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Trsnrtr 04-16-20 06:47 PM

Originally Posted by Pirkaus (Post 21422319)
Ohhhhhh, FUDGE!!!!!

oh, double fudge!!!

datlas 04-16-20 06:54 PM

Originally Posted by sfrider (Post 21422359)
Got the Hirame head and mounted it to the Lezyne CNC. After first stripping the silly plastic wrap on the hose that would only melt when a heat gun got anywhere near it. :foo:
Only got the hose onto the first barb, which made the included clamp way oversize. But it's pretty solidly on there anyway. Even with the rubber and metal scalding hot (I wore work gloves and it was still hot) it was a super tight fit. Works great, and I really like how when it's released there's practically no leakage. The jury's out on whether it's better than my Joe Blow Pro, but it's good to have another solid pump. :thumb:

I used some hand sanitizer and got it in no problem, and tight enough that I don’t need a clamp. It’s really well designed and made.

seedsbelize 04-16-20 07:01 PM

Originally Posted by big john (Post 21421736)
I always use co2 with the pump as a back-up. Last year I flatted on a group ride and I had to turn back alone and of course I had a second flat. I only had one tube so I had to patch. The pump made it possible for me to find the leak in the tube.

Another time I was dropped on a climb and flatted and my old co2 inflater fell apart. Luckily I had the pump.

In ancient history I always carried a Zefal frame pump. One time I knocked it off with my knee when going through an intersection. I parked the bike and started walking back to get it from the crosswalk where it landed. A woman in a car had been waiting for the green light and saw the whole thing. She looked at me and then ran right over my pump.

I have two or three Zefal HPX 3 and an ancient, on its last legs HPX4. I bought the Blackburn for my tour because I didn't want to pack that failing HPX4. First chance I got I bought a brand new HPX3

seedsbelize 04-16-20 07:06 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21421831)

Sounds like The Cars

seedsbelize 04-16-20 07:09 PM

Originally Posted by ls01 (Post 21421864)
Sanded the ceiling yesterday. Painted all the trim. 2 coats. Today I painted the closet. And the ceiling I sanded yesterday. 2 Coats. Came out nice. I may or may not start the walls tonight. If not tonight then tomorrow.

I cannot stand sanding or painting. One of my bikes held the title of worst paint job ever, over in C&V

seedsbelize 04-16-20 07:20 PM

Originally Posted by BillyD (Post 21422181)
You may have lost them at the mention of handlebar bag.

That's what I was thinking

seedsbelize 04-16-20 07:24 PM

Originally Posted by rjones28 (Post 21422293)
What's the best handlebar bag?

I have one of the old Cannondales, with the stretch cords that fasten to bottom of the fork.
I like it

LAJ 04-16-20 07:24 PM

Originally Posted by BillyD (Post 21422184)
That’s freaking amazing!

Very much agree. That's really cool to see.

LAJ 04-16-20 07:25 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 21422300)
This pm, long-suffering spouse gets an email that the PPP loan for her practice is approved. She is overjoyed, puts down her phone, opens the email on her iPad to sign some e-form to accept, clicks some random button and somehow declines the loan! Of course, there’s no help available. She’s been beside herself all evening, poor woman. She’ll go to the bank in person in the morning.

Jeez. Let's hope stuff starts going a touch smoother for Mrs. MoAlpha.

seedsbelize 04-16-20 07:28 PM

Will the feeling ever come back in my cut-off finger?

noodle soup 04-16-20 07:33 PM

Originally Posted by BillyD (Post 21422181)
You may have lost them at the mention of handlebar bag.

Originally Posted by seedsbelize (Post 21422452)
That's what I was thinking

That's when I clicked out.

MoAlpha 04-16-20 07:37 PM

Originally Posted by LAJ (Post 21422462)
Jeez. Let's hope stuff starts going a touch smoother for Mrs. MoAlpha.

Thank you!

I and all her partners told her it could have happened to anyone and we love her, which, of course broke her up. Then I threw a good dinner into her and massaged her feet while she watched a Great British Baking Show rerun and we managed a few painful laughs. She’s a tough old dog and will be fine.

