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700wheel 12-15-18 05:26 PM

Originally Posted by Baby Puke (Post 20706193)
There doesn't seem to be any video content when I visit these links. What am I missing here?

The first link is over - live coverage finished.
I can still obtain the second link.
Maybe one has to be an xfinity subscriber to view it.

queerpunk 12-17-18 05:29 PM

You know what's weird?

There's been ZERO ****ing coverage of the fact that Madalyn Godby won the keirin at the Berlin World Cup. Nothing from USAC, news outlets, nuthin'. It was an amazing sprint too.

Baby Puke 12-17-18 07:34 PM

Originally Posted by queerpunk (Post 20708832)
You know what's weird?

There's been ZERO ****ing coverage of the fact that Madalyn Godby won the keirin at the Berlin World Cup. Nothing from USAC, news outlets, nuthin'. It was an amazing sprint too.

Agreed. Can track get at least a condescending pat on the back once in a while from US media or even the USAC? For ****'s sake. Can anyone remember the last time a US rider won a sprint race at that level?

carleton 12-17-18 07:50 PM


1: Congrats to Madalyn.

2: I believe that meets the criteria to qualify for the highest tier of financial support from USA Cycling.

3: WTF, USA Cycling?

Poppit 12-18-18 12:52 PM

Quite a balanced discussion on trans issues in this article on the BBC Sport website today

rustymongrel 12-18-18 03:32 PM

Originally Posted by Baby Puke (Post 20699864)
I just learned that Kawasaki keirinjo (Urban Bank) has a pretty excellent English language webpage with a very clear schedule of races, something I wish ALL keirin tracks had. Also handy guides in English on how to bet:

Kawasaki Urban Bank

That's awesome!

I wanted to see some racing when I was in Japan in 2015 but without any Japanese friends was totally out of luck with schedules etc.

Baby Puke 12-18-18 05:19 PM

Originally Posted by rustymongrel (Post 20710190)
That's awesome!

I wanted to see some racing when I was in Japan in 2015 but without any Japanese friends was totally out of luck with schedules etc.

Yeah this thing is super helpful. I've been here for years on and off and I still know **** all about how to actually go watch it live in person. Having a schedule in English is massive. I wish all the tracks ad this!

ruudlaff 12-19-18 06:59 AM

Originally Posted by Poppit (Post 20709923)
Quite a balanced discussion on trans issues in this article on the BBC Sport website today

I would dispute that being balanced.

zizou 12-19-18 12:08 PM

Live stream of the Swiss Track Cycling Challenge, i dont think it is geo locked

John Archibald done a 4.10.177 in the IP this afternoon. Second fastest time ever and would be the sea level record (if 450m is considered sea level). Like Ashton Lambie he is in his late 20s and a relative late comer to track - it was only just over a year ago he was doing his first races at the Glasgow track league.

Poppit 12-19-18 02:49 PM

Originally Posted by zizou (Post 20711382)
Live stream of the Swiss Track Cycling Challenge, i dont think it is geo locked

John Archibald done a 4.10.177 in the IP this afternoon. Second fastest time ever and would be the sea level record (if 450m is considered sea level). Like Ashton Lambie he is in his late 20s and a relative late comer to track - it was only just over a year ago he was doing his first races at the Glasgow track league.

Dan was on target for a 4.14 but they rang the bell one lap early

gycho77 01-03-19 09:17 PM

Originally Posted by Hrothgar42 (Post 18280815)
Bobby sent me stack and reach numbers for the Dixie Flyer!

I updated the graph...

I cannot access this graph anymore.
Did anyone downloaded this file?

Thank you

Sandy_Chamois 01-04-19 04:29 AM

Training software program to practice 500m and 2k IP
What is the best way to practice 500m and 2k IP on training software like Zwift, Rouvy etc? Is there a way to create exact distance like 500m or 2k to time oneself? I have both a Tacx Neo and Elite Real E-Motion Smart rollers I want to use for this during the winter.

700wheel 01-05-19 10:14 AM

I heard there are new track frames listed on the UCI approved frame list. I can't find this list on the UCI web site (or anywhere else) - where is this list?

The UCI web site is a very poor site imho!

Morelock 01-05-19 10:35 AM

Hrothgar42 01-05-19 12:46 PM

Originally Posted by gycho77 (Post 20731754)

I cannot access this graph anymore.
Did anyone downloaded this file?

Thank you

Google got rid of their site hosting. I just put it up on GitHub, so it's available again. And anyone can download it and modify TrackBikeGraphData.js to add bikes. Feel free to contribute back too. And if anyone is in need of a javascript project, modifying the chart code to allow the label legend to expand past the height of the graph would allow for more models to be displayed at once.

