positive. :twitchy:

I’m upper middle management and don’t travel to job sites since early-mid March, but still people come to the office from time to time. Oh boy.

we lost a 3 rd person. I just met the guy 3 weeks ago. He passed on friday.

seedsbelize 04-06-20 07:03 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21404367)
That's gold, Seeds. GOLD!

Did I show you my "Serenity NOW" pic from yesterday's ride?

No you did not

datlas 04-06-20 07:05 PM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize (Post 21404380)
No you did not


ls01 04-06-20 07:06 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21404079)
It's sunny and beautiful out. After a stressful day at work, I went out for a local ride. It was perfect, except for one thing...

While riding through a new planned community, going approx the posted speed limit of 15MPH, I was overtaken/passed and nearly taken out by a van. I did have to move slightly away from the curb to avoid a nasty grate, but there was NO reason for the driver to overtake me since I was going the speed limit anyway, and I would estimate the rear mirror came within 6 inches of hitting me.

I did yell loudly at him afterwards and I did use a bad word, for which I am contrite. However, I am still quite angry and am wondering if I should write a letter to the CEO. It's a big company, prolly the biggest company based in Philadelphia and on the Fortune 50 list of biggest USA companies.

Should I write an angry letter, or just let it go? Cross-post in the Advocacy forum??

cant hurt. Glad you are ok. I forgive your use of "language " but then again I encourage it.

LAJ 04-06-20 07:10 PM

Originally Posted by ls01 (Post 21404379)
we lost a 3 rd person. I just met the guy 3 weeks ago. He passed on friday.


ls01 04-06-20 07:10 PM

Originally Posted by LAJ (Post 21404253)
Not even close to ******y. Very nice.

Too nice...

LesterOfPuppets 04-06-20 07:13 PM

Originally Posted by ls01 (Post 21404379)
we lost a 3 rd person. I just met the guy 3 weeks ago. He passed on friday.

Holy cow!!

LAJ 04-06-20 07:15 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21404354)
Hey MoAlpha the hospital's CMO wants me to be part of the CTO team. Stands for "Crisis Triage Officer" team. Has a nicer ring than "death panel," but that's kinda what it is. Only need to serve if things get really bad, which I am hoping is unlikely but possible. I am honored for them to ask me, but it's not an easy decision.

Any thoughts?

I would trust your judgement in a heartbeat, especially relating to matters such as that. Searching their wallet for a Saturn Club of America card is likely a no-go, so no decisions based upon that. That will make it a bit tougher.

LAJ 04-06-20 07:17 PM

Originally Posted by ls01 (Post 21404391)
Too nice...

Agree, but this is Doctor datlas, so that's about as angry as you're going to see.

ls01 04-06-20 07:19 PM

My foreman called me today to ask if I have a thermometer."no... why no I dont". So the company is sending me one. And now I get to phone in my temp readings every morning@ 6;30am . They mean well but there not the brightest lot.

ls01 04-06-20 07:20 PM

Originally Posted by LAJ (Post 21404402)
Agree, but this is Doctor datlas, so that's about as angry as you're going to see.

I know that's why I wasnt afraid to say it, lol

Just kidding doc.

Velo Vol 04-06-20 07:25 PM

Originally Posted by bampilot06 (Post 21404360)
I was surprised by the amount of traffic that was out today. I was getting passed pretty consistently in areas where I rarely see a car. The new danger is pedestrians who seem to have no instinct at all on where to walk in the road and even when they see you coming continue to walk into your path.

I thought this yesterday, granted it was a sunny 78F afternoon.

I did not see anyone walking on the road.

kissTheApex 04-06-20 07:25 PM

Originally Posted by ls01 (Post 21404379)
we lost a 3 rd person. I just met the guy 3 weeks ago. He passed on friday.

sigh. :(

Velo Vol 04-06-20 07:26 PM

Sad reflection of the times.

MoAlpha 04-06-20 07:39 PM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 21404349)
I was surprised there was no MD
​or whatever set of letters datlas has. :)

It can feel pretentious and if there's anything our [MENTION=107711]datlas[/MENTION] isn't, that's it.

ls01 04-06-20 07:41 PM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 21404180)
Thanks. Got a voicemail. He’s doing fine but they saw some stuff on the X-ray. Can’t tell if it’s grit or stones. The latter may require surgery. A ($200) ultrasound may be able to tell the difference. They will call again tomorrow.

We're pulling for him.

Pirkaus 04-06-20 07:48 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21404203)
Here is a cut/paste of my email. I hope it's strong enough without making me seem like a French shower.

Dear Mr Roberts:

I would like to bring to your attention (or to your designee) an unfortunate situation that occurred today, April 6, 2020.

I was riding my bicycle on Atwater Drive near the intersection of Atwater Drive and Quarry Point Rd in Malvern, Pa at precisely 4:15PM. The posted speed limit is 15MPH, and I was riding at about this speed. One of your “Comcast” repair vans was behind me, and overtook/passed me in a VERY unsafe manner, it came within a few inches of hitting me. That’s despite me going the 15MPH speed limit. So not only did the driver pass me dangerously, but also clearly went well over the posted speed limit in doing so.

I do want to apologize to the driver of the van for my loud and angry response. It was a very scary and emotional moment for me, so I did hurl a loud verbal insult. I raised my voice so I do expect the driver heard me. I am sorry about my language.

Nevertheless, he/she drove in a VERY unsafe and dangerous manner which was very upsetting to me. The state law requires a driver give a 4 foot berth when passing a cyclist.

My hope is that my apology gets passed on to the driver, but also that it stimulates a “teachable moment” not only to your driver as an individual, but also to your entire fleet. We all must share the road as safely as possible. I don’t want the driver to get any type of punishment or reprimand, but a gentle reminder would be appreciated. I am sure the driver saw me as I was wearing a very high-visibility yellow/black jersey and also had a bright rear blinking light.


Douglas Atlas
Malvern PA

Way more gentlemanly than I would have been. I guess I need more angry management therapy apparently. :mad:
My string of expletives would have been much longer, and the sensor would never allow any semblance of them here.

ls01 04-06-20 07:48 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 21404419)

so, no quarantine prior to this?

MoAlpha 04-06-20 07:56 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21404354)
Hey MoAlpha the hospital's CMO wants me to be part of the CTO team. Stands for "Crisis Triage Officer" team. Has a nicer ring than "death panel," but that's kinda what it is. Only need to serve if things get really bad, which I am hoping is unlikely but possible. I am honored for them to ask me, but it's not an easy decision.

Any thoughts?

Take up the burden and serve! You may be deeply disturbed, traumatized, but it's something few others could or would do and if, God forbid, you have to do it, the experience will give you wisdom and insight you might never have otherwise. You will also have my deepest respect.

BTW mentions don't seem to ping the mentionee anymore.

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