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one4smoke 09-23-16 08:00 PM

How fer did you ride today?!
(The way it's said in the south by us old guys. :p)

32 miles for me...

gringomojado 09-23-16 08:26 PM

Mine's longer than your's thread?

canklecat 09-23-16 09:02 PM

I rode 20-30 miles three times this week when I intended to ride only around the block to check some cantilever brake adjustments. Got warmed up, didn't want to stop, kept going.

I'm planning to ride a solo century before the end of the year. Apparently I need to trick myself. So I'm gonna plan on riding 20-30 miles. Then I'll just sorta accidentally stumble into 100 miles.

rekmeyata 09-23-16 09:10 PM

I rode 0 miles, man that was difficult.

one4smoke 09-23-16 09:23 PM

Originally Posted by canklecat (Post 19078057)
I rode 20-30 miles three times this week when I intended to ride only around the block to check some cantilever brake adjustments. Got warmed up, didn't want to stop, kept going.

I'm planning to ride a solo century before the end of the year. Apparently I need to trick myself. So I'm gonna plan on riding 20-30 miles. Then I'll just sorta accidentally stumble into 100 miles.

That's really true! :lol: The first one, I planned to go a 100. Tough. Next time, I just rode all day without looking at Strava or worrying about how many I had in at any given time. Much easier. :thumb:

one4smoke 09-23-16 09:24 PM

Originally Posted by rekmeyata (Post 19078068)
I rode 0 miles, man that was difficult.

That IS very tough to do!

one4smoke 09-23-16 09:27 PM

Originally Posted by gringomojado (Post 19077993)
Mine's longer than your's thread?

Given just a little attention, I bet mine will be longer. ;)

jefnvk 09-23-16 11:36 PM

Added another 4 miles to my normal after work bar ride, for 20 in total.

The hardest part was the Oktoberfest tent didn't have music that early :(

sodbreaker 09-23-16 11:54 PM

Not as far as i wanted too. Work is slowing down. might finaly get a chance to ride the rail trail through my front yard that was such a selling point when i moved

OldTryGuy 09-24-16 03:37 AM

No bicycle ride, just a car ride, to ride the roads around Dahlonega.

600+ mile drive from SW FL to Dahlonega, GA. for 104 miles with 11,200+' climbing, 2016 Six Gap Century Home of the Six Gap Century

STILL time to register and RIDE!!!!

Machka 09-24-16 04:36 AM

124.3 km

See details here ...

Jim from Boston 09-24-16 05:29 AM

Originally Posted by rekmeyata (Post 19078068)
I rode 0 miles, man that was difficult.

I planned out a 20 mile ride with a fast imaginary friend, and I wasn't sure I could finish.

TimothyH 09-24-16 12:23 PM

65 miles with 3200 feet climbing. 15.7 MPH average.

Rollfast 09-24-16 12:25 PM

Not fer enough. I have too much bike and hauswerk tho.

fietsbob 09-24-16 12:28 PM

Will ride fer Beer :beer:

saint mucus 09-24-16 12:39 PM

Yesterday 9-23-16 21 miles, today 9-24 5 miles (so far) fixing to go for a ride with the misses

canklecat 09-24-16 02:12 PM

Arrggghhhh... my self deception trick didn't work today. I set out to ride 30 miles, figuring I'd accidentally keep going and ride 100. Nope. After 30 miles of hills and wind I was ready for a beer and a nap.

Maybe next time.

DrIsotope 09-24-16 02:33 PM

65 fairly leisurely miles this morning, and a beautiful day for it indeed. Set out looking for a 100km (62.2 miles) @ 17mph, ended up with 65 @ 18.5mph. Nothing but 3.5 water bottles for the ride. Average ride speed got killed when I got stuck behind a big group finishing their route, and didn't want to look like "that a-hole" by blowing by them. So I just sat about two bike lengths back of their group and slugged along at their 15-16mph for about 8 miles. If not for the rolling blockade, I would have finished the day like 19.2-19.3mph I'm sure. It was sorta relaxing, though.

As we got further and further up the street, pairs kept peeling off of the group, until the final handful of them were down to just over 13mph. You'd think all those shaved legs would make for some serious speed, but looking at the Strava Fly-bys, the group speed dropped dramatically once they hit about the 50 mile mark and the group started to shrink. They really blast down the SART in a group of 10+ riders, though. :rolleyes:

TimothyH 09-24-16 03:30 PM

I don't understand why someone would not want to pass slower riders because they were afraid of the way they would look, and then disparage and look down their nose at the same group of riders on an internet message board.

I think the latter looks worse than the former.


morfeeis 09-24-16 04:15 PM

I did my first 60 mile ride yesterday, today i'm riding the sofa.

