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MarkinOz 10-27-20 10:52 PM

53km's today at 5am. Getting in before the showers and the traffic!

Troul 10-28-20 04:31 PM

24 miles out in the bright chill day.

GeneO 10-28-20 06:14 PM

20 gloomy and cold miles today, My Garmin crapped out mid0ridde :(

diphthong 10-28-20 09:43 PM

nice fall day in san diego. vehicular recovery ride...urban 30-spot involving bbq and beer. i'd consider that a relative success.

Troul 10-29-20 06:15 AM

20.2 miles in-doors

eswright 10-29-20 01:29 PM

2 miles to/from work in the rain

Troul 10-29-20 05:40 PM

20 distracting miles in-doors.

MarkinOz 10-29-20 10:26 PM

43Km on "Smashfest" Friday!

rsbob 10-30-20 12:15 AM

Just 19 but through in a 1/4 mile 13% climb as a stress test.

Ymerej 10-30-20 12:40 PM

50 miles mostly flat, all bike paths
San Diego creek trail etc etc
irvine ca

ultrarider7 10-30-20 04:51 PM
15.8 on the trainer and 23.15 outdoors.

Baldy1953 10-30-20 08:31 PM

Only did 30 today. Been averaging almost 40 a day for the last little bit.

rsbob 10-30-20 08:38 PM

A quick 18 @ 18.5, climbed 350’. Yes the shorter wet dark days are conspiring against me. Temp 52*

bigd777 10-30-20 09:28 PM


Troul 10-31-20 05:06 PM

77 miles with half leveraging a nice tail wind.

rsbob 11-01-20 08:10 PM

56 miles, 2400’ climbing, 16.5 average speed, max speed 35. My tailbone and shoulders are not happy.

one4smoke 11-01-20 09:46 PM

35 miles on VERY windy and chilly day ...but still nice.

rsbob 11-02-20 06:04 PM

24.6 miles, 1,100’ climbed, 15.6 ave speed, 43 max speed

rsbob 11-04-20 07:19 PM

Quick 18 between rain showers. Started downtown with a quick stop at the Post Office. Average speed 19.2 with 320’ climbing. Had one heckuva tailwind with light rain and was cruising on the flats between 24 and 28 MPH. Felt like a cat 1 racer until I turned around and the speed plummeted. The small climb then further killed my average speed. It still was a good 50 min ride. When I finished the skies opened up. Good timing (as if I had any control of it)

one4smoke 11-06-20 06:11 PM

A nice 40 miles cruisin' all around in the neighborhood.

CAT7RDR 11-06-20 06:44 PM

44 miles and 5600 feet climbed in the Whittier Hills of CA.

Troul 11-06-20 07:44 PM

88 miles in a bright sunny morning.

rsbob 11-06-20 08:32 PM

The usual 18 mile route with a 320’ hill. Average speed 19.2 and max of 36 downhill. On the flats outside of town consistently ran at 20.6 and 18 in town. Had to come to a near stop due to a muddy road next to a farm.

Thomas15 11-06-20 09:33 PM

61 miles on Zwift

SVTNate 11-07-20 02:16 AM

I haven't been on the bike in over a week now. It sucks. Cold and dark before I get home.

I did run almost 10 miles tonight. I want to work up to a half marathon.

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