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SquishyBiker 12-27-21 10:25 PM

Goals for 2022
I was thinking what am I looking for in 2022, and of course another bike was top of my list, but with my weight I just pip over the max total weight of the bikes I want.
So my goal for 2022 I suppose is a combo, to drop from 112kg to under 105kg by July 2022 to purchase one of the following road bikes from my LBS, and then under 100kg by late November 2022 to ride a 3rd time on an annual 100 mile challenge ride in the link below

Bike options:
1. Avanti Gran Durance 2:
2. Scott Speedster 30:

Challenge ride:

So whats your 2022 goals?

Grudey1 12-29-21 11:11 AM

  1. Lose 60 lbs. of fat.
  2. Successfully participate in the Texas MS 150 (150 miles over a two-day organized ride).
  3. Ride at least 2080 miles.

indyfabz 12-29-21 12:36 PM

4-day unsupported tour in NJ and DE over Easter.
12-day, unsupported tour in VT starting early June.
One-week trip somewhere local-ish.after Labor Day.
A few long weekend trips in between all them.

jeneralist 12-29-21 03:39 PM

Learn the intricacies of e-bike touring. After 5 years on the sidelines, accept that these are the knees I have, and stop being ashamed of the bike I need to ride. Planning a ride along the Erie Canal in June.

GhostRider62 12-29-21 03:51 PM

Two accidents last year have me at 104Kg and grossly unfit and still in pain. But my goal is 84 Kg by May 1, a full Super Randonneur Series, and a 1200K by year end. I also want to walk the AT from the Smokies to PA. So, like 230 down to 185

rumrunn6 12-29-21 06:13 PM

  • 4? all day, long distance rides
  • 30+? easy Saturday rides
  • ride "the hill" up & down 3 times w/o stopping
  • camp or something with walls, next to a long trail & ride it a cpl times
  • get under 200 lbs, consistently

Zoxe 12-30-21 06:10 AM

  1. Lose 20-25 lbs. I have a rack of expensive work clothes and a lengthy work commitment starting in July that will cause me to re-buy several suits if I don't.
  2. Keep it off.
  3. Increase my FTP (or more correctly my w/kg) enough that I can participate more easily in more zwift group rides

Edit: All 3 will require some regimented time on the bike; probably a specific training plan (I do better when I commit to a plan) and tuning up the diet. I don't have specific distance or event goals, but will jump on whatever pops up.

pdlamb 12-30-21 10:29 AM

Originally Posted by Grudey1 (Post 22354873)
Ride at least 2080 miles.

If you don't mind, how'd you come up with 2080 miles? It seems strangely specific for something that's not a nice, round number.

philbob57 12-30-21 01:09 PM

1500 miles, one 79 KM ride at the end of July, lose 15 pounds. Above all, though: enjoy the rides.

cyclist2000 01-02-22 03:23 PM

Ride at least 6000 miles

Things that don't have anything to do with cycling
Visit my daughter in NYC
Walk again.

Grudey1 01-04-22 09:23 AM

Lol. Avg. of 40 miles per week.

NomarsGirl 01-07-22 01:41 PM

I want to put a lot more miles on my bike than I have been able to the last couple of years. Feeling stronger now. I just need spring to get here. I have a foot of new snow outside my door.

Fredo76 01-08-22 09:23 PM

Travel to Tucson and ride around the Saguaro National Park loop drive once again, on my newly restored racing bike from long ago.
Saguaro National Park head tube badge

JehD 01-30-22 10:17 AM

I started a good shot at losing weight AGAIN right before thanksgiving. Weighing in at about 235 my goal was to hit 225 for a DR appt at the end of the year. Got motivated by s former coworker thats my age and having heart issue and he was told he needed to lose 25 lbs or the Dr wasn't going to do his surgery ( 250 down to 225).

This motivated me quite a bit. WHile my appointment got cancelled AND I missed my mark by 3 lbs it was rescheduled to end of Feb and I changed my goal to 215 by then.

Right at the end of the year I got sick (go covid) and spent time not eating and then eating hospital food when I left the Hospital I was at 211.5. Even after a few days of regular eating and still now exercise Im still under 215 at about 213. Not sure when I can get back to riding but Im going to do some work on my bike (new shifters YEAH) and start working up to shorter hikes and rides.