Jadesfire 04-16-20 07:40 PM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize (Post 21422468)
Will the feeling ever come back in my cut-off finger?

Anecdotally, I can tell you many years ago I had an unfortunate incident with an immersion blender and it took a few years for feeling to come back in that finger. Wish I had a better story for that set of scars.

MoAlpha 04-16-20 07:44 PM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize (Post 21422468)
Will the feeling ever come back in my cut-off finger?

Depends. There may be some branching of neighboring nerves into the denervated area, but mainly the cut nerves have to die back to the spinal cord in the neck and regrow down to the finger at about 1 mm/day. Problem is when they get to the scar where the nerve sheaths end. Then they will have to find their way to the right place on their own, which isn’t always successful.

MoAlpha 04-16-20 07:46 PM

Originally Posted by Jadesfire (Post 21422489)
Anecdotally, I can tell you many years ago I had an unfortunate incident with an immersion blender and it took a few years for feeling to come back in that finger. Wish I had a better story for that set of scars.

I did that too, cleaning up after a wine-soaked Thanksgiving. Took some doing.

Jadesfire 04-16-20 07:52 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 21422504)
I did that too, cleaning up after a wine-soaked Thanksgiving. Took some doing.

Mine was pre-coffee, an equally dangerous state of existence.

kissTheApex 04-16-20 07:53 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 21422300)
This pm, long-suffering spouse gets an email that the PPP loan for her practice is approved. She is overjoyed, puts down her phone, opens the email on her iPad to sign some e-form to accept, clicks some random button and somehow declines the loan! Of course, there’s no help available. She’s been beside herself all evening, poor woman. She’ll go to the bank in person in the morning.

Oh crapola!

I hope the bank is helpful and can work things out.

MoAlpha 04-16-20 07:56 PM

Originally Posted by Jadesfire (Post 21422520)
Mine was pre-coffee, an equally dangerous state of existence.

So, you jgrabbed a paper towel, applied pressure and elevation, had that coffee, and sorted it out when you could process?

Trsnrtr 04-16-20 08:05 PM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize (Post 21422437)
I cannot stand sanding or painting. One of my bikes held the title of worst paint job ever, over in C&V

That actually is pretty cool. :thumb:

LAJ 04-16-20 08:16 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 21422485)
Thank you!

I and all her partners told her it could have happened to anyone and we love her, which, of course broke her up. Then I threw a good dinner into her and massaged her feet while she watched a Great British Baking Show rerun and we managed a few painful laughs. She’s a tough old dog and will be fine.

Nice. You and the partners did good stuff, but the baking show was the icing on the cake. Very good.

I'm not sure what I would do if Top Chef, Good Eats, and others, weren't in my repertoire.

DougRNS 04-16-20 08:18 PM

Originally Posted by mjac (Post 21398022)
Edit: As pointed out by "Oso Polar" this jacket is also on sale at Amazon in different size/color combinations. The prices vary widely from $50.64 to $300, you have to go through each size in every color. The prices also change, so it would be best to monitor it.

Edit: Two people have actually bought this jacket on this sale and posted their opinions, posts 75 and 76.

But it's not Marigold. Sad.

Jadesfire 04-16-20 08:24 PM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 21422527)
So, you jgrabbed a paper towel, applied pressure and elevation, had that coffee, and sorted it out when you could process?

I believe I skipped the coffee that day. Know what works even better for focusing the mind? An injection of local anesthetic directly into the nail bed. Twice.

How 'bout you?

Jadesfire 04-16-20 08:25 PM

I think I broke the Internet there for a second. Sorry- I can't delete that comment above with the image info.

Velo Vol 04-16-20 08:40 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 21421662)
It's a bit of a shell game IMO, but we do maintain 49% interest in the new combined entity, but the partner gets 51%.

I believe that some of the cash will be paid out as a dividend to us, but the rest will be income and taxed accordingly. I will have to ask some more questions to get an understanding of how it could play out.

What were you when you started out? Solo? In this group?