700wheel 01-05-19 03:44 PM

Originally Posted by Morelock (Post 20733473)


gycho77 01-05-19 04:17 PM

Originally Posted by Hrothgar42 (Post 20733626)
Google got rid of their site hosting. I just put it up on GitHub, so it's available again. And anyone can download it and modify TrackBikeGraphData.js to add bikes. Feel free to contribute back too. And if anyone is in need of a javascript project, modifying the chart code to allow the label legend to expand past the height of the graph would allow for more models to be displayed at once.

thank you!!!

gycho77 01-05-19 05:24 PM

I made a training video for easy access and I will be uploading more programs from @upupup.
This is my first time making a video, so please feel free to tell me how to improve this video.


The program is from upupup.
If this video violates anything please tell me

sergioflorez 01-06-19 12:50 AM

Kaben 01-07-19 09:34 AM

The video is a good idea but needs tweaking to make it user friendly.
At the moment you couldn't run it without having the UpUYpUp plan open in-front of you as well. It doesn't say what gear you need for some of the intervals until you start it.

For example at 14.06 it goes into a rest period and just says "next, seated rolling", but nothing about gear selection. That only appears once the interval has started.

Hope that helps

brawlo 01-07-19 02:30 PM

Originally Posted by Kaben (Post 20736174)
The video is a good idea but needs tweaking to make it user friendly.
At the moment you couldn't run it without having the UpUYpUp plan open in-front of you as well. It doesn't say what gear you need for some of the intervals until you start it.

For example at 14.06 it goes into a rest period and just says "next, seated rolling", but nothing about gear selection. That only appears once the interval has started.

Hope that helps

On my interval timer that I use for UpUpUp sessions I label the rest intervals with that info for that reason, so I know what is coming up

taras0000 01-07-19 05:59 PM

topflightpro 01-08-19 08:22 AM

I'm sort of conflicted on that.

On the one hand, it seems pretty ridiculous to spend the money to test, multiple times, a 90 year old who is the only competitor in his field.

On the other hand, if you are truly committed to removing doping from the sport, you kind of have to test everyone.

queerpunk 01-08-19 09:38 AM

Originally Posted by topflightpro (Post 20737677)
I'm sort of conflicted on that.

On the one hand, it seems pretty ridiculous to spend the money to test, multiple times, a 90 year old who is the only competitor in his field.

On the other hand, if you are truly committed to removing doping from the sport, you kind of have to test everyone.

There's random testing at Master's Nats. And, there's required testing (I think) for new world records. So he was probably tested without being specifically targeted for testing.

I think the resolution of this case is just - stripped title but no ban.

carleton 01-09-19 03:13 AM

Yeah, this is a weird one.

Let's rearrange the order of the paragraphs and it makes sense.

Situation 1:

“Grove, 90, tested positive for epitrenbolone, which is a metabolite of the prohibited substance trenbolone, as the result of an in-competition urine sample he provided on July 11th, 2018 after setting a world record at the Masters Track National Championships.

During Usada’s investigation into the circumstances of his case, Grove provided the agency with information which established that the source of his positive test was more likely than not caused by contaminated meat consumed the evening before competing on July 11th, 2018. Prior to consuming the meat, Grove had tested negative for prohibited substances during an in-competition test on July 10th, 2018.”
July 10: Set a world record. Get drug tested. Pass.

July 11: Set a world record. Get drug tested. Traces of epitrenbolone are present. Fail.

What happened between the July 10 test and the July 11 test? Steak Dinner.

That's unfortunate, but it happened. But, at least he has the July 10 sample as rock-solid proof that the ingestion happened between the July 10 test and the July 11 test.

I don't think steroids can work in less than 24 hours, so it stands to reason that he did get it from a nice steak dinner.

Situation 2:

Now...Here's what's messed up. During the investigation, it seems that he handed over whatever supplements he had at the house in a "full disclosure" kinda way...and they tested the stuff in the bottles and found clomiphene.

“While investigating the source of his positive test, it was also determined that a supplement Grove was using prior to July 11th, 2018 was contaminated with clomiphene.

So, in an effort to try to explain Situation 1, he digs a deeper hole and creates Situation 2.

Clomifene is sometimes used in the treatment of male hypogonadism as an alternative to testosterone replacement therapy. It has been found to increase testosterone levels by 2- to 2.5-fold in hypogonadal men.
- Wikipedia

Situation 2 sounds like some tainted "Be Awesome" stack from a supplement store.

It's well-known that supplement makers will add stuff like this to pre-made "stacks" in order to boost gains. They will list innocuous things on the label and add real stuff inside to boost gains (and chatter about the product). It's a weird and effed-up game.

There is a Frontline documentary about this that every athlete (at any level) should watch:

What 91 year old Grove has going for him is:
- He's 91. Who the hell cheats at age 91 when you are usually the only person in your age group.
- He was the only person in his age group in all 3 events at Nationals
- He took tests back to back. Passed #1, ate dinner, failed #2. He can probably provide a receipt from the steak dinner if needed.
- (I assume that) he has a bottle of a supplement that contains Clomifene that does not list it in the ingredients on the label.

This explains the slap on the wrist warning.

Here's the real kicker...what if an elite or "fast master" were in a similar situation? They may not get the benefit of the doubt.

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