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seedsbelize2 04-01-22 07:01 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22458650)
Sadly, I'm so old that wine coolers came out several years after I'd already been drinking legally. OUR underage drinking was either cheap beer, or cheap fruity wines like Annie Green Springs. Yeesh.

Richards Wild Irish Rose

LAJ 04-01-22 07:19 PM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 22458322)

A couple of weeks ago a a guy was shot and lay dying on the street. Video footage shows two un-involved people going through the dying man's pockets. Stay classy, Philly.

Let's not forget about Buddy the cat.

indyfabz 04-01-22 07:20 PM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize2 (Post 22458857)
Richards Wild Irish Rose


indyfabz 04-01-22 07:24 PM

Originally Posted by LAJ (Post 22458874)
Let's not forget about Buddy the cat.

Or "Pinky the Cat". Look him up on YouTube. The owner of the video has prevented it from being on other website.

LAJ 04-01-22 07:34 PM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 22458880)
Or "Pinky the Cat". Look him up on YouTube. The owner of the video has prevented it from being on other website.

Holy crap. A bit different than Buddy, who's recovering nicely. Pinky needs a straightjacket.

Velo Vol 04-01-22 07:37 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22458581)
I'm thinking about retiring from road cycling and moving to a safer recreation, like seedsbelize did. It used to be that when people talked about off-road cycling, they meant mountain biking. There's a pretty good place to ride one 10 or so miles away. Now I guess gravel bikes are popular. Not sure where I'd ride that. On the MUP? Either way, I need to get off the roads.

Don't be ridiculous.

The sprawl thing is 100% true, but the only time you're going to hear me talk about gravel riding is on April 1. SMH.

Velo Vol 04-01-22 07:41 PM

Originally Posted by rjones28 (Post 22458655)
So, fewer houses near me than 5 years ago. :)

Ever ask yourself why that might be?

genejockey 04-01-22 07:42 PM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize2 (Post 22458856)
Not even bi-curious?

I'm bike-courteous. I always keep as far to the right as possible to let faster riders pass.

indyfabz 04-01-22 07:45 PM

Originally Posted by LAJ (Post 22458886)
Holy crap. A bit different than Buddy, who's recovering nicely. Pinky needs a straightjacket.

"He's a very loving cat."

Actually, he probably was/is but was just overwhelmed with all that was going on around him.

Velo Vol 04-01-22 08:16 PM

Originally Posted by WhyFi (Post 22458635)
What's the population of the metro area? Where are other serious cyclists in the area riding? Does the terrain compound issues with funneling traffic and whatnot? And do you not have shoulders in the quasi-north?

There's been a lot of development in the Twin Cities, but it really hasn't impacted riding that much - plenty of roads with ample shoulders so that the 40+ mph roads without shoulders can be avoided. It does take a while to get out to some open roads, but you can still string together some decent rides within the metro. Then there's the extensive network of MUPs (which I tend to avoid) and the gravel roads (which are fun, but I don't like to drive for a ride).

I became a "serious" cyclist in 2005. The area around where I live had mostly been built up for years. The people in the new developments, who come this direction, largely get funneled onto the interstate, not on the city roads I ride. So there's not a 1:1 relationship between metro population growth and the traffic I face in Knoxville.

Like I said, where you really notice it is when riding away from town (west). When I started riding there was some subdivision growth, but then the Great Recession hit and that really tamped down on sprawl for almost a decade. Now it's back. So, the point at which you can "relax" on the rides is now a few miles further out. It's annoying.

Mojo31 04-01-22 08:27 PM

In light of the liquor talk earlier, cheers!

LesterOfPuppets 04-01-22 08:47 PM

Duluth shipping news (from a couple days ago)

The Arthur M Anderson, the last ship in contact with the Edmund Fitzgerald, arrives.

rjones28 04-01-22 10:21 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22458888)
Ever ask yourself why that might be?

It's obvious. To make room for horse pastures.

Velo Vol 04-01-22 10:42 PM

Originally Posted by rjones28 (Post 22458988)
It's obvious. To make room for horse pastures.

If I sat down at a cafeteria table and all the people nearby got up and left, it would prompt me to do some introspection.

Velo Vol 04-01-22 10:59 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22458994)
If I sat down at a cafeteria table and all the people nearby got up and left, it would prompt me to do some introspection.

To be clear, this never happened to me in real life, obviously.

Bah Humbug 04-02-22 05:17 AM

Did NOT think they'd have gone with this one, and paid for it.

Wordle 287 5/6


WhyFi 04-02-22 06:16 AM

Ugh, okay - I get the April Fool's ire. A day later and my morning Google news feed is chocked full of dumb spoofs.

indyfabz 04-02-22 06:23 AM

Back to normal.

Wordle 287 4/6


BillyD 04-02-22 06:37 AM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22458784)
The one time I really had to jump my daughter’s arse was when I used her car to make a Sam’s run for her high school graduation party, and a bottle of Fireball rolled out from under the seat.

I thought we had taught her better.

Utes are great at pulling the wool over their parent’s eyes. Weren’t you?

bampilot06 04-02-22 06:40 AM

In PHX again next week.

Almost died yesterday. might be a little dramatic but it def scared the **** out of me. It was super windy, but I only had one day home and wanted to ride even if it was a short one. I took madone which prolly was not the best choice with the wind and all. I didn’t get blown around too much but I was descending a hill, tucked in instead of pedaling. At the bottom of the hill there is a small lake to the left so it’s wide open. As soon as I reached the open area the wind coming off the lake grabbed my front wheel and blew me laterally like 4 feet. A car had passed me seconds before and for some reason I happened to take the center of the road again, if I had no done that I doubt I would be writing this.

BillyD 04-02-22 06:42 AM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize2 (Post 22458856)
Not even bi-curious?

Negatory. Are you?

Mojo31 04-02-22 06:42 AM

Wordle 287 3/6


LAJ 04-02-22 07:10 AM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 22458892)
"He's a very loving cat."

Actually, he probably was/is but was just overwhelmed with all that was going on around him.

Understood, and no doubt.

DougRNS 04-02-22 07:15 AM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22459000)
To be clear, this never happened to me in real life, obviously.


LAJ 04-02-22 07:16 AM

Wordle 287 4/6


MoAlpha 04-02-22 07:17 AM

Newport-Bermuda ride is getting its bottom filled, faired, and covered with hard, racing paint. Excuses for poor performance are evaporating rapidly.

Hooray for the filthy rich!

rjones28 04-02-22 07:37 AM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22459000)
To be clear, this never happened to me in real life, obviously.

Home schooled?

big john 04-02-22 07:51 AM

Wordle 287 3/6


seedsbelize2 04-02-22 08:10 AM

Originally Posted by BillyD (Post 22459114)
Negatory. Are you?


Bah Humbug 04-02-22 08:34 AM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22458784)
The one time I really had to jump my daughter’s arse was when I used her car to make a Sam’s run for her high school graduation party, and a bottle of Fireball rolled out from under the seat.

I thought we had taught her better.

That was my response to the Modern Family where Haley is caught drunk at college at gets into trouble. The drinking isn't the problem; the problem is being careless enough to get caught.

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