Velo Vol 04-16-20 08:40 PM

Originally Posted by Jadesfire (Post 21422567)
[img] GhAQGC0dHx0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLS0tLf/AABEIAJIBWgMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAAABwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAUGBwj/xABDEAABAwEFBQUFBQUHBQEAAAABAAIRAwQSITFBBQZRYXETIjKBkQdSobHBFELR4fAjcoKSwjNDRGJzsvElNFSi4iT/xAAZAQADAQEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAX/xAAgEQEBAAICAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAQIREiEDMTJBURMi/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwDmCCCAWqBgIwEAlBMiYRwggmQ4QhGgmAAQhGggChGgjQBQoG0swp6r9pHEdFOfpeHtGYEZak0jinQsdNwsQ 77ev0KtoVXY/G3r9CrVbYTphn7EAjhBAFUgIS2tRLX+zbYlntdpuWg91rbzad672hnInOBnAzSt1NnJtm7JY31Ddpsc93usaXH0aFp9m+z631Mfs 7mji8tZ8HGfgu9bPsFKiwMo02U2jRjQ0fBSllcttJ04232WWt0S6iwRq5xPwb9U6/2SVgJ7emTwDXfCSuvoKTlcqsXsnlsvtBaeHZf/AGlV/ZK77loaf3qZHycV1NBE6O5bcVtvswtjZuinU/dfB9HALM7S3TtdHGpZ6jRxuFw9WyF6QQT2l5QqUoTLmL0zt7dOx2sEVqLbxyqNAbUH8Qz6GQvPO8OzxQtFWi1weKby0OGoB+a0mS bFJavCVVPpqytNQZDFQHaqMrteM0iuCJuY6p8pLYkKVLlCE3Tqg/knVvKwsJIRJRRQmBIkcIJAUIkaNAJRoQjhSYBKBRQhCZAjRgI4QBQgEpEmAQQhBABCUaQ9wAk6I2ClW7TOI6fVOOtLjy6JQbOJx+ 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OSod2i1lGdXEn0wCs/tzVdZyuf0MkTyggu55iQRl0VHbBDjCCCWSoZGSCJBZqLCsbKPkggpyaYJ4zHRWljyQQWVbxCJ/beX1KtXnEfuhBBTTIcJaQcRdd8llWoIK8EZnmhPgIIK0BC1O4DB2tQwJDBBjESdDogggsvSkrVHB7iCQS5xJkzMnGU7Q2jWy7Wp/O78UEFbOLCnaHnN7j1cSlVTOaCCQR6BxW73eJuoIIpVoGkrL+0L+ypHW+4TrF3JBBTl6Vh7YIlCUSCxdIyUklBBANVTgmG2h/hvOu8JMeiCCvFNOgoqbQXjDVBBVCrs25thpNYCKbAcMQxoPrC5bt3/vbX/rv/wBxQQU+X4p8PzRbZ4R+tE3VccMdAgguOfTtb/2XD/p9q/1T/sam9+aLRQwaBgMgEEF3X0458nPqRxCi2zNGgs58nRfiu93so5halrBwHoggnknH0//Z[/img]

Agree to disagree.

Velo Vol 04-16-20 08:44 PM

Originally Posted by LesterOfPuppets (Post 21422134)
AZ Game and Fish is very excited. First photos of a Bald Eagle nest in a Saguaro in AZ!

Wait, I thought bald eagles eat fish? You can't tell me there's fish swimming about there.

Velo Vol 04-16-20 08:45 PM


LesterOfPuppets 04-16-20 08:47 PM

:( sad indeed.

in brighter news, I've got a pint of some kinda hippy all natural Dirty Mint Chip icecream and gonna watch Ad Astra ! :bday:

made with brown sugar, I guess that's what makes it dirty.

Velo Vol 04-16-20 08:48 PM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize (Post 21422468)
Will the feeling ever come back in my cut-off finger?

Not if you cut it off.

LesterOfPuppets 04-16-20 08:49 PM

In not so bright news, the audio on the HDMI of my vid card sucks. I should either look into fixing that or dig up some audio cables to run off the sound card tomorrow.

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