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making 05-12-09 08:16 AM

How was the commute today? Continued.
due to complaints about slow loading, we shall start anew.

Doohickie 05-12-09 08:22 AM

First reply!

My morning ride today was about the same as yesterday- 60s and misty- only not as wet as yesterday. The ride home should be sunny and low 80s. This is the best commuting weather EVAR!

HardyWeinberg 05-12-09 09:07 AM

41F and RAINING.

My 7 yr old was an outstanding sport for toughing it out.

chipcom 05-12-09 09:20 AM

Wow, it's so empty in here now that I hear an echo hear an echo hear an echo

Someone reminded me that this was bike to work I drove today. OK, and I have to pick up a load of soil on the way home too...more than even my Big Dummy can handle. ;)

destikon 05-12-09 09:23 AM

Great as usual. Saw a few extra bikes than normal which is nice during bike to work week. Saw a dude on an extra cycle so we shot the sh** about it for a while. All in all very nice. Can't wait to ride home.

Ka_Jun 05-12-09 09:30 AM

Broke a spoke, last night, and got caught in the edge of a thunderstorm. 1st time in a long time where I thought to myself, "Man, this just got wicked unfun and is doubleplusungood." Shop fixed it quick, came in again this morning. I thought it was a convoy, lots of new faces wearing hi-vis vests.

gac1982 05-12-09 09:53 AM

:thumb: Nice weather, Mt Vernon Trail was good but becoming more crowded with walkers. Saw 1 police car in Old Town at the North Robinson Terminal/ Oronoco Park.

caloso 05-12-09 10:28 AM

Seeing lots more bikes on the American River Bike Trail this week. Looks like Million Mile May is catching on.

In other news, I'm sitting at my desk commando-style. So, yay.

TechKnowGN 05-12-09 10:37 AM

42 degrees and a slightly cool ride, but overall gorgeous. If they set up the darn light sensor for bikes to trigger them , it would have been 5 minutes faster. My legs felt like rubber afterwards because we did 10 miles last night. I'm sure the way home will feel a lot better, as it will be 70ish, sunny, and more downhill than the way here.

Tobias Greenich 05-12-09 10:47 AM

Oddly enough, I didn't see many new riders along my route. They've been popping up for the last month and a half, but nothing big about this week.

It's still hot out. 85-ish in the morning, it'll be 100+ for the ride home. I'm downing water along the entire 8.5 miles. The backpack is getting hot, panniers are looking better and better the more I ponder it.

jyossarian 05-12-09 10:47 AM

Traffic was all over the place, slowing me down and forcing me to zig zag more than usual. It was like a pandemic of idiocy.

DX Rider 05-12-09 10:48 AM

I finally picked my commuter up from the LBS this morning. The ride was good, but I didn't see a single other rider on the road.

At least there was another bike in the bike rack at work yesterday.

TheLifeOfBryan 05-12-09 11:29 AM

I left the house a few minutes late this morning, so I took the somewhat shorter, more direct route that I normally avoid during business hours. I'm thinking I might start using it more, as it's not nearly as sketchy as I had assumed. Of course, that would shave about ten miles a week off of my total, so maybe not.

I caught up with, and eventually dropped, a fairly muscular dude on a road bike. Since I wasn't on my road bike today, this made me happy.

nebuchenezzar 05-12-09 12:14 PM

Whew, my morning commute has been great. 65ish, no wind... But heading home in the afternoon has been a challenge. 100+ already and its only May. Hope my body acclimates.

gotls1 05-12-09 12:34 PM

It was a little chillier this morning than I would have liked for mid May in Northern CA (46ish degrees), but I made it. The ride home should be nice - mid 70s with not a cloud in the sky.

YULitle 05-12-09 12:44 PM

It was great! All 300 yds. of it. :D

jeffpoulin 05-12-09 01:37 PM

I enjoyed it, as usual. Warm and rainy this morning, so I took the long route. Had scattered thunderstorms after work so I took the long route again. So pretty watching lightning from a distance.

AGTCooke 05-12-09 04:32 PM

Morning: Cold. 38 degrees. Tears running from eyes to ears for my 8 mile trek. Felt invigorated for the day though.

Afternoon: Great! Feeling the sun warm my bones... Until I got halfway home and hear the hssssssss.


My spare tube\tire\pump\multitool aren't scheduled for delivery until tomorrow. Day late and a dollar short.

Big_e 05-12-09 05:23 PM

Nice and hot going home and I worked up a sweat. As I left the parking lot at work, half of my right pedal cracked. The ride home was great. Halfway home, the poor right pedal just crumbles away onto the road leaving me with just the spindle to pedal with. Poor thing must've been the original pedal since the '70s.
I postponed the ride around the park
Good thing I had ordered new pedals today. I guess I ride the Alpine Guadalupe the rest of the week. :)

rainking63 05-12-09 08:24 PM

Dodged a major downpour by roughly 15 minutes. Karma maybe?
Got to say hi to the two horses at the farm I pass halfway to and from work. Getting my new SPD pedals tomorrow, hopefully I can manage not to fall over like a doofus in front of anybody.

Commuter76 05-12-09 08:26 PM

Beautiful this morning. Low 70s and a little humid. The afternoon trip home was HOT and humid. low 90s I think.

ugh, I hate how short spring is in Texas.

o-dog 05-12-09 09:24 PM

oh wow. old How Was Your Commute thread, you shall be missed.

anyway, my commute was good today. a little chilly in the morning but beautiful on the way back. my ride was as it usually is, a quiet, uneventful ride to my Metro stop, and a quiet, uneventful ride back home.

except for some frat bros yelling at me on my last mile home, that was unusual.

buzzman 05-12-09 10:54 PM

I added a new front rack to my commuter- from Nashbar for $12.- a very good deal and I just added a nice black basket that I can throw on in seconds and take off quickly.

Had to move out of my office for the summer months due to construction and loaded the rear milk crate to it's limit and then filled the front basket. A total of about 40 lbs of stuff front and rear and then rode home- 10 miles +. Then rode back for another gig downtown tonight. So managed to get in 40 miles of commuting. Hit the grocery store on the way home and loaded up that front basket and the rear crate again! I'm loving it. My commuter is now Uttila The Bike!

Big_e 05-13-09 05:11 AM

Dark as always. Warm with a gentle cool breeze. I rode the Alpine Guadalupe today since the right pedal broke on my Columbia Tourist yesterday. I hadn't ridden the Alpine in a long while and it was a smooth ride in. Nothing to report.

Big Ron 05-13-09 05:13 AM

Finally!! They ended construction on my main route (alternate route still under construction though:-(. So I'll be back in the saddle again. It just was not safe riding through the work zone, so I've been caging it since last fall....All due to a new Walmart - as if the world needs another Walmart. Sigh, I'll probably end up shopping in there on occasion though since it is on my route home.

The ride in was very pleasant. ~50F, nearly full moon helping light the way (5:30 departure time). My new Fuji Touring bike performed well - a little slower than the road bike, but now that I have a rack and panniers, no need to wear a backpack. No issues with bike, body, or traffic. Will stay late today so I can stop in at the local Bike to work week dinner tonight (hoping that will allow the 10-15 mph headwind to die down too)

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