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zizou 03-12-18 07:56 AM

taras0000 03-12-18 09:51 AM

Both of those open mold frames have been approved for use.

carleton 03-12-18 10:42 AM

Originally Posted by zizou (Post 20217950)

That's pretty cool. I knew some of that, but not all of that.

Community is important.

carleton 03-12-18 10:31 PM

Poking through photos from Worlds and I noticed that the Danish women used Scattos. Ha. So, at this point, all bars can be considered appropriate for the Madison.

Poppit 03-13-18 05:36 AM

An interesting historical analysis.

Morelock 03-13-18 07:19 AM

Too bad they didn't try the Egg or Superman in "modern" equipment as well (I know, it was basically an Endura/Smart ad)

Selfishly, I've been told on multiple forums that I was an idiot because I didn't think the Superman was nearly as aero as people thought it was (usually people put Boardman at ~.18 for his absolute hour, which I think was unlikely, although his equipment was probably better than anything Obree had access to at the time) and I was ever so slightly justified by this video :D

Having tried out both positions (although both were pretty seriously rigged up) It's very impressive Obree held the egg for an hour without the later developed chest rests others used. The superman is actually pretty comfortable but it requires a ton of work to set up right, and as seen... isn't automatically a no brainer for going fast, although clothing interaction around the head/shoulders (and helmet choice) might change that.

queerpunk 03-13-18 07:29 AM

god, I could listen to Obree talk forever. his opening line in that video is just terrific.

queerpunk 03-13-18 07:33 AM

also, wow. in previous videos and whatnot, he always comes across as intense and brooding, and in this he seems so bright and chipper. total change. wonder if that has anything to do with him addressing his mental health and sexuality a few years back.

Morelock 03-13-18 07:42 AM

Originally Posted by queerpunk (Post 20220148)
also, wow. in previous videos and whatnot, he always comes across as intense and brooding, and in this he seems so bright and chipper. total change. wonder if that has anything to do with him addressing his mental health and sexuality a few years back.

Not sure, but I agree.
In the Battle Mountain documentary he still seemed pretty intense (and willing to chop up appliances) and definitely brooding... hopefully he's found a bit more peace.

ruudlaff 03-13-18 11:02 AM

Originally Posted by queerpunk (Post 20220148)
also, wow. in previous videos and whatnot, he always comes across as intense and brooding, and in this he seems so bright and chipper. total change. wonder if that has anything to do with him addressing his mental health and sexuality a few years back.

Was at a talk given by him in the later half of 2017 and he was a delight to listen to.

He has a rather manic train of thought, it's exhausting trying to keep up with him as he jumps from idea to idea and story to story when talking. Once I had listened to him I think I understood a little better how he was able to be so ahead of his time.

carleton 03-13-18 11:29 AM

Originally Posted by queerpunk (Post 20220142)
god, I could listen to Obree talk forever. his opening line in that video is just terrific.

I just watched the beginning to hear the line. Very cool.

I don't have time to finish the video now (working), but it reminds me of the fact that there is a lot of "bro science" in cycling. Very few things are questioned. The few people that question the few things that are questioned are given sh*t about it and are discouraged.

It's really obvious on forums. I like to think that I haven't been one to give someone shi*t for having a novel idea, but I probably have. I like to think that I have an open mind with which to approach things or hear new ideas. That being said, some forums (virtual or real) are worse than others.

"...because that's how we've always done it.", is the worst answer you'll ever hear to any question.

carleton 03-14-18 01:35 AM

Originally Posted by spartanKid (Post 20221814)
Those are the Danes, not the Swiss. Woman on the right is the former Road World Champ Amalie Dideriksen

Thanks for the correction!

Poppit 03-14-18 03:01 PM

1 Attachment(s)
New frame on the block, 3.14 times more aero than a standard frame

700wheel 03-14-18 05:50 PM

Originally Posted by Poppit (Post 20223271)
New frame on the block, 3.14 times more aero than a standard frame

Appropriate post for PI day.

taras0000 03-14-18 06:12 PM

Given the right carbon lay up, that would probably be a pretty fast frame. I'm a fan.

carleton 03-15-18 07:42 PM

Bicycle a film on Amazon Prime Video (and elsewhere I'm sure)

B.A.F.T.A. Award-winning director and keen cyclist Michael B. Clifford tells the story of cycling in the land that invented the modern bicycle, tracking its birth, decline and re-birth from Victorian origins to today. "Bicycle" is a humorous, lyrical and warm reflection on the sport of cycling and the bicycle's place in the British national psyche.
Starring: Sir Dave Brailsford, Gary Fisher, Chris Boardman Runtime: 1 hour, 26 minutes

There is mention of track cycling. I've watched the first few minutes. Will finish in the next few days, time permitting.

