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Trackliche 02-13-16 09:29 AM

Can someone with the know-how please make me a meme with the part where he says, "Aww f**k; no jeans for you"?


carleton 02-13-16 04:12 PM

Originally Posted by Trackliche (Post 18533453)

Can someone with the know-how please make me a meme with the part where he says, "Aww f**k; no jeans for you"?



Well, there's always Zubaz!

But, on the real, what about Keirin Cut Jeans?

queerpunk 02-13-16 04:35 PM

Originally Posted by carleton (Post 18534218)

Well, there's always Zubaz!

But, on the real, what about Keirin Cut Jeans?

You know my team is sponsored by Zubaz, right?

carleton 02-13-16 04:55 PM

Yes :D

...which is awesome.

weavie 02-13-16 07:55 PM

Originally Posted by Trackliche (Post 18533453)

Can someone with the know-how please make me a meme with the part where he says, "Aww f**k; no jeans for you"?


kinda NSFW, if this offends anyone I'll remove it.
vid: *****************otro

JimiMimni 02-13-16 11:57 PM

Keirin Cut Jeans are my favorites. Can highly recommend.

carleton 02-14-16 01:44 AM

Originally Posted by weavie (Post 18534633)
kinda NSFW, if this offends anyone I'll remove it.
vid: *****************otro

Not really NSFW. He just used a curse word. Thanks for being cautious, though.

Trackliche 02-14-16 07:10 AM

Originally Posted by weavie (Post 18534633)
kinda NSFW, if this offends anyone I'll remove it.
vid: *****************otro

You are my hero.

In my mind, weavie:internet :: RF's thighs:bike


weavie 02-14-16 07:47 PM

Originally Posted by Trackliche (Post 18535401)
You are my hero.

In my mind, weavie:internet :: RF's thighs:bike


If only my goofy internet skills could be traded for an ability to kick at the end of a race.

gtrob 02-14-16 09:26 PM

Perhaps a repost, but US officially sending 9 riders to world champs

plus Bobby is in appeals, hope he gets to finish his career on a high note. I don't recognize the guy riding the Omnium in his place.

carleton 02-14-16 09:32 PM

Originally Posted by gtrob (Post 18537126)
Perhaps a repost, but US officially sending 9 riders to world champs

plus Bobby is in appeals, hope he gets to finish his career on a high note. I don't recognize the guy riding the Omnium in his place.

That's good news. Best of luck to them all.

weavie 02-14-16 09:35 PM

Jake Duehring and Bobby Lea won the Madison at elite nats last year, Jake won the scratch race and finished 2nd to Bobby in the points race.

JimiMimni 02-19-16 07:40 PM

carleton 02-19-16 09:56 PM

Originally Posted by JimiMimni (Post 18550395)

For some reason, that's not showing on mobile. Here is the direct link.

carleton 02-23-16 02:06 AM

USA National Records (road and track):

gycho77 02-23-16 07:00 AM

Seat post pump
The AirSupply Bike Pump Is Hidden in a Seat Post | Digital Trends

happybday29475 02-23-16 08:59 AM

Women's Team Pursuit data

IBM's marketing department is making hay from IBM's support of USA Track Cycling. Introduction is here, but the really interesting page is the "session analytics" page, which is data from a training run:

Winder has 25% of her W' left at the end...get to work, lady! :)

queerpunk 02-23-16 09:43 AM

Originally Posted by rapwithtom (Post 18557621)
Women's Team Pursuit data

IBM's marketing department is making hay from IBM's support of USA Track Cycling. Introduction is here, but the really interesting page is the "session analytics" page, which is data from a training run:

Winder has 25% of her W' left at the end...get to work, lady! :)

the Power Data section is a little bit confusing, but it's interesting to see who's saving a lot more watts when they're not pulling.
i'd love to play with this app.

gtrob 02-23-16 12:38 PM

very cool indeed. That heart rate data doesn't look accurate, valente's is down to hear resting HR during a pull lol.

