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phrantic09 11-05-21 08:12 AM

Originally Posted by BillyD (Post 22296792)
Love Bill Burr.

I’m going to see him at SPAC next summer.

LAJ 11-05-21 08:12 AM

Originally Posted by BillyD (Post 22296764)
I can’t go there. If labeling is to be believed, I had a 1220 calorie slice of Juniors red velvet cheesecake last night. I’ve got to be a good boy for a couple few days.

It must have been the Red Velvet part. Just a bit too much for the dietary benefits of plain cheesecake to overcome.

phrantic09 11-05-21 08:15 AM

Originally Posted by Eric F (Post 22296173)
I was rolling along with the small group of buddies, enjoying an easy tempo and a good chat. Approaching us on our side of the road was a female runner. She had the gait of an experienced runner, and her face told the story of discomfort. Moments later, a female cyclist pedaled by on the opposite side of the road, wearing a big smile. Anecdotal, to be sure, but it still exemplifies Mrs. F's observation.

Running is more physically demanding than cycling IMO. When I run, I’m sure I look deeply pained and suffering but for sure am having an amazing time.

WhyFi 11-05-21 08:15 AM

Originally Posted by BillyD (Post 22296764)
I can’t go there. If labeling is to be believed, I had a 1220 calorie slice of Juniors red velvet cheesecake last night. I’ve got to be a good boy for a couple few days.

Sometimes, it's worth paying the price of being good for a few days.

Mojo31 11-05-21 08:17 AM

Originally Posted by BillyD (Post 22296804)
Are you saying all those porn flicks depicting hot frisky nurses are a lie?

I've run into one smoking hot nurse in my life. Unfortunately, she was assisting the doctor when I got a colonoscopy. Not my finest moment.

I went to a cardiologist a while back who had a receptionist that weighed about 300 pounds. That just made me scratch my head.

WhyFi 11-05-21 08:17 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22296746)
We got a huge dump of donuts for our office. Sadly, almost all of my staff should say no to carbs.

Are you going to have the BMI talk with them?

Velo Vol 11-05-21 08:27 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22296799)
Yes I have told them, and yes they know.

The spirit is indeed willing, but the flesh is weak.

They need a strong leader.

Next time you see someone coming in the office with junk food, shout out, "No, not on my watch!"

Make a big spectacle of it.

datlas 11-05-21 08:45 AM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22296831)
They need a strong leader.

Next time you see someone coming in the office with junk food, shout out, "No, not on my watch!"

Make a big spectacle of it.

I have a hard enough time getting/keeping good staff. They are grownups and know right from wrong. I am going to bite my tongue and have another donut.

Mojo31 11-05-21 08:51 AM

When I had a larger practice, the office was the place where all unwanted leftover desserts went to be devoured.

MoAlpha 11-05-21 08:51 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22296852)
I have a hard enough time getting/keeping good staff. They are grownups and know right from wrong. I am going to bite my tongue and have another donut.

Bothering fat people about their weight seldom helps. They know it and it's usually a source of shame.

datlas 11-05-21 08:53 AM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22296861)
Bothering fat people about their weight seldom helps. They know it and it's usually a source of shame.


seedsbelize2 11-05-21 08:56 AM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22296657)
I know. What guy doesn't wish he had a stripper girlfriend, right?

I had one very briefly. She became a stripper later.

Velo Vol 11-05-21 09:02 AM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize2 (Post 22296867)
I had one very briefly. She became a stripper later.

You drove her to stripperhood?

seedsbelize2 11-05-21 09:04 AM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22296876)
You drove her to stripperhood?

She was a goddess in her physical form.

genejockey 11-05-21 09:09 AM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22296768)
Seems like medical field people are some of the worst for looking after their personal health and well being.