My ultimate goal ATM is to stay below 215 for my appointment at the end of Feb hopefully building up a little but I want to be below 200 by the Summer so End of June.

chaadster 01-30-22 10:57 AM

I want to get my in-ride 5 minute power to 395w this year.

257 roberts 01-31-22 03:55 AM

1. Ride at least 2500 miles this year.
2. Ride a century (100 miles) I have done a metric century.
3. Ride the Coast to Coast trail in Florida ( unsupported) about 250 miles/4or5 days.

rumrunn6 01-31-22 12:44 PM

more night rides

justcynn 01-31-22 02:53 PM

1. 2500 miles on my various bicycles including at least (1) 100 KM Ride
2. stick to my Weight Watchers plan
  • don't use cycling to offset an inconsistent effort with diet, did this in 2021 and quickly put the weight back on when I stopped being as active and as intentional on what I ate
3. Gradually lose the excess weight. 45 lbs from start to goal weight of 220 lbs
4. not beat myself up when I fall down, but get back up quickly
5. get off blood pressure meds

TheSilverFox 01-31-22 04:59 PM

Late to the party and first time poster

1. Go for a snow ride
2. Get under 200lbs. Currently at 217lbs
3. Ride 2,500 miles = 50 miles per week with 2 weeks off. Ahead of schedule currently 240 miles YTD

Just found bike forum. Looking forward to reading much more.

jeneralist 01-31-22 06:05 PM

Welcome to the Forum! Hope to see you here more as the weather gets warmer -- but with "snow ride" in your goals, you might have a lot to say in the first few weeks.

TheSilverFox 01-31-22 06:25 PM

Originally Posted by jeneralist (Post 22394378)
Welcome to the Forum! Hope to see you here more as the weather gets warmer -- but with "snow ride" in your goals, you might have a lot to say in the first few weeks.

Lots of free time on the trainer so far this year. Snow ride will be nothing more than a few miles max, I’m a weather wimp.

Used to ride a lot when I was younger, worked in a bike shop for 5 summers in high school. Built a nice for the Schwinn Circuit that I’ve kept since it was my own build. Collected dust in the garage while other hobbies came along, golf and cars. Covid got me to dust it off, tune it up and like lots of other people rekindled my enjoyment of cycling. So I’m one of the people that have lent to the bike and parts shortage. Just bought a Trek Domane SL5 in November. Much to my surprise and disappointment the Trek and the Schwinn are almost identical in weight, roughly 20.5 lbs. But rides are night and day, new carbon frame a way stiffer and easier to get power down.

downtube42 01-31-22 07:05 PM

Stop floating in and out of Clyde eligibility. As in, be DQd from the group lol. 189 is the target, down from a current 204.

Age is a one-way street so I cannot regress out of 60+. So the goal there would be you remain alive.

Hit August in peak condition so i can smash London Edinburgh London. By smash, I mean finish within the time limit with no more suffering than necessary.

To get there, put in consistent quality saddle time from now until the event. Trainer or real world miles, 5 days a week.

Ride a 1000km brevet in September, to complete a RUSA R10000.

Work on CX skills to improve from back marker to at least in the pack, in the 60+ category. Fitness will help too, but skills are a bigger obstacle for this newb. The Clyde category is more competitive, with some young powerhouses.

bigwies 02-05-22 07:37 AM

Ride the GAP trail for my first bike tour over 3 or 4 days. (150 miles)
Ride the Cape Cod Rail Trail end to end. (28 miles one way)
Plan and do a day ride on Nantucket (at least 40 miles)
Get under the 300 mark for the first time in at least 25 years.

scubadad 02-10-22 08:05 AM

Originally Posted by bigwies (Post 22399503)
Ride the GAP trail for my first bike tour over 3 or 4 days. (150 miles)
Ride the Cape Cod Rail Trail end to end. (28 miles one way)
Plan and do a day ride on Nantucket (at least 40 miles)
Get under the 300 mark for the first time in at least 25 years.

Awesome! I'm planning a ride on the C&O Canal trail this spring, and might do some (or all) of the GAP later in the year.
Good luck with it all!

MikeRides 02-15-22 10:18 AM

Tired of being depressed all the time. I want to squeeze back into my size 30W jeans, and be able to ride 50 miles without feeling like I'm going to collapse. Following a cross-country move and some money stress last year, I creeped back up over 200-lbs from an all-time low of 145..

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