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LesterOfPuppets 04-05-20 02:10 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21402117)
Hey MoAlpha did you see the leader board? Maybe you should take a short spin this afternoon...

It would take 31 miles for me to gain a position, and 32.5 miles to grab the bottom spot on the 5-spot podium (which are becoming more popular). Dunno if I'm up for that kinda mileage today. Gonna get in a little spin on the fixie gravel grinder though.

datlas 04-05-20 02:11 PM

Drat. Somehow the Hananero’s shifters are not quite identical in profile. When I redid the cables etc I set the level at the back part of the shifters. It’s level there and level where the hoods touch the top part of the bar. But the meaty part of the hoods (where you rest your hands often while riding) is NOT level and off by about 6-7mm. It only bothers me a little, but I don’t think I can adjust one of the hoods unless I unwrap the top half of the bar tape. Don’t wanna!


MoAlpha 04-05-20 02:13 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21402147)
Drat. Somehow the Hananero’s shifters are not quite identical in profile. When I redid the cables etc I set the level at the back part of the shifters. It’s level there and level where the hoods touch the top part of the bar. But the meaty part of the hoods (where you rest your hands often while riding) is NOT level and off by about 6-7mm. It only bothers me a little, but I don’t think I can adjust one of the hoods unless I unwrap the top half of the bar tape. Don’t wanna!


HTFU and fix it? I would have no choice.

WhyFi 04-05-20 02:20 PM

I just remembered an older couple that I saw on the ride today. For their very typical grandma/grandpa appearance, they had some bangin' cholo bikes. I think that the ape-hanger bars were square stock that was twisted and then there's ALL. THAT. BLING.

Bah Humbug 04-05-20 02:31 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21402147)
Drat. Somehow the Hananero’s shifters are not quite identical in profile. When I redid the cables etc I set the level at the back part of the shifters. It’s level there and level where the hoods touch the top part of the bar. But the meaty part of the hoods (where you rest your hands often while riding) is NOT level and off by about 6-7mm. It only bothers me a little, but I don’t think I can adjust one of the hoods unless I unwrap the top half of the bar tape. Don’t wanna!


Yep, take it apart and fix it. The process of redoing it will remind you to be vigilant next time.

Bah Humbug 04-05-20 02:36 PM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 21402144)
It would take 31 miles for me to gain a position, and 32.5 miles to grab the bottom spot on the 5-spot podium (which are becoming more popular). Dunno if I'm up for that kinda mileage today. Gonna get in a little spin on the fixie gravel grinder though.

If I were logging fake miles on the trainer I'd be podium.

LesterOfPuppets 04-05-20 02:37 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21402147)
Drat. Somehow the Hananero’s shifters are not quite identical in profile. When I redid the cables etc I set the level at the back part of the shifters. It’s level there and level where the hoods touch the top part of the bar. But the meaty part of the hoods (where you rest your hands often while riding) is NOT level and off by about 6-7mm. It only bothers me a little, but I don’t think I can adjust one of the hoods unless I unwrap the top half of the bar tape. Don’t wanna!


You can probably skooch it up 6mm without unwrapping. It might bunch a little, but maybe not and even if it does it'll likely be barely noticable.

abshipp 04-05-20 02:50 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 21402101)
For cyclists... I suppose that there are a lot of people that ride at an effort level that's akin to walking, so maybe air intake isn't an issue.

Kind of mean of you to talk about me like that :(

I rode a very leisurely 48 miles today on my old man bike. Super fun until I bonked at about 30 miles in. But even then it was still kind of fun.

I've never seen so many cyclists out on the roads, I must have passed 6 at least.

datlas 04-05-20 02:57 PM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 21402187)
You can probably skooch it up 6mm without unwrapping. It might bunch a little, but maybe not and even if it does it'll likely be barely noticable.

I will give it a try. It’s not terribly far off.

rjones28 04-05-20 03:01 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 21402152)
HTFU and fix it? I would have no choice.


rjones28 04-05-20 03:04 PM

Also, one generally doesn't need to move the levers to re-cable a bike.

ericy 04-05-20 03:07 PM

For what it is worth, the Delaware State Police have started stopping cars with out of state plates. The rule from the Governor is that if you come here from out of state that you need to quarantine for 14 days, and the point of the stop is to make sure that people know. Unfortunately I still have Virginia plates, but I have no reason to go out, so I guess it doesn't matter. My wife has Delaware tags - if we need to, we can take her car.

Just out of boredom, we started a 2000 piece jigsaw puzzle about a week ago. Probably the hardest one I have ever attempted. But I have time to kill and nowhere to go.

And to further fight off boredom, we are making yeast donuts this evening. We mixed the dough earlier - it is raising now. We plan to cook them after dinner. A neighbor gave us an electric fryer that we will use when the time comes.

MoAlpha 04-05-20 03:26 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 21402101)
I don't get it, either. While I was out on my ride, I saw a portly fellow jogging with a mask... under his chin. Not to be rude, but you could clearly tell that this guy was going to have challenges getting enough air in to his lungs even without a mask, so I don't know what kind of caution paired with optimism lead to his decision to bring it along in the first place.

For cyclists... I suppose that there are a lot of people that ride at an effort level that's akin to walking, so maybe air intake isn't an issue. I don't know what they're protecting themselves from, but it's not getting in the way, at least?

I saw people all kitted out and a-huffing and a-puffing up the hills with masks on. This was way out in the farm fields too. Wack.