When you look at how close the top 10 men TP teams are going to be next month, you can start to imagine how valuable this data becomes and its so much more sophisticated then trial and error and guess work.

carleton 02-23-16 01:33 PM

Originally Posted by rapwithtom (Post 18557621)
Women's Team Pursuit data

IBM's marketing department is making hay from IBM's support of USA Track Cycling. Introduction is here, but the really interesting page is the "session analytics" page, which is data from a training run:

Winder has 25% of her W' left at the end...get to work, lady! :)

This is gibberish:

Team Pursuit Solution

The power data is automatically linked with the lap timing and environment data like humidity, barometric pressure, wind speed or direction. Taking advantage of other leading edge sensors (BSX Insights muscle oxygenation – SmO2) can now be considered during a rider’s training session. New analysis capabilities provide an edge to the training program with visibility into new pacing and transition strategy insights.
This says, "We made a website...and counted laps for the riders":

I have no idea what this is:

The solution empowers the athletes with real-time feedback of these critical metrics through the use of Solos™, high-performance smart eyewear, which integrate innovative heads-up display and audio technologies

tonski 02-23-16 02:19 PM

Originally Posted by carleton (Post 18558518)
I have no idea what this is:

How distracting would that be to see your power data on your glasses. How intimidating would it be if you had a HUD with a terminator eye on the outside while you lined up for a match sprint? That sounds, anyway, like they're receiving power data in their glasses.

carleton 02-23-16 02:53 PM

Originally Posted by tonski (Post 18558681)
How distracting would that be to see your power data on your glasses. How intimidating would it be if you had a HUD with a terminator eye on the outside while you lined up for a match sprint? That sounds, anyway, like they're receiving power data in their glasses.

Sounds to me like IBM sponsored the Olympic team and decided to "showcase" what they can do and advertise services in the process. But, the thing is...they probably aren't doing anything ground-breaking.

I appreciate the sponsorship. Why not just say, "Sponsored by IBM" and leave it at that.

I seriously doubt that IBM is going to release this software as a product for the rest of us or open-source it for people to build upon.

I can really see it as a distraction to the team as they prepare. "Hey, Andy. I know you have been doing things your way at a world-class, unbeatable level for years, but this guy from IBM made this you should have the ladies use it, k?"

happybday29475 02-23-16 03:17 PM

Originally Posted by carleton (Post 18558782)
Why not just say, "Sponsored by IBM" and leave it at that.

What would you have the IBM marketing department do after lunch?

tonski 02-23-16 03:42 PM

Originally Posted by rapwithtom (Post 18558846)
What would you have the IBM marketing department do after lunch?

IP their suits and then stand inspections for uniformity amongst their sales team.

IBM has cool enough stuff, they could go after Garmin if they were so inclined. Not with HUD glasses, though. Garmin's are kind of bloated from a technology/hardware perspective IMO.

carleton 02-23-16 03:43 PM

Originally Posted by rapwithtom (Post 18558846)
What would you have the IBM marketing department do after lunch?

They wouldn't have anything to do. Nevermind. Back to work, IBM.

But seriously. What happens on the track (power output, speed, fatigue), is already adequately measured by modern power meters and the related software.

"We setup IBM Neural Sensors (TM) in the riders brains and we determined that the effort was really, really hard."


If they really want to measure something, then maybe measure what the inputs into the system are and how they affect the output (performance on the track).

But, see, that's the hard part because the inputs are nebulous:

- Training load
- Rest
- Nutrition
- Mental state
- Mental Stress
- Non-training load (standing all day at work, chasing kids, marital relations*, etc...)

*Believe it or not, it is still currently debated as to whether sex before an event helps or hurts an athlete's performance:

"Science says that sex can actually help, not hurt, athletic performance. But wary coaches disagree"

"Many teams at the World Cup are abstaining from sex. Does science back up their abstinence?"

In the cycling world, there is a LOT of emphasis on measuring performance, but very little (outside of diet tracking) on measuring inputs and relating them to performance. Also, I've never seen any diet tracking software that corelates to actual athletic performance tracking. I.e. I ate _____ and I rode _____. That's where the ground-breaking advancements will occur.

You best believe that a F1 or NASCAR crew chief is well aware of every drop that goes INTO a car and how it relates to its performance.

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