DrIsotope 09-24-16 04:16 PM

Originally Posted by TimothyH (Post 19079070)
I don't understand why someone would not want to pass slower riders because they were afraid of the way they would look, and then disparage and look down their nose at the same group of riders on an internet message board.

I think the latter looks worse than the former.


I don't ride with groups like that because I have no desire to be associated with groups like that. They're always "training" for something, perhaps this week's 6 hours of "work" is preparation for the 6 hours the following week.

And they're not slower by any stretch-- they move along at a good clip when clustered up-- but as far as my worthless opinion is concerned, not nearly fast enough to justify the cloud of attitude they exude. I got plenty of over-the-shoulder glances-- as if I were somehow occupying their space. This is typical of my experience with the weekend club rider mentality-- and this would have been an A-level group.

I never intimated I give a crap what they think. Making that pass on a group of 10+ feels to me like one-upsmanship, and I'm not in competition with anyone for anything. Better to just slow down and share the bike lane, rather than jumping out into a gap in traffic to get past a leisurely pace line.

I also never intimated that I'm any better than they are, as a cyclist or as a human being. I made no more effort to be social than they did. But I'm not keeping up any appearances. I don't like most people sight unseen. Once I see more of how people really are, I tend to like them even less.

Lastly, I'll make whatever statements about whomever whenever, and stand right behind them. There's nothing I'll say here that I won't say out loud. No persona. People are still allowed to complain, last I checked. Being off the cycle for the stop lights or stuck behind a club ride, same difference as far as I'm concerned.

Rollfast 09-24-16 04:46 PM

Originally Posted by morfeeis (Post 19079144)
I did my first 60 mile ride yesterday, today i'm riding the sofa.

Find your remote?

jeffreythree 09-24-16 05:04 PM

After almost becoming a car/bike/suv sandwich leaving the neighborhood, I changed to a shorter 29 mile ride today on quieter side roads. Amazing how a ride helped that stressful encounter melt away. Cosmetic damage only to me and the bike, luckily.

Jaxjag 09-24-16 06:14 PM

29 miles on a rail trail. My longest ride since returning to cycling last week.

one4smoke 09-24-16 06:15 PM

Originally Posted by jeffreythree (Post 19079218)
After almost becoming a car/bike/suv sandwich leaving the neighborhood, I changed to a shorter 29 mile ride today on quieter side roads. Amazing how a ride helped that stressful encounter melt away. Cosmetic damage only to me and the bike, luckily.

Glad it wasn't any worse than what it was. :thumb:

Zukoda 09-24-16 09:31 PM

Only 11 miles around the lake trail - but did 11 yesterday and another 11 the day before. Will have more time to ride next week after I finally finish my last class.

canklecat 09-25-16 12:40 AM

Originally Posted by DrIsotope (Post 19078980)
65 fairly leisurely miles this morning, and a beautiful day for it indeed. Set out looking for a 100km (62.2 miles) @ 17mph, ended up with 65 @ 18.5mph. Nothing but 3.5 water bottles for the ride. Average ride speed got killed when I got stuck behind a big group finishing their route, and didn't want to look like "that a-hole" by blowing by them. So I just sat about two bike lengths back of their group and slugged along at their 15-16mph for about 8 miles. If not for the rolling blockade, I would have finished the day like 19.2-19.3mph I'm sure. It was sorta relaxing, though.

As we got further and further up the street, pairs kept peeling off of the group, until the final handful of them were down to just over 13mph. You'd think all those shaved legs would make for some serious speed, but looking at the Strava Fly-bys, the group speed dropped dramatically once they hit about the 50 mile mark and the group started to shrink. They really blast down the SART in a group of 10+ riders, though. :rolleyes:

I can't even remember the last time I could ride that fast. Okay, yes I can. It was 30 years ago. After a year back in the saddle I'm still a solid 12 mph loafer, no matter the bike or terrain. Occasionally I can cruise up to 15 mph for a few miles, before the asthma hits and I have to pull over for a minute. I can't even keep up with the 70+ y/o guys in my area for long.

On the plus side, the only looks you'll get from the casual loafcycling group I usually ride with is the "Wanna stop for beer?" look.

If you're ever in Texas feel free to blow by me. I might draft for awhile. A very short while before I get dropped like a rock.

saint mucus 09-25-16 06:07 AM

I think I'm done for the week (I think :) )

morfeeis 09-25-16 10:50 AM

Originally Posted by Rollfast (Post 19079190)
Find your remote?

Too much work, i used my phone...

FullGas 09-25-16 01:01 PM

after getting flattened by a hit/run driver 5 weeks ago, the orthopedist decided my shoulder didn't require surgery and cleared me to resume riding on monday...

rode 22 today and finished the week with 107 mi.

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