WhyFi 04-05-20 03:37 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 21402251)
I saw people all kitted out and a-huffing and a-puffing up the hills with masks on. This was way out in the farm fields too. Wack.

That's just... yeah. Bandannas and the like are pretty common for dusty riding, like gravel that hasn't seen rain in weeks, but not masks.

Any indication that any of them were riding together? Maybe they felt it would be appropriate precaution for a group ride?

indyfabz 04-05-20 03:41 PM

Grilled veal chops with garlic, lemon zest and a bunch of herbs.

LAJ 04-05-20 03:47 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 21402110)
I'm a daily espresso guy, but I've been hankerin' to take out the pourover for an extra dose some days. Would need to get some more beans, though, too - I don't think that my espresso beans would be appropriate. Maybe when re-supply next week.

Mystic Monk Espresso beans are so smooth, you get a nice cup of coffee with a little suds to it. I was hesitant, but they're good.

LAJ 04-05-20 03:48 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 21402161)
I just remembered an older couple that I saw on the ride today. For their very typical grandma/grandpa appearance, they had some bangin' cholo bikes. I think that the ape-hanger bars were square stock that was twisted and then there's ALL. THAT. BLING.

Bad Ass

kissTheApex 04-05-20 03:58 PM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 21402028)
Oh, and are we talking about a carbon steerer? If not, you can leave the compression plug alone.

yup. Crabon steerer.

Bah Humbug 04-05-20 03:58 PM

Originally Posted by ericy (Post 21402226)
For what it is worth, the Delaware State Police have started stopping cars with out of state plates. The rule from the Governor is that if you come here from out of state that you need to quarantine for 14 days, and the point of the stop is to make sure that people know. Unfortunately I still have Virginia plates, but I have no reason to go out, so I guess it doesn't matter. My wife has Delaware tags - if we need to, we can take her car.

Just out of boredom, we started a 2000 piece jigsaw puzzle about a week ago. Probably the hardest one I have ever attempted. But I have time to kill and nowhere to go.

And to further fight off boredom, we are making yeast donuts this evening. We mixed the dough earlier - it is raising now. We plan to cook them after dinner. A neighbor gave us an electric fryer that we will use when the time comes.

That seems onerous, given the size of Delaware.

Trsnrtr 04-05-20 04:00 PM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 21402180)
If I were logging fake miles on the trainer I'd be podium.

Seriously. I've put my trainer away for the year. Haven't done fake miles for several weeks.

datlas 04-05-20 04:03 PM

Sofritas for dinner!


MoAlpha 04-05-20 04:05 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 21402268)
That's just... yeah. Bandannas and the like are pretty common for dusty riding, like gravel that hasn't seen rain in weeks, but not masks.

Any indication that any of them were riding together? Maybe they felt it would be appropriate precaution for a group ride?

Not really. Saw a few couples masked, but all the non-familial-looking groups were riding bareface. Also lots of people obviously driving around for nonessential purposes with various recreational equipment on their cars.

WhyFi 04-05-20 04:06 PM

Originally Posted by LAJ (Post 21402283)
Mystic Monk Espresso beans are so smooth, you get a nice cup of coffee with a little suds to it. I was hesitant, but they're good.

I've got a lot of local roasters to support, but I had to check... this is one hell of an image. :D

rjones28 04-05-20 04:07 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21402312)
Sofritas for dinner!



Nearly ready. The aroma has been teasing me all afternoon.

WhyFi 04-05-20 04:09 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21402312)
Sofritas for dinner!


Good to know - the wife and I were just racking our brains over dinner take-out/delivery. We just ordered from a place down the street, but I should start a list of ideas for the next time and make sure ol' Chipotle is on there.

WhyFi 04-05-20 04:16 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 21402313)
Not really. Saw a few couples masked, but all the non-familial-looking groups were riding bareface. Also lots of people obviously driving around for nonessential purposes with various recreational equipment on their cars.

I got nothing. Well, other than "they're weird."

Speaking of group rides, I only saw one today - four people. Everyone else was either solo or a couple (I assume). I did have one dude blow a snot rocket in front of me - he was about 30' up the way, but even before the current events, I would have been more courteous than that. :notamused:

LAJ 04-05-20 04:46 PM

The outdoor areas were jammed, and if they were fenced off, they parked on the road. Boulder.... I shake my head.

LAJ 04-05-20 04:47 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 21402315)
I've got a lot of local roasters to support, but I had to check... this is one hell of an image. :D

Definitely supporting the locals, but the Monks are the best I've had, hands down.

LAJ 04-05-20 04:49 PM

It felt good to do a climby-climby ride today. Since racing season looks to be kaput, may as get to riding. Super Flag, down the other side to Gross, Sunshine to the dirt, and back home.

ericy 04-05-20 04:51 PM

Originally Posted by Bah Humbug (Post 21402306)
That seems onerous, given the size of Delaware.

They don't come out and say so, but I think the concern is that people from NY/NJ bring more virus here. Some number of people up there have 2nd homes down here - if their plan was to ride the thing out down here, they should have come weeks ago. Come to think of it, this is the time of year the snowbirds start to come back from Florida. People can come of course - you are just required to quarantine for 14 days. I don't know what if any legal enforcement exists.

Not like there is much to do - the restaurants and stores are all essentially closed. Boardwalk and beach are closed (with a few limited exceptions). No restrictions on yardwork.

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