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DrIsotope 05-19-19 01:55 PM

Rained for like 6 hours straight, then suddenly stopped. I headed out, got in an almost dry 40 miles, got home, and it started raining again. So a shout out to the cloud cover for taking a break long enough for me to get some miles in.

Troul 05-19-19 06:17 PM

58.8 miles. half in 12 mph headwinds with 38F temps, other half in 25mph gusts constant 15 mph headwinds, 43F temps, heavy rain.

Rider51 05-19-19 06:55 PM

26 miles, 3,100’ elevation gain on the MTB. Oooof!

(Tour de Lyme, btw)

dj Velotiik 05-19-19 07:44 PM

Around the block a few times. Testing after tuning up customers' bikes.

PGHNeil 05-20-19 07:36 AM

On Thursday I took my Trek Marlin 7 on a 25 mile round trip packed trail/road ride. The ride only took me 90 mins but I was tuckered from lack of sleep and hydration. I've got a ways to go regarding fitness but I'm finding that I'm living on the 40 tooth front cog and that top end of the cassette. It may be bad form, but I like getting up out of the saddle while climbing on smooth and hard surfaces. I can certainly see the appeal of a 1x configuration.

I didn't ride far yesterday. I opted to try the 2.5 mile "warm up" MTB loop in the local county park. It was humbling. There was so much mud. My tires got gummed up and I spent just as much time going sideways as I did trying to go downhill. Uphills were a lot of work because of poor traction, but part of that is because I'm no longer glued to my seat. OTOH I am learning to bail better - so hopefully no broken bones this year! I did throw the chain trying to traverse a fallen tree, again illustrating to me that a 1x makes more sense than the 3x.

I was caked and done in a half hour. After Thursday's unfulfilling ride I feel humbled and ashamed. I'll do better next time but my mind is beginning to think of upgrades on a bike with scarcely 1K miles on it. I don't regret my decision though. I like the stiffness of the frame and body positioning. Numbness and cramping is no longer an issue as it once was so with regards to that alone it's much better than my previous bike. I'm still too new at this to justify having more than one bike so for now I'm making do and just trying new things.

packitin 05-20-19 02:18 PM

Well, we're having a heat wave here in SW Va. it seems. Since I am now 80, I don't go too far anymore. But I had decided way back that I would ride until 85, if God is merciful and allows good health to continue.

But there is a ride I've planning to do - about 10 miles, mostly inclined downhill, but its beautiful country along the New River between Galax and Pulaski, Va.

I only have one bike rack, so my wife will follow me in her car to the end point at Hiwasee, Va. (at New River Camping Park). We park her car, both ride back to the beginning point (just off Hwy 81 near Pulaski) in my car with the bike, then I get out with bike in hand. She then drives back to the end point in my car, switches cars and drives back home. So when I finish, my car is there waiting.

I can't wait. Its the country I was raised in, but I don't get back often, since I live 2 hrs away. Here is pic. and you can see where the old railroad was converted to a bike trail on the left side.

bruce19 05-20-19 03:44 PM

17.25 mi. w/1100 ft. of elevation at 14.5 mph.

philbob57 05-20-19 04:44 PM

Cloudy and mid-50s (cold) here in Chicagoland, and I have a tooth ache (root canal surgery needed, I think), but I dragged myself out for 15 miles. This added one ride to my unbroken string of never regretting a ride. :)

General Geoff 05-20-19 05:07 PM

27 miles yesterday, another 20 today. Very pretty.

NoWhammies 05-23-19 09:15 AM

62k with 800m climbing. Nothing too crazy. Just an opportunity to get out and ride after work and make the most of the weather.

Slightspeed 05-24-19 08:42 AM

33 miles, 1200+ ft of climbing, out to Santa Paula from Ventura, up and back thru two canyons. I was on my '73 Super Course, and set 3 Strava personal best segments on the same route that I've ridden my modern carbon bikes many times. Steel is not dead, and so far neither is the rider (turning 70 on Sunday).😥
Wheeler Canyon turnaround.
Santa Paula Oddfellows.
The old Raleigh.

NoWhammies 05-24-19 12:44 PM

68k yesterday. Hill repeats was the name of the game. Legs are kinda shot today. Oh well.

Troul 05-26-19 02:32 PM

37.75 miles. Mostly dry by the time I made it back, after a mid-ride torrential downpour. & 20 MPH headwinds It could've been just sweat.

philbob57 05-26-19 05:14 PM

Turned sunny around 3:00-3:30 on Chicago's North Shore. 21+ miles North and back with NNE winds. 2nd time this year with a tail wind pushing me home.

Happy birthday, Slightspeed.

Rollfast 05-26-19 07:13 PM

Originally Posted by Troul (Post 20937738)
58.8 miles. half in 12 mph headwinds with 38F temps, other half in 25mph gusts constant 15 mph headwinds, 43F temps, heavy rain.

And the store was closed? Dang!

Troul 05-26-19 07:35 PM

Originally Posted by Rollfast (Post 20948679)
And the store was closed? Dang!

All out of cheese anyway. Just have to settle for wine.

NoWhammies 05-26-19 10:08 PM

70k. First club ride of the year for me today. Great ride and a nice ending at the coffee shop!

OldTryGuy 05-27-19 04:52 AM

Left the house at 11:30PM yesterday and got back home with a relaxing but very warm 55 miles completed. Heading to Walmart on my grocery grabber MAGNA 7speed to get a few items. Got to get out now to beat the 94°F later today.

bruce19 05-27-19 05:22 AM

My Garmin says 1906 ft of elevation but everything else is accurate. It was warm and there were headwinds but it was a great ride with my gf.

Troul 05-27-19 02:22 PM

Easy 30 miles achieved. Unfortunately another cyclist was clipped by a too close of a passing vehicle in a wide laned 30mph zone. It didnt look good. EMS rushed the poor fellow to the E.R.

Wileyrat 05-27-19 03:05 PM

I messed up my back last week working on the house, but I took the mtn bike out for a trail ride today.

I cut it short for the sake of my sore back, but it was enjoyable anyway. Probably a whoppin total of 5 miles.

NoWhammies 05-28-19 11:10 AM

78k after work. Kinda bummed I didn't reach 80.

NoWhammies 05-29-19 09:05 AM

62k with the wife after work. Nothing crazy. Just an early evening ride before dusk.

WaveyGravey 05-29-19 09:25 AM

34 miles on the trusty old Klein Reves V.

Slightspeed 05-29-19 10:19 AM

24 miles, up the coast from Ventura, CA. At the fire station re-group, rear tire went flat, right next to the bike repair station that are popping up in various places. Never had to use them before, nice pump, frame rack, tools attached to cables, 6" metal tire levers, even a water fountain. Easiest tire change ever. Found one of those tiny radial tire wires in the tread. It was a slow leak, I never noticed it till I stopped. Beautiful day to ride, despite the flat. Good timing too, for a flat.
Fire Station re-group.
Bike repair station - great idea!
South along 101 bike path.
Good day on the bike, despite the flat.

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