EDIT: It's really good. A fair amount of focus on track cycling later in the film. Including the story about this bike and this ride (Boardman's catch in the 1992 Olympic IP gold medal ride)

It continues into modern track cycling as well.

It's basically a documentary about cycling in Britain from the beginning to modern times and the struggle to keep the activity thriving.

queerpunk 03-16-18 07:21 AM

The Penrose Park Velodrome in St Louis - called by some the "worst velodrome in the country" - is poised to fund a major repair/rebuild. The city has committed funds, bids came in a little higher than expected, and they're looking for a few thousand dollars to close the gap.

With the Superdrome going under, and the NSC only with two years of life left, well, it's great to see raceable tracks in the USA get *new* life.

Help out:

carleton 03-16-18 11:53 AM

What % does gofundme get?

Edit: Their site says 2.9% + $0.30 (fee per transaction)

Poppit 03-22-18 03:46 PM

Mind blowing para world champs live coverage

carleton 03-22-18 07:27 PM

Gary Sutton (of AUS fame) is now coaching Team USA:

The arrangement seems to be working out OK :D

carleton 03-22-18 11:37 PM

Originally Posted by Poppit (Post 20239891)
Mind blowing para world champs live coverage

Dude...they are FAST.

Results: Veloresults Live Timing

Jody Cundy rode a 1:04.579 kilo...that would have won US Elites last year (1:04.627).

Poppit 03-23-18 04:46 AM

Originally Posted by carleton (Post 20240540)
Dude...they are FAST.

Results: Veloresults Live Timing

Jody Cundy rode a 1:04.579 kilo...that would have won US Elites last year (1:04.627).

He’s not been beaten for 12 years at the kilo

queerpunk 03-23-18 06:38 AM

Originally Posted by carleton (Post 20240540)
Dude...they are FAST.

Results: Veloresults Live Timing

Jody Cundy rode a 1:04.579 kilo...that would have won US Elites last year (1:04.627).

fwiw, the results sheet doesn't tell the whole story, the winner qualified with a 1.02.9 iirc.

and he's an enduro.

carleton 03-23-18 07:09 AM

Originally Posted by Poppit (Post 20240623)
He’s not been beaten for 12 years at the kilo

That's Hall of Fame status for sure.

Originally Posted by queerpunk (Post 20240698)
fwiw, the results sheet doesn't tell the whole story, the winner qualified with a 1.02.9 iirc.

and he's an enduro.

lol really?!

queerpunk 03-23-18 07:51 AM

yeah, it was incredible. Alvord had ridden a 1.03-something, and Croom went last.

On the screen they show the 125m splits, and your place based on it. He got out to a start that had him hovering in 7th place, 6th place for maybe the first two laps, and then he brought it down. At the bell he was 3rd, at the 125m-to-go split he was 2nd, and held his speed ... when he crossed the line that number flashed to 1. It was a really incredible ride, the whole infield was on its feet.

taras0000 03-23-18 09:43 AM

That's awesome. Wouldve loved to see it in person.

carleton 03-25-18 12:33 AM

Looks like the Netherlands are playing the UCI Points game very well. Their Nation ranking could be the best of all right now (men's and women's). Just eyeballing, it looks like it's a tie between the Netherlands and Great Britain.

Track - Ranking

Cool to see USA's Jennifer Valente leading in Omnium points and Ashton Lambie 2nd in 4K points.

carleton 03-25-18 05:26 PM

Here's a recent study that finds that low volume, high intensity exercise (read: intervals or sprinting with recovery) provide life extending benefits on par with low intensity, high volume exercise (read: jogging, walking, etc...):

Moderate?to?Vigorous Physical Activity and All?Cause Mortality: Do Bouts Matter? | Journal of the American Heart Association

Mortality risk reductions associated with moderate‐to‐vigorous physical activity are independent of how activity is accumulated.
Meaning, it doesn't matter if you accumulate exercise time with steady-state work or intense intervals then recovery work.

700wheel 03-27-18 09:06 PM

1 Attachment(s)
I noticed one rider in last Sunday's Gent-Wevelgem road race used narrow sprinter type bars (2:35 into youtube video
) Can anyone identify these bars?
Attachment 604934

carleton 03-27-18 09:12 PM

You might have more luck in the Road forum. More eyes there.

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