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genejockey 08-18-21 12:10 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22189777)
I am fine. Went on a very wet ride this morning and briefly met a friend of big john. Because conditions were quite wet (unusual here, I am told) I did not have time to socialize. Went to the top of Mandeville and then back home. Heading to USC soon to meet up with daughter #2.

Actual rain? Or just really heavy mist?

datlas 08-18-21 12:24 PM

Originally Posted by genejockey (Post 22189785)
Actual rain? Or just really heavy mist?

Was enough to get me thoroughly soaked.

big john 08-18-21 12:27 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22189777)
I am fine. Went on a very wet ride this morning and briefly met a friend of big john. Because conditions were quite wet (unusual here, I am told) I did not have time to socialize. Went to the top of Mandeville and then back home. Heading to USC soon to meet up with daughter #2.

It's not unusual, it's unheard of.

Bah Humbug 08-18-21 12:31 PM

My manager just told me not to report vax status to our employer, as that triggers them to ask us to come back.

My suspicious nature had me doing that anywy.

LAJ 08-18-21 12:41 PM

Shriners: Freemason's that like to rock.

datlas 08-18-21 12:51 PM

Originally Posted by big john (Post 22189813)
It's not unusual, it's unheard of.

Your friend seemed pleasant but I did not get a chance to talk to her.

ps she beat me up the hill. I was off the back at the start and only caught/passed two of the riders on the climb. Fun but messy/gritty ride.

seedsbelize 08-18-21 01:12 PM

I'm finally ready to head up to the roof to batten things down, and I hear thunder in the distance. A stitch in time saves nine. Or some such. On the btight side, the wind prognosis for tomorrow, seems to be more-or-less non-threatening. We're far enough west for it to burn out before arriving here.

rjones28 08-18-21 01:56 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22189342)
Slow day. Everyone must be attending.

Nope. Checking out the famous historical sites in Ticonderoga, NY

Velo Vol 08-18-21 02:04 PM

Originally Posted by rjones28 (Post 22189960)
Nope. Checking out the famous historical sites in Ticonderoga, NY

How many years has that been there?

rjones28 08-18-21 02:28 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22189973)
How many years has that been there?

I think about 5 years.

Velo Vol 08-18-21 02:29 PM

Originally Posted by rjones28 (Post 22189960)
Nope. Checking out the famous historical sites in Ticonderoga, NY


big john 08-18-21 02:40 PM

Originally Posted by datlas (Post 22189862)
Your friend seemed pleasant but I did not get a chance to talk to her.

ps she beat me up the hill. I was off the back at the start and only caught/passed two of the riders on the climb. Fun but messy/gritty ride.

She's a great climber, (I'm pretty sure who you met). In 2019 she was in a race put on by Rhassan Bahati, 9000 feet of climbing in 75 miles. A mixed field with local pros, cat 2s, 3s, etc. She finished 3rd woman and 26th of 105 overall and won $100 for her effort. She claims to be out of shape now. pffft.

LesterOfPuppets 08-18-21 02:45 PM

Originally Posted by rjones28 (Post 22189960)
Nope. Checking out the famous historical sites in Ticonderoga, NY

Is there a pencil factory there?

LesterOfPuppets 08-18-21 02:46 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22190021)

Indy will be sailing those tranquil waters pretty soon...

seedsbelize 08-18-21 03:01 PM

Latest update says we won't even get much rain, let alone wind. I will prolly go ahead and tie down the rooftop gas tank anyway. A ten minute job.

seedsbelize 08-18-21 03:03 PM

Sometimes extreme humidity can be a good thing. Gets the sweat rolling before you have a chance to be askeered of it. Third shower of the day completed. There will be at least one more.

Velo Vol 08-18-21 03:03 PM

Originally Posted by seedsbelize (Post 22190087)
Latest update says we won't even get much rain, let alone wind.

Missed KOM opportunity.

LesterOfPuppets 08-18-21 03:28 PM

Nobody cares about the Diamondbacks or the Mariners anymore this season, so $9 tickets!!!

DougRNS 08-18-21 03:47 PM

Originally Posted by big john (Post 22189813)
It's not unusual, it's unheard of.

you better ask [MENTION=25227]Velo Vol[/MENTION] since he is the last word on things allowed to be called unusual.

LesterOfPuppets 08-18-21 03:51 PM

LesterOfPuppets 08-18-21 03:54 PM

Torrential downpour right here right now. I'm talkin' like southeast Asia style downpour.

That is slightly unusual.

big john 08-18-21 03:56 PM

Originally Posted by DougRNS (Post 22190154)
you better ask [MENTION=25227]Velo Vol[/MENTION] since he is the last word on things allowed to be called unusual.


Eric F 08-18-21 04:18 PM

Originally Posted by indyfabz (Post 22189774)
Rapha Core jersey scheduled to arrive tomorrow.

Nice! :)

I received a shipment from The Black Bibs today. I'm trying out their $40 bibs that have gotten a lot of great reviews. They look really good, on first inspection - nice fabric and a cushy chamois.

Velo Vol 08-18-21 07:22 PM

Originally Posted by DougRNS (Post 22190154)
you better ask [MENTION=25227]Velo Vol[/MENTION] since he is the last word on things allowed to be called unusual.

My expertise is primarily on the East Coast, but I'm willing to give it a shot.

Submit your queries in the proper format.

rjones28 08-18-21 07:44 PM

Originally Posted by Velo Vol (Post 22190021)


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