Indeed. My Grandfather the doctor drank like a fish and smoked like a chimney.

genejockey 11-05-21 09:10 AM

Originally Posted by BillyD (Post 22296764)
I can’t go there. If labeling is to be believed, I had a 1220 calorie slice of Juniors red velvet cheesecake last night. I’ve got to be a good boy for a couple few days.

Aren't you the guy who was wondering how to increase your caloric intake?

genejockey 11-05-21 09:16 AM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22296861)
Bothering fat people about their weight seldom helps. They know it and it's usually a source of shame.

Losing weight takes dedication and a certain level of obsession, and it's ASTONISHINGLY easier to regain any weight you lost than it was to lose it in the first place. Plus which, losing weight means you will feel hungry, really hungry at times and you'll have to work through it. I lost almost as much weight as I did last year back in 2013, but I gained it all back by mid 2015.

rjones28 11-05-21 09:17 AM

Originally Posted by Mojo31 (Post 22296860)
When I had a larger practice, the office was the place where all unwanted leftover desserts went to be devoured.

At one of my first office jobs, there was a table at the back of our department that was always full of homemade sweets.

big john 11-05-21 09:19 AM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22296891)
Indeed. My Grandfather the doctor drank like a fish and smoked like a chimney.

There's something about a cobbler and his shoes?
My last car I neglected for years, waiting for it to quit. It kept going,maybe just to spite me.

I suppose it's a little different when it's your body, though?

datlas 11-05-21 09:20 AM

Hey SoCal/LA people! Mrs datlas and I are plotting another trip to LA area to visit daughter and get in some cycling. Tentative dates are late February. Instead of staying in LA proper, we are thinking of staying in/near Pasadena for easy access to natural wonders towards the East and also for hillclimbs up Mt Baldy etc., any tips/suggestions? I am guessing it will be pretty chilly at the tops of the mountains, but still passable by bike??

big john 11-05-21 09:26 AM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22296903)
Losing weight takes dedication and a certain level of obsession, and it's ASTONISHINGLY easier to regain any weight you lost than it was to lose it in the first place. Plus which, losing weight means you will feel hungry, really hungry at times and you'll have to work through it. I lost almost as much weight as I did last year back in 2013, but I gained it all back by mid 2015.

My friend was 300 lbs @ 5'8". He trained and dieted and got to 180 and crushed double centuries and climbing rides and was quite fast. Emotional issues had him back to 240, then down to 190 where he was doing 15k miles per year. The past few months he has crept up to 210, or so. It goes back on so easy.

Eric F 11-05-21 09:54 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22296909)
Hey SoCal/LA people! Mrs datlas and I are plotting another trip to LA area to visit daughter and get in some cycling. Tentative dates are late February. Instead of staying in LA proper, we are thinking of staying in/near Pasadena for easy access to natural wonders towards the East and also for hillclimbs up Mt Baldy etc., any tips/suggestions? I am guessing it will be pretty chilly at the tops of the mountains, but still passable by bike??

In February, it could be beautiful, sunny, and mild temps. It could also be dumping rain and snowing at higher elevations. Baldy would definitely be a "higher elevation". As a guy who has lived in Pasadena and adjacent cities his whole life, I know a little about the area. Feel free to reach out for local knowledge.

genejockey 11-05-21 10:02 AM

Originally Posted by rjones28 (Post 22296904)
At one of my first office jobs, there was a table at the back of our department that was always full of homemade sweets.

This season is usually the worst! Last year, of course, with the staff only in half the time (lab work at work, analysis and recordkeeping at home), nobody bothered with bringing in cookies, and the usual treats from vendors didn't appear either. I'm curious what this year will bring.

WhyFi 11-05-21 10:04 AM

Originally Posted by MoAlpha (Post 22296861)
Bothering fat people about their weight seldom helps. They know it and it's usually a source of shame.

La la la! I can't hear you over the sound of eating this donut. :innocent:

indyfabz 11-05-21 10:05 AM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22296746)
We got a huge dump of donuts for our office.

The way you worded that makes it sound unappetizing,

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