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vgmightyp 09-06-20 10:45 PM
38 miles

diphthong 09-07-20 01:10 AM

16 miles. hott.

SVTNate 09-07-20 01:44 AM

Originally Posted by ooga-booga (Post 21681650)
16 miles. hott.

Same. It was 105F when I left my house.

Tomorrow (well today, technically... I should really go to bed) is supposed to be much cooler, and I have the day off, so I figure 30-40 miles is in order.

I just had a professional bike fitting, today was the first ride, and what an incredible difference it has made.

diphthong 09-07-20 01:55 AM

Originally Posted by SVTNate (Post 21681663)
Same. It was 105F when I left my house.

Tomorrow (well today, technically... I should really go to bed) is supposed to be much cooler, and I have the day off, so I figure 30-40 miles is in order.

I just had a professional bike fitting, today was the first ride, and what an incredible difference it has made.

yah...supposed to be cooler starting monday. will wake up late but probably end up doing something coastal and dealing with the holiday crazies.
if i had my druthers, i'd hit the backcountry mtns in san diego but there's a decent size wildfire out there currently.

UnderDawgAl 09-07-20 06:59 AM

22.5 miles. Nice and cool early this morning on the W&OD in VA. Hardly anyone on the path. I'm slowly getting back into shape.

New record for longest nonstop ride since 2014. The six-year hiatus took its toll! On the bright side, I've had none of the aggravating sciatica that I was experiencing back then, which caused me to give up riding and focus on donuts and sugar-laden drinks instead.

bampilot06 09-07-20 10:07 AM


SVTNate 09-07-20 10:53 AM

Originally Posted by ooga-booga (Post 21681667)
yah...supposed to be cooler starting monday. will wake up late but probably end up doing something coastal and dealing with the holiday crazies.
if i had my druthers, i'd hit the backcountry mtns in san diego but there's a decent size wildfire out there currently.

Oh man I forgot about holiday beach traffic. That makes me not want to ride SART down to PCH.

It's 10AM and I'm still sitting around the house, having just had my coffee. I'm sure I'll do some riding today, but PCH is probably a horrible idea.

esc77 09-07-20 01:10 PM

Only about a mile to sit for a moment in a park and enjoy a cold brew. Was too hot and the air quality has been bad due to the recent fires burning around the region.

MntnMan62 09-07-20 02:51 PM

I just have to say that this forum site takes forever to load. Almost makes it impossible to post things. Anyway, I have not been on the bike in about 3 weeks. I've been a lazy fart. And my gut shows it. I finally made it out for a ride today. A gorgeous day for it. Upper 70s, some gusty breezes, clear blue sky with some wispy clouds. Absolutely perfect. Did 20.83 miles with 1,373 ft of elevation gain over 2 hours. I took some time to take in the view at a dam and near the entrance to a park across from a golf course. Very peaceful and relaxing. Feels good to get the blood moving again. I need to do this more often. I'll workout (pushups, bicycle crunches and planks) tomorrow and ride again on Wednesday, weather permitting.

Troul 09-07-20 05:29 PM

42 roostertail miles.

SVTNate 09-07-20 06:29 PM

24 miles, less than I wanted to do, but at least I got out there. 40 on the week so far, hoping to get in another 40-60 before Saturday.

one4smoke 09-07-20 08:52 PM

50 miles today, 201 total for last week.

diphthong 09-07-20 08:58 PM

5-spot to do some banking. air quality is still good here in coastal san diego county (<7-8 miles from the coast). the rest of socal is, literally, a hot mess with a multiplicity of fires raging.
if one was inclined to hit the mountains, it had better be above 6,000 feet. anything lower is either too hot, air quality bites or both. all national forests in socal and some more elsewhere in the
toasted campfire state closed due to the extreme fire danger. campgrounds/day-use areas closed but looks like the roads are still open unless directly affected by a
wildfire (such as california hwy 2 /angeles crest hwy) currently.

diphthong 09-08-20 06:56 PM

47-spot of mostly coastal miles. totally uneventful except for two instances of remarkable wtf automobile driving witnessed all too closely.

808HIcycler 09-09-20 06:01 AM

33.5 in typical Guam evening weather. 90 degrees with 75% humidity, but a gorgeous sunset and some rainbows to go with the 4-5 dozen gnats in my hair. First real distance with my new shoes. Still need to work on the fit as my feet tingle just a bit on the climbs.

Troul 09-09-20 06:24 AM

36 miles

one4smoke 09-09-20 08:31 PM

22 miles of play before work this morning.

fietsbob 09-09-20 08:37 PM

Air Quality Dreadful , down wind of a huge forest fire..

gios 09-09-20 09:06 PM

4 laps, 22 miles.

diphthong 09-09-20 10:24 PM

Originally Posted by fietsbob (Post 21686559)
Air Quality Dreadful , down wind of a huge forest fire..

smoke from other regional socal fires finally hitting metro san diego. went out for a little 30-miler but dig not dig deep at any point.
aq not the best (noticeably worse than recently) but didn't smell/see smoke.

Troul 09-10-20 06:51 AM

doppled the 36 miles, diff route tho.

one4smoke 09-11-20 07:38 PM

23 at a pretty quick 18.3

Grouperdawg 09-11-20 09:49 PM

Troul 09-12-20 10:59 AM

41.1 miles yesterday, 88.8 miles today

gios 09-12-20 11:45 AM

5 laps, 27 and a half miles.

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